G20, 12.30 AM

Buses were chartered, even a train was chartered.
And this is just two of many groups-
Plan of action for the international anticapitalist demonstration | G20 Welcome to Hell
Over ten thousand protesters congregated to peacefully protest and then a relative handful of those anarchists showed up and caused the trouble. Just like here. Why can't we call them terrorists for using violence to meet their political aims?

Just like here, they are paid for. Ferguson was not a spontaneous protest turned violent. Violence was what was being paid for. Same in Germany.
If they cared about the future of their country, Merkel wouldn't be in charge.
That "paid for" excuse doesn't fly with me or anyone who actually takes this seriously. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying lalalalala isn't going to help. You should be paying attention if you really care about what is happening. Saying "Oh, they're paid for" is, as usual, stupidly sticking your head in the sand about the problems they're talking about and the sheer # of people who are obviously unhappy. Even if you give a guy $25 for gas, he's not going to go if he's a conservative.
ALL protests are organized. So what?
Depootoo seems to be believe that a protest can only be valid if the people protesting spontaneously jump from their sofas and decide to go make a sign and march in the street. Transportation cannot be involved. If they are aware other protesters will be there, or even the actual site of the event, THEN IT IS NOT A VALID PROTEST.
And who pays for all that organizing?
And you must not have clicked on at least my first link.

Most of those protesting, destroying, are college age. They are being fed crap as to what capitalism is, as to what nationalism vs patriotism really is, as to what freedom really is, that laws are made to be broken, violence is ok, etc.
Unless you happen to believe as they do, that the US has nothing to offer from its founding and the world can be one big happy family, all singing kumbaya, if others would just listen.
Buses were chartered, even a train was chartered.
And this is just two of many groups-
Plan of action for the international anticapitalist demonstration | G20 Welcome to Hell
Over ten thousand protesters congregated to peacefully protest and then a relative handful of those anarchists showed up and caused the trouble. Just like here. Why can't we call them terrorists for using violence to meet their political aims?

Just like here, they are paid for. Ferguson was not a spontaneous protest turned violent. Violence was what was being paid for. Same in Germany.
If they cared about the future of their country, Merkel wouldn't be in charge.
That "paid for" excuse doesn't fly with me or anyone who actually takes this seriously. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying lalalalala isn't going to help. You should be paying attention if you really care about what is happening. Saying "Oh, they're paid for" is, as usual, stupidly sticking your head in the sand about the problems they're talking about and the sheer # of people who are obviously unhappy. Even if you give a guy $25 for gas, he's not going to go if he's a conservative.
ALL protests are organized. So what?
Ahhhhhh.....Anarchists. Individuals who despise innovation, success and freedom.
If their idea of a proper government is Communism, that's authoritarian, oppressive, murderous and stifles innovation.
If their idea is that the world should have no government, just chaos, I'd like to know how they plan on obtaining food, clothing, et cetera.

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