Gary Johnson makes the GOP nervous..

Rottweiler can't even get what a Sovereign citizen believes in correct..what do ya expect from such a blatant idiot.

Listen to the jaded little anarchist in the basement of mommy & daddy's home crying about being accurately "labeled".

Look on the bright side, you can always grab your hoodie, your little skateboard covered in "Anarchy Rulz" stickers, and blow off some steam on your "half-pipe" then mommy & daddy bought you... :rofl:

Really, just stop.

You are acting the fool.
I'm comparing what Romney says he'll do as compared to what Obama HAS done. What other choice do we have really? I'm not naive at all. It is just as possible that Romney will keep the promise as it is that he won't. Again, we know what obama will do and that is unacceptable.

We know what Romney will do just as surely as we know what Obama will do. You're kidding yourself.

Actually we don't know what Romney will do. I'm hoping for a Reaganesque focus on fiscal policy and give lip service to the socons to shut them up. But he's the Republican Kerry, flip flop city. The only thing we know is his worst possible scenario is Obama's best possible scenario.

What we do know is what the left will do. You're losing the greatest socialist since FDR and you're going to run around like your hair is on fire screaming bloody murder. And for good reason, you know what Obama is and what you're losing, you just don't like the word.

Yeah, this Gary Johnson and/or Ron Paul thing is irrelevant. Neither of them are important enough to have any effect on the election.

I suspect that it will be no different than it was in 2008. If you gave McCain all of the votes RP and other 3rd party conservatives got, he still would have lost.

That said, it's a terrible shame because Johnson would be hailed as better than Reagan, even by GOPers, if he was ever elected.
Anybody who might (theoretically) siphon enough votes to give the incumbent a shot in a close State frightens me.

You realize, Gary has NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of winning ANYTHING.

But if he has even the slightest chance of playing "spoiler" it goes in the wrong fucking direction.

You assholes who keep pulling for the predetermined fail known as Gary Johnson might as well suck off the President. You are disgusting. At least liberal Democrats actually like the guy.

You assholes are pulling for the same old predetermined shit. If you think Romney is a good alternative to Obama, you might as well BE a progressive Democrat.
Why is it that the Democrat favoring media LOVED Romney until after he won the nomination?

That's easy. Because the Obama administration wanted to face Romney. They determined that he would be the easiest to demonize.

Next question?
Rottweiler can't even get what a Sovereign citizen believes in correct..what do ya expect from such a blatant idiot.

Listen to the jaded little anarchist in the basement of mommy & daddy's home crying about being accurately "labeled".

Look on the bright side, you can always grab your hoodie, your little skateboard covered in "Anarchy Rulz" stickers, and blow off some steam on your "half-pipe" then mommy & daddy bought you... :rofl:

Really, just stop.

You are acting the fool.

Desperate actions from a desperate man...I guess he doesn't realize how big of an idiot he is making himself look like.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

A very good question indeed.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

By the way, can you Sovereign Citizens stop blaming the "GOP" as if they are some mysterious force of the universe?

More than a dozen fucking people lined up - sans any influence in any capacity from the GOP (Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, and on and on and on). The people voted. Then voted some more. Then continued voting until Mitt Romney stood alone as the undisputed nominee of the people.

Just because all of you crying little bitches out there were raised by mommy & daddy and school that everybody always wins, you now act like the biggest fucking babies because your "guy" didn't win. Let it fucking go already. For the love of fuck, grow up, move on, and let it go already.

Pffft...I am not crying or whining. I have been politically jaded for years. I live in a state(Ma) where the national side of the GOP pretty much ignores those of us who lean right.

Mitt is in because what many GOP faithful considered the better candidate, Herman Cain, got the media hatchett job.

Bottom line is when a voter always votes along party lines no matter who the nominee is you can consider yourself owned by the party.

Mitt is a yet another "hold your nose" and vote candidate for some who call themselves conservatives.

By the way, you totally flunked with your assessment of who some of us are.
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I'm comparing what Romney says he'll do as compared to what Obama HAS done. What other choice do we have really? I'm not naive at all. It is just as possible that Romney will keep the promise as it is that he won't. Again, we know what obama will do and that is unacceptable.

We know what Romney will do just as surely as we know what Obama will do. You're kidding yourself.

Not at all, you only tell yourself that so you don't have to evaluate your stance. I understand.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

By the way, can you Sovereign Citizens stop blaming the "GOP" as if they are some mysterious force of the universe?

More than a dozen fucking people lined up - sans any influence in any capacity from the GOP (Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, and on and on and on). The people voted. Then voted some more. Then continued voting until Mitt Romney stood alone as the undisputed nominee of the people.

Just because all of you crying little bitches out there were raised by mommy & daddy and school that everybody always wins, you now act like the biggest fucking babies because your "guy" didn't win. Let it fucking go already. For the love of fuck, grow up, move on, and let it go already.

Pffft...I am not crying or whining. I have been politically jaded for years. I live in a state(Ma) where the national side of the GOP pretty much ignores those of us who lean right.

Mitt is in because what many GOP faithful considered the better candidate, Herman Cain, got the media hatchett job.

Bottom line is when a voter always votes along party lines no matter who the nominee is you can consider yourself owned by the party.

Bottom line, Mitt is a yet another "hold your nose" and vote candidate for some who call themselves conservatives.

By the way, you totally flunked with your assessment of who some of us are.
He doesn't care...he is a scared little doggy who is sitting in the corner away from his master because he knows a whooping is coming and when it does he will hide his tail and piss on the floor...Why ya think I got his idiotic ass on ignore...he brings nothing useful to the table just name calling and lying...
Chump change. Another dirty trick by the left falls flat. I knew Ross Perot and Gary Johnson is no Ross Perot.

Gary Johnson will be going away soon.

I remember someone saying that about Ron Paul back in '04.

Yep. Gary Johnson has already said he is running for president again in 2016.
I'm comparing what Romney says he'll do as compared to what Obama HAS done. What other choice do we have really? I'm not naive at all. It is just as possible that Romney will keep the promise as it is that he won't. Again, we know what obama will do and that is unacceptable.

We know what Romney will do just as surely as we know what Obama will do. You're kidding yourself.

Not at all, you only tell yourself that so you don't have to evaluate your stance. I understand.

I'm just looking at the flawed logic in your post. You are looking at Obama's record and using it to predict what he will do. Yet you're ignoring Romney's record and, instead, choosing to trust what he says he'll do. I see no reason to trust either one of them.
I'm comparing what Romney says he'll do as compared to what Obama HAS done. What other choice do we have really? I'm not naive at all. It is just as possible that Romney will keep the promise as it is that he won't. Again, we know what obama will do and that is unacceptable.

We know what Romney will do just as surely as we know what Obama will do. You're kidding yourself.

Actually we don't know what Romney will do.

You can say the same for Obama then. They both have a record. Why are you believing empty campaign promises from either of them?
In my opinion Obama was partly elected in 2008 because McCain was the GOP nominee.

As far as for candidates like Gary Johnson his candidacy is proof positive that the media determines these campaigns and who will get the spotlight.

VP nominee Ryan makes Romney more palatable to many conservatives. His choice allows the lever pull at the ballot box not to stink so much, right?

I don't mind that people vote for Romney but seeing those who once trashed Romney line up and behave as good foot soldiers is a sad reflection of how low the political process sinks.

I want things to change and I truly believe that change starts with each individual voting honestly. That is what I will do Nov. 6th.
In my opinion Obama was partly elected in 2008 because McCain was the GOP nominee.

As far as for candidates like Gary Johnson his candidacy is proof positive that the media determines these campaigns and who will get the spotlight.

VP nominee Ryan makes Romney more palatable to many conservatives. His choice allows the lever pull at the ballot box not to stink so much, right?

I don't mind that people vote for Romney but seeing those who once trashed Romney line up and behave as good foot soldiers is a sad reflection of how low the political process sinks.

I want things to change and I truly believe that change starts with each individual voting honestly. That is what I will do Nov. 6th.

I was not a Romney supporter. But he won the nomination and he is running (as a convert, perhaps, to conservatism) now as the standard bearer AGAINST the guy who is fucking things up royally.

Hell, as against the incumbent, I would even vote for Ron Paul. <<gulp>>