girl missing


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
will it be another parent killer story?ORANGE PARK, Fla. — A daylong search for a missing 7-year-old North Florida girl who vanished on her way home from school Monday has produced more than 150 leads, but the child remained missing Tuesday afternoon and officials said they suspect foul play.

More than 100 Clay County deputies, law enforcement officers from neighboring counties, the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement scoured a residential Orange Park neighborhood looking for Somer Thompson.

Sgt. Dan Mahla, a Clay County detective, said horses, dogs, divers and helicopters have been used in the search, which began Monday afternoon when the child failed to return home from school.

Officials have no idea what happened to her.

"She is an endangered missing child. We do suspect foul play," Mahla said. "We believe it is foul play because she did not come home," he said.

The second-grader is white, 3-foot-5 and 65 pounds. She had brown hair tied in a pony tail with a red bow and was carrying a purple Hannah Montana backpack and lunch box.

Somer was last seen about 2:45 p.m. Monday heading home from Grove Park Elementary School. She was walking with her sister and some friends, but ran ahead of them after they had a spat, detectives said.

The Amber Alert was issued at 9 a.m. Tuesday by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The alert was not immediately issued for Somer because her disappearance wasn't witnessed and there was no description of a vehicle.

Law officers are working 12-hour shifts so they can search for the girl around the clock.
unfortunately these are the hardest cases to solve..random ...if the person who took her had no connection to her...the case will rarely be solved.

may the fates and muses be kind.
Sad news...

Body found in Georgia may be 7-year-old Somer Thompson

Authorities searching for 7-year-old Somer Thompson, say they may have found her body in a Georgia landfill.

Clay County, Fla. Sheriff Rick Beeler said the body had not yet been identified, but Somer’s parents have been notified.

The Florida girl disappeared on Monday afternoon at about 2:45 p.m. while heading home from school with her sisters and some friends. Police thought she may have gone home with a friend, but upon further investigation discovered that was not the case.

Body found in Georgia may be 7-year-old Somer Thompson
Very sad indeed. I hope the hell they catch the bastard that did it.

I'd rather hear that she went home with a friend and spent the night but unfortunately since it has been two days now, that is sounding less likely.

Sad news...

Body found in Georgia may be 7-year-old Somer Thompson

Authorities searching for 7-year-old Somer Thompson, say they may have found her body in a Georgia landfill.

Clay County, Fla. Sheriff Rick Beeler said the body had not yet been identified, but Somer’s parents have been notified.

The Florida girl disappeared on Monday afternoon at about 2:45 p.m. while heading home from school with her sisters and some friends. Police thought she may have gone home with a friend, but upon further investigation discovered that was not the case.

Body found in Georgia may be 7-year-old Somer Thompson

And her sister... that child is going to need help to get through this all. My God...
Very sad indeed. I hope the hell they catch the bastard that did it.

The problem is that even if they catch the slimy pile of shit, a long line of slimier low life lawyers will volunteer to defend the human waste. I don't hate lawyers, I'm sure there are decent ones, my nephew is........... but the garbage that defends other garbage knowing they are guilty makes no sense to me and are just as guilty of the future crimes the defendant commits and should be held responsible.

It's time this garbage is exterminated! Put them in the prison's general population with a life sentence and let the same population know just what that garbage is there for......... he'll be dead in a very violent way before lunch. The fact that known pedophiles can even be walking around with the rest of us is appalling!
Law enforcement officials have interviewed at least 75 registered sex offenders who live within a 5-mile radius of the second grader's home on Orange Park, Fla., but state officials say there are some 161 convicted offenders in that area.


"Different states have different policies about what level of sex offenders are required to register. You can have over 1,000 offenders in an urban area without much difficulty. It sounds scary to people, but many states have registration regimes that include people who are not all that dangerous," he said.


Of the 161 offenders in the area, 16 are classified as predators, which generally means the offender was convicted of a first-degree felony sex offense – many of which involve the molestation of children.

More Than 150 Sex Offenders Live Steps from Home of Missing Fla. Girl Somer Thompson - ABC News

I've checked the registry for my city / area. When you see the numbers, it's scary as hell. But if you look further and check on what they've done to be tagged as a 'sex offender', it's fucking ridiculous. At first glance, you see might see a 40 year old with the notation they were convicted of a crime against a teenager. Sounds pretty horrible until you note the date of their conviction and do a bit of math... The vast majority were convicted at a young age (say 18-19 years old) of having 'carnal knowledge' of someone 15-16 years old. Hell, that could be a hs senior messing around with a freshman or sophomore.

Or they were convicted of indecent exposure for being drunk and peeing in public. People like that need to be removed from these registries. It only muddies the waters when something like this happens and they are trying to pin down who may be responsible.
Which is why my children don't walk to school, and won't for many years yet. Even though the school is within sight of my house.
Am I the only one who noticed, NO tears at all from the mother in her impassioned, many times wiping her eyes, cryfest on TV?

It's either almost a great act or, they need to have her tear ducts looked at.
Very sad indeed. I hope the hell they catch the bastard that did it.

The problem is that even if they catch the slimy pile of shit, a long line of slimier low life lawyers will volunteer to defend the human waste. I don't hate lawyers, I'm sure there are decent ones, my nephew is........... but the garbage that defends other garbage knowing they are guilty makes no sense to me and are just as guilty of the future crimes the defendant commits and should be held responsible.

It's time this garbage is exterminated! Put them in the prison's general population with a life sentence and let the same population know just what that garbage is there for......... he'll be dead in a very violent way before lunch. The fact that known pedophiles can even be walking around with the rest of us is appalling!

There is a reason that we allow for fair trials and that every defendent has their day in court. It is so that we do our best not to judge someone of being guilty without real proof. It is so we don't incarcerate innocent people. And even with that, we fail at times. If we don't allow for a fair defense even to the guilty, then who do we allow defense counsel to? If someone is charged, they are innocent until proven guilty. You want to assume their guilt and have them prove their innocence without counsel?

The truth is that many defense attorneys don't even know for certain if their clients are guilty or not. If so, they still have an obligation to defend them. Without defense attorneys, we would have kangaroo courts just like third world countries. Is this what you want? I certainly don't.

If I am ever charged with a serious crime, I want to know that I have the right to have an attorney defend me. I think you would want the same.
Very sad indeed. I hope the hell they catch the bastard that did it.

The problem is that even if they catch the slimy pile of shit, a long line of slimier low life lawyers will volunteer to defend the human waste. I don't hate lawyers, I'm sure there are decent ones, my nephew is........... but the garbage that defends other garbage knowing they are guilty makes no sense to me and are just as guilty of the future crimes the defendant commits and should be held responsible.

It's time this garbage is exterminated! Put them in the prison's general population with a life sentence and let the same population know just what that garbage is there for......... he'll be dead in a very violent way before lunch. The fact that known pedophiles can even be walking around with the rest of us is appalling!

There is a reason that we allow for fair trials and that every defendent has their day in court. It is so that we do our best not to judge someone of being guilty without real proof. It is so we don't incarcerate innocent people. And even with that, we fail at times. If we don't allow for a fair defense even to the guilty, then who do we allow defense counsel to? If someone is charged, they are innocent until proven guilty. You want to assume their guilt and have them prove their innocence without counsel?

The truth is that many defense attorneys don't even know for certain if their clients are guilty or not. If so, they still have an obligation to defend them. Without defense attorneys, we would have kangaroo courts just like third world countries. Is this what you want? I certainly don't.

If I am ever charged with a serious crime, I want to know that I have the right to have an attorney defend me. I think you would want the same.

Yea, that sounds really good and almost covers the skum that are jumping at the chance to help the garbage at gitmo. How about Manson's attorneys? Please save the lesson on how wonderful attorneys are for somebody naive enough to believe it. I have a brother going through a divorce at the moment......... divorce attorneys have a very special place in hell for their low life asses.
Hear, hear, every day I hear stranger danger is overstated but then something like this happens.

reminds me of why I'm a helicopter mom. I won't even move my car in the a.m. til my son goes inside the schoolyard gates.

I don't buy into the helicopter parenting, but I do understand the concern and you have every right to raise your kids in a manner that makes you feel secure.

While kids are abducted, this is nothing new; it's been going on forever, and it was going on when I was a kid. But the statistics say that the chance of it happening to your kid is very slim. So the way I look at it is that I'd rather see my kids have a normal childhood where they can go out and play with their friends without me hanging over them every second. As it is, I couldn't do that if I wanted to being a single parent. I do want to know where they are and whom it is they are playing with, or what they are doing, but I also want them to learn to be independent and to make good decisions on their own. I guess it's a bit of a balancing act.

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