Genoa, Italy, bridge collapse.


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
A major viaduct in Genoa collapsee about noon there. A very large section fell away, and it is currently unknown how many victims there are. It is not a case of terrorism, merely a structural fault of some kind.
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Oh my goodness..... 11 dead is being reported! :eek:

I have crossed that bridge.... we went to Genova (Genoa) on vacation, on our way to Nice, France...
Oh my goodness..... 11 dead is being reported! :eek:

I have crossed that bridge.... we went to Genova (Genoa) on vacation, on our way to Nice, France...
Apparently lightning struck it? I didn't know that could take down a bridge. Scary.
Hard to believe lightening would cause structural damage to a bridge. Still, the span was there for a very long time and was recently maintained, so something strange and unusual happened.
Not sure which bridge, I don't get a link in the OP for some reason, probably my security settings, but I've probably been across it at some point in the past. Hard to predict them,. Maybe due to past earthquakes and/or the ground moving, usually; most times the bridges themselves are fine but the ground they're anchored to has all kinds of stuff going on underneath no one can predict easily.

Ah, yes, I've been across that one several times. My grandson went across it with his class and back just last November, going to a meet down there somewhere.

Bridge collapses in Italy during heavy storm, crushing cars

The Morandi Bridge was inaugurated in 1967. It is 90 meters (yards) high, just over a kilometer (about three-quarters of a mile) long, with the longest section between supports measuring 200 meters (yards).

The bridge is a main thoroughfare connecting the A10 highway that goes toward France and the A7 highway that continues north toward Milan.

That's pretty new for a bridge.
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