Gabby Gifford

I watched her special on 20/20 I guess she has to decide by May if she is well enough to run. I am really pulling for her. I know she is not a rep but I really hope she gets her miracle and she is well enough to run in May. She has come a long way.:clap2: Her husband is fantastic he took his vows like your supposed too. In sickness and in health.

Why, precisely, do you want her to run again? Do you live in Arizona's 8th Congressional District? What benefit does a woman who STILL can't do her job and STILL hasn't bothered to give any thought to her district's lack of representation offer to those of us who live here?

I hope she continues to get better as much as anyone, but it's long past time she realize that that seat doesn't belong to her, it belongs to the people of District 8. It's not about her, it's about their representation in the House, which she has not provided for a year, and shows no sign of being able to provide any time soon. And she needs to step down.
Gabby Gifford should simply retire. It would be in her best interest and in the best interest of the people who elected her to serve.

Dunno that it's interfering with HER best interests. Doesn't appear that she gives the job any thought at all while doing her own personal stuff.

I couldn't believe the "personal" message she sent to the people of District 8, like it was supposed to make it all better. "I love you and miss you, and my staff is always there to help you out while I recover." Oh, really? Your STAFF is going to help us out, are they? And what, precisely, is your unelected STAFF going to do for us? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purpose of the job of Congressman is to go to the House of Representatives and vote on issues, which coincidentally is the one thing her STAFF can't do, not being the actual Representative. So what the hell are they going to do for us? Take our phone calls on the issues, and say, "We understand your concern, and we're sure Gabby knows how important this is to you, but you won't be getting a vote on this"? She could plug in an answering machine to do that, and save the taxpayers some money paying all those frigging staffers.
Gabby Gifford should simply retire. It would be in her best interest and in the best interest of the people who elected her to serve.
Maybe the strive to be in the race is a great motivator for her. Anything to make her well again I am for even though I would not vote for her ( cant any way dont live in AZ)

ANYTHING to make her well again? Well, I'm so glad that you've generously decided to sacrifice the Constitutional right to representation of the people of District 8 as a rehabilitation tool for Ms. Giffords. You'll excuse me if, as one of the people who actually live in that district, I'm a little more inclined to say, "Find another motivator, lady."
It's remarkable what she has accomplished. A very tough lady and a wonderful husband who stuck with her. Good for them both. As far as running for her seat again, I think she will have the integrity to only run if she is capable of doing the job properly.

Yeah, because she's had the integrity to step down so that her constituents have representation . . . oh, wait, she hasn't.

However remarkable and admirable she may be in a personal sense, in a political sense, she's just another selfish Democrat who thinks it's all about her party's political power, rather than being about the people.
Gabby Gifford should simply retire. It would be in her best interest and in the best interest of the people who elected her to serve.

Then the right wing terrorist who shot her would be closer to getting his way.... better chance for a Republican to win the seat.

Right-wing, my ass. Get a fucking grip and stop trying to project your partisan bullshit onto my city's tragedy, ass hat.
Gabby Gifford should simply retire. It would be in her best interest and in the best interest of the people who elected her to serve.

Then the right wing terrorist who shot her would be closer to getting his way.... better chance for a Republican to win the seat.

A post from yet another left wing euro who can't find a forum in his own socialist country and wants to meddle in US affairs? The fact that there is little coverage about the assassin in the left wing media indicates that he was most likely a radical insane leftie who thought Giffords was too moderate.

Well, OUR media in Arizona IS covering him, and apparently, he's just batshit crazy. Doesn't seem like he had a particularly political reason for shooting her at all; she was just a public figure.
She is a testement of all that is great about the human spirit. She is an amazing lady. I hope she runs again.
Loving one's spouse is hardly a reason to vote for someone who has such severe brain injuries. No matter how nice she is, or how much she has overcome, she can't fulfull the functions of a congressperson any longer.

But sadly, our district is filled with a bunch of soppy fools who've been fed too long on Oprah and Dr. Phil, and will vote for a basically empty chair just to avoid feeling like bad people.

Of course, one could say virtually the same for the nation as a whole. It's like living in a giant care home for mentally challenged people.
Loving one's spouse is hardly a reason to vote for someone who has such severe brain injuries. No matter how nice she is, or how much she has overcome, she can't fulfull the functions of a congressperson any longer.

You didn't quote anyone, so who's saying someone should vote for her? And whose to say that she can't make a full recovery.

The brain is a marvelous thing and full recoveries have happened with greater head injuries.

Time will tell imo, but I don't discount this strong ladies ability to enforce a full recovery and along with her husbands true love it's often a major impetus to greater healing.

She could very well make a full recovery . . . eventually. But does she have any right to ask the people of her district to go without House representation while they wait for her to do so? All romance novel rhapsodizing about "true love" aside, it's frigging selfish of her to expect us to hold her job open for her forever.
Oy Gevalt!

She can recover, her husband loves her, that doesn't mean she can be an effective congressperson representing the interests of many many people. Or, even if she does, that it won't be a very long time before she reaches that point.

And it doesn't mean she can't be an effective congressperson either, or that she won't heal quickly. There's optimism, there's pessimism and then there's all the degrees in-between.

I choose optimism. ;)

Insofar as her butt hasn't even BEEN in her district for the last year, and that she struggles to even hold clear conversations, and that she needed enormous help for that one show vote she put in, I think it's fair to say that she's not an effective Congressperson. Given that everyone says her progress so far is miraculous and it's STILL taken a year, how "quickly" do you think she's going to recover to merit holding onto the people's seat?
Exactly how long should we wait for a Congressmember who can show up to regular votes, AND meet with constituents, AND read and study bills, and basically put in the long hours on a daily basis that are part of representing the people of this district?
Let's hope those voters make sound decisions, not ones based on how sorry they are that she got shot.

It's frigging sad that we even HAVE to make that decision, rather than her having the honor and integrity to step down instead of holding the seat empty indefinitely.
Let the voters decide.
Her story is nothing short of miraculous.
Go Gabby!!! :clap2:

Yes, because we're long past the time that the POLITICIAN decides to do the right thing for her constituents. Just charge on ahead with whatever benefits you, and if you can sucker enough votes, that's all that matters.

Typical leftist.
lets never forget the atmosphere that got her shot in the head.

Never again should violent speech be allowed into our political discourse.

Let's never forget that no discourse by ANYONE had ANYTHING to do with her getting shot, you ignorant little twat. No matter how much you want to use that psycho in the mental hospital as a bludgeon to silence your political opponents, the fact remains that he's CRAZY, and no one but nature made him that way.
No I'm not. If I said, "I think she should be allowed to come back no matter what" then you'd have a leg to stand on.

However, I started my statement with "Let the VOTERS decide."

That's all that matters really. Not what I say, think or feel.

There are no laws that states that a candidate needs to have a certain IQ or mental capacity.

We are a nation of laws still...right?

Absolutely, that is right. But, when voters think with their hearts and not their brains, they get the representation they deserve. Read the following article and reflect if this is the candidate that can offer the most for the constituents.

I have a great deal of respect for Giffords, just for her willpower to fight adversity. But, in my mind, a rational being, that is the full time job in her personal life.

I would not respect nearly as much iof she decided to run again. That tells me the ego or benefits were more important to her than the constituents. Perhaps we should put her office personnel on the ballot, for they are most likely making the decisions, not her.

Gabby Giffords' Rosy Recovery Needs Reality Check, Say Experts

It's still early on and I think there is still reason to be optimistic overall," Greenwald said. "But being able to speak again and rejoining Congress are two different issues."
Page 2: Gabby Giffords' Recovery Looks Rosy, But Experts Say We All Need a Reality Check - ABC News
I agree with your point. However, I believe there are already people in Congress that are already mentally incapacitated, either by choice or by circumstance or by environment. You got paid shills working for the Kochs, and such. I don't find those people to be what's best for the constituents either, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. So having one that's a bit slow on the uptake, for lack of a better phrase isn't so bad or different in the entire spectrum of things.

I'd respect and admire her decision either way she goes. No difference in my book. I'm curious to see what the People have to say.

Really? Who else in Congress has sustained a massive head injury and been completely unavailable to show up for work for a year? As far as I know, Gabby Giffords is the only one. Do share with us the details of the others you claim exist.
What votes that effect her constituency has she missed exactly...???

When she judged her vote as a critical one for her constituency, she DID make her way to the House chamber and cast her vote this summer...As I assume she will continue to do until or unless she is somehow deemed unable to do so, what is the problem going forward?

August 1, 2011

There she was, Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, appearing unexpectedly Monday evening to cast one of the last votes needed to send the measure over the top.

The full chamber erupted in loud applause as Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House whip, flicked his eyes from the vote board to Ms. Giffords. It was the first time she had been in the chamber since she was critically injured in an assassination attempt in January in Tucson.

As Ms. Giffords walked tentatively to her seat, accepting embraces and kisses from Democrats and Republicans both, the long and bitterly partisan spectacle that has engulfed the nation seemed to melt quietly away. In its place was a vital blink of hope that ideological intransigence — something Ms. Giffords had little patience for as a lawmaker — had faded in a Capitol that seemed to be careering toward dysfunction.

VAN SUSTEREN: So how is she? What's the report?

KELLY: She's doing great. She still improves every week. She's really hopeful, I'm really hopeful she will be able to return to work one day. We don't know what that is. Possibly we could see that happening in months. And it's a decision she's going to have to make when she's ready to make it.

VAN SUSTEREN: From what I can sort of piece together, her mind is very quick and very strong, and it's the speech that's not -- that's struggling to keep up with the mind or with the thinking.

KELLY: The biggest disability she has and that she works on every day along with the ability to walk easier, it's her speech. It's coming along all the time when you consider where she was on January 8th, basically in a coma, or a month later she couldn't speak at all and where she is today, it's an incredible recovery and incredible story.

VAN SUSTEREN: But her faculties are good? It certainly seems that way.

KELLY: it seems 100 percent to me. She understands everything, same sense of humor, same attitude about everything. She's been very positive through all of this, and she's getting better all the time.

Giffords' Husband 'Really Hopeful' She'll Return to Congress - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News
The vote board, for minutes stuck near 200, suddenly clicked quickly to the 216 affirmative votes needed to pass the bill to avert an almost certain economic catastrophe.

Ms. Giffords has been following the debt debate from her home, said Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, a close friend, and had told her husband, Capt. Mark E. Kelly of the Navy, that she wanted to be at the Capitol if her yes vote would be needed.
I watched her special on 20/20 I guess she has to decide by May if she is well enough to run. I am really pulling for her. I know she is not a rep but I really hope she gets her miracle and she is well enough to run in May. She has come a long way.:clap2: Her husband is fantastic he took his vows like your supposed too. In sickness and in health.

Good post. I don't think she'll be ready by this may. But I could see her running again down the road. The irony is she's a blue dog democrat.

edit: And yeah her husband really did take his vows seriously, guy has some class.

Yes, he is a great man and if she decides not to run, HE should run...
What votes that effect her constituency has she missed exactly...???

When she judged her vote as a critical one for her constituency, she DID make her way to the House chamber and cast her vote this summer...As I assume she will continue to do until or unless she is somehow deemed unable to do so, what is the problem going forward?

August 1, 2011

There she was, Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, appearing unexpectedly Monday evening to cast one of the last votes needed to send the measure over the top.

The full chamber erupted in loud applause as Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House whip, flicked his eyes from the vote board to Ms. Giffords. It was the first time she had been in the chamber since she was critically injured in an assassination attempt in January in Tucson.

As Ms. Giffords walked tentatively to her seat, accepting embraces and kisses from Democrats and Republicans both, the long and bitterly partisan spectacle that has engulfed the nation seemed to melt quietly away. In its place was a vital blink of hope that ideological intransigence — something Ms. Giffords had little patience for as a lawmaker — had faded in a Capitol that seemed to be careering toward dysfunction.

VAN SUSTEREN: So how is she? What's the report?

KELLY: She's doing great. She still improves every week. She's really hopeful, I'm really hopeful she will be able to return to work one day. We don't know what that is. Possibly we could see that happening in months. And it's a decision she's going to have to make when she's ready to make it.

VAN SUSTEREN: From what I can sort of piece together, her mind is very quick and very strong, and it's the speech that's not -- that's struggling to keep up with the mind or with the thinking.

KELLY: The biggest disability she has and that she works on every day along with the ability to walk easier, it's her speech. It's coming along all the time when you consider where she was on January 8th, basically in a coma, or a month later she couldn't speak at all and where she is today, it's an incredible recovery and incredible story.

VAN SUSTEREN: But her faculties are good? It certainly seems that way.

KELLY: it seems 100 percent to me. She understands everything, same sense of humor, same attitude about everything. She's been very positive through all of this, and she's getting better all the time.

Giffords' Husband 'Really Hopeful' She'll Return to Congress - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Excuse me?! What votes affecting us has she missed?! How many votes do you think the House of Representatives has had since last January, you dumb bitch? She shows up to ONE vote with a lot of fanfare - and NOT because of concern for her district, but so that she could help gin up support for her party, thank you so very kindly - and you think she's fulfilled her obligation to her constituents?

By my count, there have been 859 roll call votes in the House in the last year. You think there's any possibility that a few of them might have had some significance to people living in Tucson, Arizona? You know, given that the House of Representatives is part of a NATIONAL governing body, and Tucson happens to be part of the nation in question, and all.

I sincerely doubt you would be so sanguine about "duties fulfilled" if YOUR Congressional Representative showed up for ONE vote out of 859.

Sit down and shut up, you stupid sow. :slap:
What votes that effect her constituency has she missed exactly...???

When she judged her vote as a critical one for her constituency, she DID make her way to the House chamber and cast her vote this summer...As I assume she will continue to do until or unless she is somehow deemed unable to do so, what is the problem going forward?

August 1, 2011

There she was, Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, appearing unexpectedly Monday evening to cast one of the last votes needed to send the measure over the top.

The full chamber erupted in loud applause as Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the House whip, flicked his eyes from the vote board to Ms. Giffords. It was the first time she had been in the chamber since she was critically injured in an assassination attempt in January in Tucson.

As Ms. Giffords walked tentatively to her seat, accepting embraces and kisses from Democrats and Republicans both, the long and bitterly partisan spectacle that has engulfed the nation seemed to melt quietly away. In its place was a vital blink of hope that ideological intransigence — something Ms. Giffords had little patience for as a lawmaker — had faded in a Capitol that seemed to be careering toward dysfunction.

VAN SUSTEREN: So how is she? What's the report?

KELLY: She's doing great. She still improves every week. She's really hopeful, I'm really hopeful she will be able to return to work one day. We don't know what that is. Possibly we could see that happening in months. And it's a decision she's going to have to make when she's ready to make it.

VAN SUSTEREN: From what I can sort of piece together, her mind is very quick and very strong, and it's the speech that's not -- that's struggling to keep up with the mind or with the thinking.

KELLY: The biggest disability she has and that she works on every day along with the ability to walk easier, it's her speech. It's coming along all the time when you consider where she was on January 8th, basically in a coma, or a month later she couldn't speak at all and where she is today, it's an incredible recovery and incredible story.

VAN SUSTEREN: But her faculties are good? It certainly seems that way.

KELLY: it seems 100 percent to me. She understands everything, same sense of humor, same attitude about everything. She's been very positive through all of this, and she's getting better all the time.

Giffords' Husband 'Really Hopeful' She'll Return to Congress - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Excuse me?! What votes affecting us has she missed?! How many votes do you think the House of Representatives has had since last January, you dumb bitch? She shows up to ONE vote with a lot of fanfare - and NOT because of concern for her district, but so that she could help gin up support for her party, thank you so very kindly - and you think she's fulfilled her obligation to her constituents?

By my count, there have been 859 roll call votes in the House in the last year. You think there's any possibility that a few of them might have had some significance to people living in Tucson, Arizona? You know, given that the House of Representatives is part of a NATIONAL governing body, and Tucson happens to be part of the nation in question, and all.

I sincerely doubt you would be so sanguine about "duties fulfilled" if YOUR Congressional Representative showed up for ONE vote out of 859.

Sit down and shut up, you stupid sow. :slap:

:lol: I don't think so.

You do realize that they already can count in advance the votes needed and MOST times one vote wouldn't actually change ANYthing, despite your histrionics...

You being such a know-it-all, I'm sure you can cite for us right here EXACTLY WHICH VOTE(s) she failed to represent her constituency on...

Surely you can show us just ONE of those votes where her CRITICAL vote was lost.

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