George W. Bush Library at SMU


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
There's a Construction webcam page here if this one falls short:


The George W. Bush Library is in the works and will be 23 acres at the SMU Campus, and its stated mission is as follows:

The Mission

The George W. Bush Presidential Center inspires ideas, innovation and action for a freer and better world.

Work at the Bush Center is based on the principles that guided President and Mrs. Bush throughout their lives:

  • Freedom is universal.
  • Each human life is precious.
  • To whom much is given, much is required.
  • The marketplace is the best way to allocate resources.
The Bush Center is being constructed on a prominent 24-acre site on the campus of Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas. Located in the heartland of America, this urban location will enable a vibrant partnership with a distinguished national university.
There are also some notes on what will be included in the library at the link


Rising to 67 feet at the top of Freedom Hall, the George W. Bush Presidential Center is a modern brick and limestone structure that complements the American Georgian character of the SMU campus, set within an environmentally-sustainable native Texas landscape.

In this setting, the Bush Center will become an integral part of the educational experience and campus life of 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students and the University faculty.
The Design

Designed by renowned architect Robert A.M. Stern and landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh, the George W. Bush Presidential Center will house the 43rd president's library and museum as well as the Bush Institute.

The center’s location is along the eastern edge of Southern Methodist University, the alma mater of former first lady Laura Bush. It is in the heart of Dallas and easily accessible to visitors. Utilizing green building materials and energy-efficient technologies, the Bush Center has been designed to attain Platinum certification, the highest possible distinction under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system.

What will be included is here:

The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum currently holds over 29,000 cubic feet of textual records (over 70 million pages) and 1200 cubic feet of audiovisual records. In addition to the textual and audiovisual materials, the Library has approximately 80 terabytes of electronic records - the largest electronic records collection in the Presidential Library system - including over 200 million email messages and nearly 4 million photographs.
The Museum will feature a permanent exhibit that uses artifacts, documents, photographs, and videos from the Library's extensive collection to capture the key decisions and events of the Presidency of George W. Bush. The permanent exhibit is framed on four themes: freedom, responsibility, opportunity and compassion. Interactive features, include a Decision Points Theater that will allow visitors to learn even more about the decision-making process and policies. The Museum will include features, such as a full-sized Oval Office and a Texas Rose Garden.
This library is a much-needed addition to the body of politics in the USA. President Bush served 8 years as our President, from January, 2001- January, 2009.
Yes, SMU is the University that First Lady Laura Bush attended, graduated and went on to fight illiteracy in her state and nation. George W. and Laura Bush are both Methodists, I think, which may have had a large influence on them for picking SMU.

Fighting illiteracy and winning is a + not a -. ;)
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Yes, SMU is the University that First Lady Laura Bush attended, graduated and went on to fight illiteracy in her state and nation. George W. and Laura Bush are both Methodists, I think, which may have had a large influence on them for picking SMU.

Fighting illiteracy and winning is a + not a -. ;)

I didn't say it was an anything, I just asked for a translation of SMU.
I think if you are the kind of person who is still angry about Bush, you can make jokes about coloring books.

Obviously, any presidential library is going to present their guy in the best light. Clinton's glosses over all thing Monica and Nixon's glosses over Watergate.
Actually, it was placed here in a flame-free zone, because everywhere else, certain factions would like to (1) Just shoot the former President, (2) Drag out the failed DNC Party Platform to drub the very idea that President and First Lady Laura Bush made human literacy in America their hallmark, used both his gubernatorial tenure as well as the Bully pulpit to give industries incentives to clean up brownfield waste areas and other contaminations careless handling of toxic materials foisted on the environment by initiating action in wetlands conservation, (3) Incarcerate and drag the President to a human rights court for permanent incarceration or execution for the gall of Congress giving him a free reign to stop Saddam Hussein from invading and killing his neighbors over small land grab plans he had, and (4) Use any reason under the sun to destroy conservatives during an election year by repeating a plethora of false allegations against President Bush used in 3 consecutive presidential elections and entering a fourth "it's all Bush's fault" contest as a way for spendaholics to maintain its foot to America's neck while it's politicians pick America's back pocket for nepotistic investments in themselves.

I've seen people at USMB blame President Bush for starting a war that began after Germany gave Hitler dictatorial powers following his 1933 election as Chancellor of Germany by consulting with willing accomplices such as Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, who schmoozed with the Nazis in hopes they would decimate the Jewish population in Europe, and fled to Berlin when the British prevailed after the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He moved to Iraq where British troops snuffed rebellion in 1941. The Mufti al Husseini took assylum in Germany where he constantly provoked the Germans to not just detain but to destroy German Jews. He egged Hitler on to keep the Jews in Hungary as he feared their immigration back to Palestine, told the guards at Auschwitz to use more killing against Jewish detainees, lobbied the SS to slaughter Jews in Bosnia, and they killed 90% of Bosnian Jews as a result of his incessant badgering. The only thing he demanded of Hitler for his help was for Hitler to kill all the Jews in Palestine after he won the war. Instead, after the war, the Mufti fled to Switzerland and then went to Cairo where he used his ill-gotten Nazi money to finance an Arab Liberation army to terrorize Jews who had always lived in Palestine. They were also told to seek, infiltrate, and kill Americans whose General Eisenhower smashed Hitler. That is how the war on America got started, and not after 9/11, which was just a message to the Muslims to cool it. From that time to this, Muslims have sought to assault Christians who opposed their pal Hitler, the Jews they couldn't assassinate in WWII on account of the British protecting their regional investments and America's attempt to remain neutral in the interests of trade in the early days of WWII. The Arab/Muslim/Nazi Connection

It never ends. I hope President Bush's library includes a section that catalogs the conspiracies of Muslims and Hitler that resulted in so much pain for the United Nations charter for the nation of Israel where actually, Israelis have lived since the dawn of human history.

President Bush did not "start" any war. He merely fought back at the one that arose over Hitler's covetousness of England's successful oil finds in the Middle East that made many Arabs wealthy and their leaders, kings.

The press would like America not to know this. I hope the Bush Library presents this case, at least in part.

Del, thanks for asking. I hope you find that a library at Southern Methodist University that tells the truth of what happened during President Bush's presidency will countermand massive attempts of the press, some of who have benefitted greatly in the past several decades from Middle Eastern murderous politicos who paid them royally for saying nice things in the Western World's press about them. That is why I put this thread in a place where courtesy is required.
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Actually, it was placed here in a flame-free zone, because everywhere else, certain factions would like to (1) Just shoot the former President, (2) Drag out the failed DNC Party Platform to drub the very idea that President and First Lady Laura Bush made human literacy in America their hallmark, used both his gubernatorial tenure as well as the Bully pulpit to give industries incentives to clean up brownfield waste areas and other contaminations careless handling of toxic materials foisted on the environment by initiating action in wetlands conservation, (3) Incarcerate and drag the President to a human rights court for permanent incarceration or execution for the gall of Congress giving him a free reign to stop Saddam Hussein from invading and killing his neighbors over small land grab plans he had, and (4) Use any reason under the sun to destroy conservatives during an election year by repeating a plethora of false allegations against President Bush used in 3 consecutive presidential elections and entering a fourth "it's all Bush's fault" contest as a way for spendaholics to maintain its foot to America's neck while it's politicians pick America's back pocket for nepotistic investments in themselves.

I've seen people at USMB blame President Bush for starting a war that began after Germany gave Hitler dictatorial powers following his 1933 election as Chancellor of Germany by consulting with willing accomplices such as Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, who schmoozed with the Nazis in hopes they would decimate the Jewish population in Europe, and fled to Berlin when the British prevailed after the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He moved to Iraq where British troops snuffed rebellion in 1941. The Mufti al Husseini took assylum in Germany where he constantly provoked the Germans to not just detain but to destroy German Jews. He egged Hitler on to keep the Jews in Hungary as he feared their immigration back to Palestine, told the guards at Auschwitz to use more killing against Jewish detainees, lobbied the SS to slaughter Jews in Bosnia, and they killed 90% of Bosnian Jews as a result of his incessant badgering. The only thing he demanded of Hitler for his help was for Hitler to kill all the Jews in Palestine after he won the war. Instead, after the war, the Mufti fled to Switzerland and then went to Cairo where he used his ill-gotten Nazi money to finance an Arab Liberation army to terrorize Jews who had always lived in Palestine. They were also told to seek, infiltrate, and kill Americans whose General Eisenhower smashed Hitler. That is how the war on America got started, and not after 9/11, which was just a message to the Muslims to cool it. From that time to this, Muslims have sought to assault Christians who opposed their pal Hitler, the Jews they couldn't assassinate in WWII on account of the British protecting their regional investments and America's attempt to remain neutral in the interests of trade in the early days of WWII. The Arab/Muslim/Nazi Connection

It never ends. I hope President Bush's library includes a section that catalogs the conspiracies of Muslims and Hitler that resulted in so much pain for the United Nations charter for the nation of Israel where actually, Israelis have lived since the dawn of human history.

President Bush did not "start" any war. He merely fought back at the one that arose over Hitler's covetousness of England's successful oil finds in the Middle East that made many Arabs wealthy and their leaders, kings.

The press would like America not to know this. I hope the Bush Library presents this case, at least in part.

Del, thanks for asking. I hope you find that a library at Southern Methodist University that tells the truth of what happened during President Bush's presidency will countermand massive attempts of the press, some of who have benefitted greatly in the past several decades from Middle Eastern murderous politicos who paid them royally for saying nice things in the Western World's press about them. That is why I put this thread in a place where courtesy is required.

^this is an outrageous propaganda post.
I heard the George W Bush Library will contain all the books he has ever read. The complete collection of Dick and Jane books, The Pet Goat and Clifford the Big Red Dog ( though some claim he only looked at the pictures on that one. )
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How is it that Obama has not found a way to divert funding from this project to free birth control or Obamacare?
How is it that Obama has not found a way to divert funding from this project to free birth control or Obamacare?

These libraries, all built with nonfederal funds then donated to the federal government, are operated and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration
George Bush was the last real conservative to enter 10 Downing Street since Lady Thatcher. The British Conservative Party is such a joke that it isn't even funny any more.
I heard the George W Bush Library will contain all the books he has ever read. The complete collection of Dick and Jane books, The Pet Goat and Clifford the Big Red Dog ( though some claim he only looked at the pictures on that one. )

Duh! - George Bush was smarter than John Kerry! :cuckoo: You are one of the propaganda believing idiot's who should not vote. :cuckoo: Your stupid head is still swimming with lies 8 years later. :cuckoo: No wonder it sucks to be the loser you are. :cuckoo:
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Something a lot of Bush's detractors (especially European) conveniently forget is that he was the first mainstream politician to bring the uncomfortable subject of the increase in muslim immigration into Europe. When he toured Europe seeking support for the war on terror they regarded him with their usual smug faces, quietly reassuring each other that they're better and more culturally 'diverse' than the little oik who stood before them. Pay the little man no heed, they all told themselves.

Fast forward ten years, and through their utterly absurd insistance that we maintain open borders and allow this trash to "assimilate" into European culture (which they never showed any interest in doing in the first place) we're seeing a continued rise in immigrants from islamic shitholes, who show absolutely no interest in leaving the 6th century behind them.

Let's ask the interior designers of this new museum dedicated to Mr. Bush if they could incorporate a painted meme of Bush looking at a picture of his EU critics across the foyer with a speech bubble saying: 'I tried to tell you guys, but you wouldn't listen.'
This is a very interesting interview of President Bush.... it shows a lot about the man and who he is and has always been. He took the office of the Presidency very seriously and handled the intense pressures that faced him with class and determination. There are those that will always think of him as an idiot, that opinion says a lot more about them than him. I feel very certain that in a real debate, he could hold his own with any other President including the present one.

I challenge any of you that think you know the man, to watch this very candid one hour video and find out if your opinion is a valid one.

[ame=]Uncommon Knowledge: George W. Bush - YouTube[/ame]
I have had my ups and downs with President G.W. Bush.

On the negative side is his presiding over a substantial expansion of government, increase of entitlements, NCLB which has mixed reviews, an energy policy only an extreme leftwing wacko environmentalist could love, amnesty for illegals, a failure to rein in excessive spending by an irresponsible Congress, and inappropriate handling of Katrina and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I think he was wrong to support TARP, but he had a lot of impressive company there.

We can compile a similar list of negatives for essentially every President who has occupied the White House.

On the plus side for President G.W. Bush, is that he did not lie to us about who he was and what he was all about. It is not his fault that the right questions were not asked prior to the 2000 election. He delivered on his campaign promises. He just added in a whole lot of big government along with the positives and it is those that turned his administration into a negative. His handling of 9/11 was exemplary and his policies and steady hand pulled us out of what could have been a much longer, deeper recession following that event. Because of strong economic growth, the deficits created from the war spending

And he and Laura are the real deal, warm, compassionate, generous, and caring people. They are genuinely committed to higher education and to support of the military. With little fanfare and shunning publicity, they are frequently at the airport to welcome home returning military personnel, and they regularly visit the wounded at V.A. hospitals.

His library will be an impressive museum to highlight those tumultous eight years of our history and I hope to visit it in coming years. I have visited the Eisenhower and Truman museums and they are amazing. I always wanted to get to the Reagan Library--I get mailings from that all the time--but have not been able to work that into the schedule.
I've always found the idea of presidential libraries to be a bit ridiculous. I think presidents are given too much respect, or credit, I'm not sure what the best word to use is, outside of their accomplishments. In other words, simply having been president is not enough in my mind to make one worth building a library for; I would want it to be based on a president having done such an excellent job.

But, as long as these things are privately funded, build away. :)
I heard the George W Bush Library will contain all the books he has ever read. The complete collection of Dick and Jane books, The Pet Goat and Clifford the Big Red Dog ( though some claim he only looked at the pictures on that one. )

Duh! - George Bush was smarter than John Kerry! :cuckoo: You are one of the propaganda believing idiot's who should not vote. :cuckoo: Your stupid head is still swimming with lies 8 years later. :cuckoo: No wonder it sucks to be the loser you are. :cuckoo:

Its was supposed to be funny. And it was...IF theres not a stick firmly planted in ones ass.

Hope you enjoyed your stay in the broke every rule on a single post. Happy Trails!

PS I didnt vote for Kerry.
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Actually, it was placed here in a flame-free zone, because everywhere else, certain factions would like to (1) Just shoot the former President, (2) Drag out the failed DNC Party Platform to drub the very idea that President and First Lady Laura Bush made human literacy in America their hallmark, used both his gubernatorial tenure as well as the Bully pulpit to give industries incentives to clean up brownfield waste areas and other contaminations careless handling of toxic materials foisted on the environment by initiating action in wetlands conservation, (3) Incarcerate and drag the President to a human rights court for permanent incarceration or execution for the gall of Congress giving him a free reign to stop Saddam Hussein from invading and killing his neighbors over small land grab plans he had, and (4) Use any reason under the sun to destroy conservatives during an election year by repeating a plethora of false allegations against President Bush used in 3 consecutive presidential elections and entering a fourth "it's all Bush's fault" contest as a way for spendaholics to maintain its foot to America's neck while it's politicians pick America's back pocket for nepotistic investments in themselves.

I've seen people at USMB blame President Bush for starting a war that began after Germany gave Hitler dictatorial powers following his 1933 election as Chancellor of Germany by consulting with willing accomplices such as Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, who schmoozed with the Nazis in hopes they would decimate the Jewish population in Europe, and fled to Berlin when the British prevailed after the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He moved to Iraq where British troops snuffed rebellion in 1941. The Mufti al Husseini took assylum in Germany where he constantly provoked the Germans to not just detain but to destroy German Jews. He egged Hitler on to keep the Jews in Hungary as he feared their immigration back to Palestine, told the guards at Auschwitz to use more killing against Jewish detainees, lobbied the SS to slaughter Jews in Bosnia, and they killed 90% of Bosnian Jews as a result of his incessant badgering. The only thing he demanded of Hitler for his help was for Hitler to kill all the Jews in Palestine after he won the war. Instead, after the war, the Mufti fled to Switzerland and then went to Cairo where he used his ill-gotten Nazi money to finance an Arab Liberation army to terrorize Jews who had always lived in Palestine. They were also told to seek, infiltrate, and kill Americans whose General Eisenhower smashed Hitler. That is how the war on America got started, and not after 9/11, which was just a message to the Muslims to cool it. From that time to this, Muslims have sought to assault Christians who opposed their pal Hitler, the Jews they couldn't assassinate in WWII on account of the British protecting their regional investments and America's attempt to remain neutral in the interests of trade in the early days of WWII. The Arab/Muslim/Nazi Connection

It never ends. I hope President Bush's library includes a section that catalogs the conspiracies of Muslims and Hitler that resulted in so much pain for the United Nations charter for the nation of Israel where actually, Israelis have lived since the dawn of human history.

President Bush did not "start" any war. He merely fought back at the one that arose over Hitler's covetousness of England's successful oil finds in the Middle East that made many Arabs wealthy and their leaders, kings.

The press would like America not to know this. I hope the Bush Library presents this case, at least in part.

Del, thanks for asking. I hope you find that a library at Southern Methodist University that tells the truth of what happened during President Bush's presidency will countermand massive attempts of the press, some of who have benefitted greatly in the past several decades from Middle Eastern murderous politicos who paid them royally for saying nice things in the Western World's press about them. That is why I put this thread in a place where courtesy is required.

^this is an outrageous propaganda post.
No, it isn't.

President Bush eliminated brownfields and got industries to clean it up by using incentives that cost the American government absolutely nothing to do literally billions of dollars worth of cleanups that stood up to clean testing afterword that the leftist press, of course, refused to talk about since it threw a bad light on their lying ways.

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