Gaslighting Everything


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Gaslighting Everything

12 Nov 2021 ~~ By Erick Erickson
The term "gaslighting" comes from the 1938 British play "Gas Light." In the play, a woman's husband pushes her to the edge of sanity by insisting their gas lighting is not dimming. In fact, it is dimming. Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic meant to convince people the things they see and know are not actually happening.
In the last four years, Democrats railed against then-President Donald Trump for gaslighting America. Trump would, in fact, often say things that were not true, and many of his supporters would go along with him. Now, however, it is the Democrats' turn and neither they nor their friends in the press seem too concerned. In fact, it appears much of the mainstream media is assisting in the gaslighting.
Through all of this, the American media has largely been complicit. Just the other day, MSNBC tweeted out an article claiming inflation was good for us. Others in the press have said inflation would be great to make Americans spend less. Others argued the shortages are a good thing because if Americans buy less, then less will be produced, and that is good for the climate.
At this point, Democrats seem almost willfully trying to lose the 2022 midterm elections. After the Virginia elections, Democrats doubled down on accusing voters of racism. Voters in Virginia elected the first black lieutenant governor for the state and the first Hispanic attorney general. But the talking heads in the press said it was just further proof of racism while still denying "critical race theory" is a thing.
Time and time again, Democrats have opted not to be truthful, but to instead advance a counterfactual narrative with the help of the press. Then they send the mob for the boy who points out their emperor has no clothes. With truth in short supply, they scream, "But Trump!"

Edward Bernays and Joey Goebbels must be dancing in delight to their accomplishments in creating bigger and better liars in Media and politics today. Is not gaslighting and propaganda much the same thing?
The fundamental difference with the current administration is the fact that it is not "gaslighting." It is just plain lying, prevaricating, bearing false witness, not telling the truth. Why? Because they have no appreciation for cause-and-effect. What is the effect of violating a law? "It is not a violation, because we changed the law (because we are the law) to legalize the activity." So the cost and consequences of the activity will not longer be a result of violation of the law. Somebody used to say, "Smart, real smart!" Rather like the choice to have an abortion as the remedy for the choice to have sex (1) and the choice to conceive (2). With this kind of thinking regarding economy, is it any wonder we have inflation?
Yet Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists continue telling us "inflation is good for us." But that implies Joey Xi Bai Dung is good for us, too. A Unifier Par Excellence. Yet to be seen. Sane people can see through both these PM/DDSA Commie lies.
Erickson refers to the early 1930's inflation created by FDR, he fails to show the increased inflation that continued during WWII and again under LBJ and Nixon.
Some of us adults can remember when gasoline was below $0.50/gallon or when the use of transit was $0.25. A Coke was ten cents, or a Hershey bar a nickel.
Whatever it may be called, it is abuse of the First Amendment. The Second Amendment exists for correcting such abuse IMO.
The lack of self awareness in the he OP would be astonishing if I hadn't see the the poster do it several times before.
It is so amazing how miserable you people are in your lives. Gender and sexually confused. Horrible personal and family relationships.

So sad to end up like that
The irony of a douche like Creepyass talking about anyone's lack of self-awareness cannot be measured.

But I really trust Dr Crepitus and Dr Lesh with their Covid advice. Google Medical College only accepts the best, and they are the best. Fauci trained and all
Yeah, the media reporting the other day that high inflation is a sign of a strong economy and beneficial made me scratch my head.
Yeah, the media reporting the other day that high inflation is a sign of a strong economy and beneficial made me scratch my head.
Some of that inflation is due to dumb ass tariffs too...

But you Trumpers don't mind that tho......

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