Germany: NRW in dereliction


Nov 14, 2012
The German US-founded "superstate" Northrine Westfalia (in West-Germany) is morbid. Everywhere two-bit tenements and abandoned factories. The corrupt streets are populated by scum.

NRW-Zerfall | 17:30 Sat.1 NRW
It's about a very very large abondoned building and the owners don't have the money to demolish it.
City and owners quarrel about who should pay for the costs because that building is roting and rats have housed in.

As for "abandoned factories":
That particular federal-state got its wealth from mining (coal, ore etc) and Germany isn't anymore into that kind of business.
Instead of coal-electricity they built renewables, and if coal is needed you can import it very cheap from 3rd world.

"Structural transformation" of economy and some regions cope with consequences.
It's about a very very large abondoned building and the owners don't have the money to demolish it.
City and owners quarrel about who should pay for the costs because that building is roting and rats have housed in.
It is an example. You understand this? Title is: NRW-dereliction.

As for "abandoned factories":
That particular federal-state got its wealth from mining (coal, ore etc) and Germany isn't anymore into that kind of business.
Instead of coal-electricity they built renewables, and if coal is needed you can import it very cheap from 3rd world.

"Structural transformation" of economy and some regions cope with consequences.
Relativization. This is about any kind of factories. Fact is: The industry in NRW lost 42 % of its workplaces and 19 % of tis companies since 1991.
It's about a very very large abondoned building and the owners don't have the money to demolish it.
City and owners quarrel about who should pay for the costs because that building is roting and rats have housed in.
It is an example. You understand this? Title is: NRW-dereliction.

As for "abandoned factories":
That particular federal-state got its wealth from mining (coal, ore etc) and Germany isn't anymore into that kind of business.
Instead of coal-electricity they built renewables, and if coal is needed you can import it very cheap from 3rd world.

"Structural transformation" of economy and some regions cope with consequences.
Relativization. This is about any kind of factories. Fact is: The industry in NRW lost 42 % of its workplaces and 19 % of tis companies since 1991.

NRW is the federal-state with 5th highest gdp-per-capita from 16 federal-states and its economy isn't doing bad.
Unemployment is 7.9 % (good for American standards, although in other parts of Germany it is less).
It's actually a very potent State considering the FAILS in different parts of the world.
NRW is the federal-state with 5th highest gdp-per-capita from 16 federal-states and its economy isn't doing bad.
Unemployment is 7.9 % (good for American standards, although in other parts of Germany it is less).
It's actually a very potent State considering the FAILS in different parts of the world.
This means nothing. The unemployment rate is falsified. For example: Unemployed over 55 do not count. Unemployed with sanctions do not count. Etc
Here is how they fake:

NRW is a dirthole and it is going to be worse...
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You mean like so many former cities in the rust belt of the USA?
No. Our cities are not abandoned but the economy is dying and the cities are bankrupt.

Politicians in NRW complain:

"We: Mayors, treasurers, cultural and other councilors and local politicians as well as the cultural sector in NRW do not take part in current policies of the savings any longer. The federal and provincial governments in recent years have ensured that more and more costs are transferred to the municipalities, thus giving them less and less tax revenue available. For the resulting budget deficit we will be held accountable. Even if some communities have sometimes spent money unnecessarily and also is not entirely innocent for their own current plight, the basic problem lies somewhere else. Government and federal states delegate more and more tasks to the municipalities without providing the requisite funds. The federal government then is adorned with alleged laurels, but leaves the communities out in the dark. Plus: the declining local revenues are not only due to the current economic crisis, but also from the unjust tax legislation of the Government. Under the rising unemployment and the associated increase in social security contributions, every municipal budget inevitably collapse."

Read more (German):
Bündnis für Remscheid » Wir machen den Scheiß nicht mehr mit !*«
That's not a letter coming from "Mayors, treasurers" as the letter claims.
It is a letter prepared by an organization. It is an open appeal in hope that "Mayors, treasurers" will sign it.
The letter itself is 2 years old and doesn't give a hint if the initiatiors actually achieved their goal.

Look, when you read a little bit on these forums you'll soon realize that the American problems are actually even bigger.
If you don't like city of "Remscheid" you need to move on. :)
As if there are no cities in Germany that prosper...
"We: Mayors, treasurers, cultural and other councilors and local politicians as well as the cultural sector in NRW do not take part in current policies of the savings any longer. The federal and provincial governments in recent years have ensured that more and more costs are transferred to the municipalities, thus giving them less and less tax revenue available. For the resulting budget deficit we will be held accountable. Even if some communities have sometimes spent money unnecessarily and also is not entirely innocent for their own current plight, the basic problem lies somewhere else. Government and federal states delegate more and more tasks to the municipalities without providing the requisite funds. The federal government then is adorned with alleged laurels, but leaves the communities out in the dark. Plus: the declining local revenues are not only due to the current economic crisis, but also from the unjust tax legislation of the Government. Under the rising unemployment and the associated increase in social security contributions, every municipal budget inevitably collapse."

That's exactly what is happening in America, too.

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