Gabbard calls on Biden, Sanders to help put her on debate stage

they are frightened of her,a smart beautiful woman who does not walk lock, stock and barrel with their radical ideas is dangerous to them
Who are "they"? The same people trying to get Sanders knocked off, for proposing the very ideas you say are radical and which "they" espouse? You're nuts.
You were doing so well with this OP, until the last sentence.
meh, she would be the 1st PILF


I guess the point is ----- if that's the standards you use to vote for a POTUS, please stay away from the polling place.
I guess I have been gone too long, you should know better than to take that type of comment seriously from me...

I'm just having fun on a free message board

OK well TBH I totally agree. :badgrin:

I just wouldn't use it to make a case for her candidacy.
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the modern Democrat Party is just so, well, undemocratic


nevermind the concerted effort to screw over Comrade Bernie

Tulsi needs to be allowed on stage as per the rules going in

I don't agree with her on much (although she is the most reasonable of all the Dem candidates)

she won't win (Dems won't even give her a chance); but if she did, she would be the first PILF...


Gabbard calls on Biden, Sanders to help put her on debate stage

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is calling on former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to urge the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to allow her on stage for the next primary debate after newly released qualifications for the event barred her from participating.

the rules clearly stated that anyone that actually won a delegate would be included in the debates
Uh, I don't think that's accurate.

DNC raises debate requirements, excluding Tulsi Gabbard

The Democratic National Committee has increased its requirements for participating in the March 15 debate in Arizona, hosted by CNN and Univision, the next Democratic debate of the primary season. The new requirements mean Tulsi Gabbard will not be on the stage.

Under the new requirements, candidates must have at least 20% of the total number of pledged delegates, a requirement only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders have met. The previous rules only required candidates to secure one delegate, which Gabbard did in American Samoa.

It was not a rule. They were right to change it. Since there will be no brokered convention, only the candidates who have a chance of being the nominee should be onstage. Gabbard needs a good psychiatrist as she seems starved for attention. Maybe she'll claim she should be included under the ADA.
they are frightened of her,a smart beautiful woman who does not walk lock, stock and barrel with their radical ideas is dangerous to them
Who are "they"? The same people trying to get Sanders knocked off, for proposing the very ideas you say are radical and which "they" espouse? You're nuts.
Sanders is done, put a fork in him

the only drama left for the primaries is whether or not Joe gets forced out for someone like Michelle O or Hillary
She would have at least as much chance of winning against Trump as either of the old men she would replace.
um,shewoukdactually have a chance,which is far more than the 2 frontrunners can say...

A bigly chance I think. First up would be her military service, which means taking responsibility and discipline. Rump can't begin to compete with that. And then let him try to cut her with blood jokes about being female, or perhaps how she's in "good shape". That would cost him bigly too. She just doesn't offer targets, and Rump cannot function without targets.

Remember how we infamously dropped Tora Bora and went instead to Iraq, because they had "better targets"? Same thing here. Sanders and Biden offer, whether real or contrived, lots of targets that Rumpbots will line up to buy. Gabbard does not. It's so simple, yet so elusive.
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I supported Sanders and I'm kinda dissapointed he isn't fighting for her. In 2016 she was one of the few who backed him.

I can understand Biden not wanting her up there. She would take him down just like she did Harris, which again makes me wonder why Sanders isn't pushing for her to be there.
Revenge is precisely what she will exact.
That's really all she wants, and a bit more return (via publicity) on her time and effort invested. She seems very thin skinned. She complained about lack of media coverage, then complained when the media covered her. She is going to need to grow some thicker skin to run again in the future.

Aside from the fact that she's a bit of a Putin/ Assad stooge, I honestly do like Tulsi. But you're exactly right - thicker skin is called for. She goes from zero to whine in about 3.2 seconds.

Got an electron microscope? Measure the skin of the current POTUS. It would not seem to be a factor.

Can't disagree with that! ;)


Do you even news?

The DNC made it impossible for Tulsi Gabbard to make the next debate — Business Insider


She has ONE delegate and polls at ZERO. Fuck the DNC ... Why is she still even in the race?
That's really all she wants, and a bit more return (via publicity) on her time and effort invested. She seems very thin skinned. She complained about lack of media coverage, then complained when the media covered her. She is going to need to grow some thicker skin to run again in the future.

Aside from the fact that she's a bit of a Putin/ Assad stooge, I honestly do like Tulsi. But you're exactly right - thicker skin is called for. She goes from zero to whine in about 3.2 seconds.

Got an electron microscope? Measure the skin of the current POTUS. It would not seem to be a factor.

Can't disagree with that! ;)


Do you even news?

The DNC made it impossible for Tulsi Gabbard to make the next debate — Business Insider


She has ONE delegate and polls at ZERO. Fuck the DNC ... Why is she still even in the race?

She does not "poll at zero". You're not gonna get anywhere making shit up.

Biden was "polling at zero" two weeks ago. Polls can be, and are, manipulated by advertising (two words: Michael Bloomberg) and by including or excluding people from things like debates ---- or in the case of the Republican Party, by cancelling primaries altogether.

If the System WANTS her to "poll at zero" it will make it happen, and here you are helping them do it, for free. If the System WANTS somebody to get the nomination, it will make that happen.
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She would have at least as much chance of winning against Trump as either of the old men she would replace.
um,shewoukdactually have a chance,which is far more than the 2 frontrunners can say...

A bigly chance I think. First up would be her military service, which means taking responsibility and discipline. Rump can't begin to compete with that. And then let him try to cut her with blood jokes about being female, or perhaps how she's in "good shape". That would cost him bigly too. She just doesn't offer targets, and Rump cannot function without targets.

Remember how we infamously dropped Tora Bora and went instead to Iraq, because they had "better targets"? Same thing here. Sanders and Biden offer, whether real or contrived, lots of targets that Rumpbots will line up to buy. Gabbard does not. It's so simple, yet so elusive.
I mean, I can't argue because I agree

if Trump attacked her, it would backfire, and she is easily the least "radical" democrat in the race

she would be a formidable opponent

Sleepy/Creepy Joe? not so much
Aside from the fact that she's a bit of a Putin/ Assad stooge, I honestly do like Tulsi. But you're exactly right - thicker skin is called for. She goes from zero to whine in about 3.2 seconds.

Got an electron microscope? Measure the skin of the current POTUS. It would not seem to be a factor.

Can't disagree with that! ;)


Do you even news?

The DNC made it impossible for Tulsi Gabbard to make the next debate — Business Insider


She has ONE delegate and polls at ZERO. Fuck the DNC ... Why is she still even in the race?

She does not "poll at zero". You're not gonna get anywhere making shit up.

Biden was "polling at zero" two weeks ago. Polls can be, and are, manipulated by advertising (two words: Michael Bloomberg) and by including or excluding people from things like debates ---- or in the case of the Republican Party, by cancelling primaries altogether.

. If the System WANTS her to poll at zero, it will make it happen. If the System WANTS somebody to get the nomination, it will make that happen.

Ok - 1-2%? - Biden has NEVER polled at 1 or 2% That's pretty much zero in my world.

Gabbard has consistently polled in single digits in national polls. Gabbard has polled at 1 percent in several major polls. ... On August 23, 2019, Gabbard's campaign stated that she had received 2 percent or more in 26 national and statewide polls, but only two of the polls were certified by the DNC.
Got an electron microscope? Measure the skin of the current POTUS. It would not seem to be a factor.

Can't disagree with that! ;)


Do you even news?

The DNC made it impossible for Tulsi Gabbard to make the next debate — Business Insider


She has ONE delegate and polls at ZERO. Fuck the DNC ... Why is she still even in the race?

She does not "poll at zero". You're not gonna get anywhere making shit up.

Biden was "polling at zero" two weeks ago. Polls can be, and are, manipulated by advertising (two words: Michael Bloomberg) and by including or excluding people from things like debates ---- or in the case of the Republican Party, by cancelling primaries altogether.

. If the System WANTS her to poll at zero, it will make it happen. If the System WANTS somebody to get the nomination, it will make that happen.

Ok - 1-2%? - Biden has NEVER polled at 1 or 2% That's pretty much zero in my world.

Gabbard has consistently polled in single digits in national polls. Gabbard has polled at 1 percent in several major polls. ... On August 23, 2019, Gabbard's campaign stated that she had received 2 percent or more in 26 national and statewide polls, but only two of the polls were certified by the DNC.

This whole Ratings Mentality reminds me of the Rumpbots who crow about "look how many people went to this rally". The idea here is to select a candidate who can win. The perception of who that is absolutely CAN BE, and REGULARLY IS, manipulated by those who have the resources to do so, which is exactly what a political party is for.

And btw check the last four words of your post.

Remember, "ratings" (and how many come to see a clown show) measure attention, not assent. People do amass to go see a clown show. If we elect Chief Executives on that basis ------------------- we'll continue to get clowns.
She would have at least as much chance of winning against Trump as either of the old men she would replace.
um,shewoukdactually have a chance,which is far more than the 2 frontrunners can say...

A bigly chance I think. First up would be her military service, which means taking responsibility and discipline. Rump can't begin to compete with that. And then let him try to cut her with blood jokes about being female, or perhaps how she's in "good shape". That would cost him bigly too. She just doesn't offer targets, and Rump cannot function without targets.

Remember how we infamously dropped Tora Bora and went instead to Iraq, because they had "better targets"? Same thing here. Sanders and Biden offer, whether real or contrived, lots of targets that Rumpbots will line up to buy. Gabbard does not. It's so simple, yet so elusive.
She needs to be seasoned a bit. And as she is a Prog I can not vote for a woman.
Seeing that she got near zero support from the D half of the duopoly and near zero media coverage, anything more than absolute zero polling is nearly miraculous.
"Let a woman speak" has been hammered at us (even those of us already more than willing and happy to listen to women) by the Democratic Party for so long that their ignoring the possibility now only contributes to contempt.
She has already received more debate time than she deserved.
OK at the beginning of the campaign process, but at this stage you need to focus on the real players
She would have at least as much chance of winning against Trump as either of the old men she would replace.
um,shewoukdactually have a chance,which is far more than the 2 frontrunners can say...

A bigly chance I think. First up would be her military service, which means taking responsibility and discipline. Rump can't begin to compete with that. And then let him try to cut her with blood jokes about being female, or perhaps how she's in "good shape". That would cost him bigly too. She just doesn't offer targets, and Rump cannot function without targets.

Remember how we infamously dropped Tora Bora and went instead to Iraq, because they had "better targets"? Same thing here. Sanders and Biden offer, whether real or contrived, lots of targets that Rumpbots will line up to buy. Gabbard does not. It's so simple, yet so elusive.
She needs to be seasoned a bit. And as she is a Prog I can not vote for a woman.

She's only 38. She'd have to be closer to 138 to be a "Prog".

Besides which, we have an orange freak in the office now who's never run for office, never had a job before or taken an iota of responsibility for literally anything, so what kind of uh, "seasoning" did you have in mind?

She's got military service for one thing. That requires and develops organizational skills and discipline. She's already in Congress. She's got all the Constitutional qualifications. What "seasoning" would be necessary? To paint her face orange?
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She has ONE delegate and polls at ZERO. Fuck the DNC ... Why is she still even in the race?

She does not "poll at zero". You're not gonna get anywhere making shit up.

Biden was "polling at zero" two weeks ago. Polls can be, and are, manipulated by advertising (two words: Michael Bloomberg) and by including or excluding people from things like debates ---- or in the case of the Republican Party, by cancelling primaries altogether.

. If the System WANTS her to poll at zero, it will make it happen. If the System WANTS somebody to get the nomination, it will make that happen.

Ok - 1-2%? - Biden has NEVER polled at 1 or 2% That's pretty much zero in my world.

Gabbard has consistently polled in single digits in national polls. Gabbard has polled at 1 percent in several major polls. ... On August 23, 2019, Gabbard's campaign stated that she had received 2 percent or more in 26 national and statewide polls, but only two of the polls were certified by the DNC.

This whole Ratings Mentality reminds me of the Rumpbots who crow about "look how many people went to this rally". The idea here is to select a candidate who can win. The perception of who that is absolutely CAN BE, and REGULARLY IS, manipulated by those who have the resources to do so, which is exactly what a political party is for.

Remember, "ratings" (and how many come to see a clown show) measure attention, not assent. People do amass to go see a clown show. If we elect Chief Executives on that basis ------------------- we'll continue to get clowns.

Thanks - You're one of USMB's smartest posters. Okay, you've changed my mind despite the fact that she's our Orangeling's favorite candidate.

I'm going to write the DNC and request that she be allowed in the debate despite the fact that I'm a registered Independent (I won't tell them that ;-)

I'm not exactly happy with two old white guys pushing 80 - Or, you know .... ;)


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