French author, 50, says women over 50 are too old to love.

I agree and the reality is most women after forty are forgettable and should be ignored... Heck even thirty-five is too old to look at for most women.

Also agree Asian women are much better than most of the world. Hispanic women age quickly and by twenty-five they are looking like the Asian eighth year old women.

Black women usually do not age as fast but a lot of white women after thirty-five look older than most Asian women in their sixties.

So yeah, I agree and age along with gravity never is a friend of most women...

How many of you ladies would line up to have a date with Bruce here?

Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

There was a guy on here had me rolling on the floor. So much so, I followed him into the FZ. (a mistake) The upshot being, one day he disappeared into the ether. Never to be seen again. :crybaby:

Rosie has a rare sense of humour.
Rosie is a guy?
The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all,” he said, adding that he preferred to date Asian women, particularly Koreans, Chinese and Japanese.

“It’s perhaps sad and reductive for the women I go out with but the Asian type is sufficiently rich, large and infinite for me not to be ashamed.”

Moix has won several literary prizes including the prestigious Prix Goncourt for a first novel and the Prix François Mauriac from the Académie Française for his 1996 debut work Jubilations Vers le Ciel, has directed three films and is the host of a popular TV talkshow.

His comments caused outrage on social media.

I agree and the reality is most women after forty are forgettable and should be ignored... Heck even thirty-five is too old to look at for most women.

Also agree Asian women are much better than most of the world. Hispanic women age quickly and by twenty-five they are looking like the Asian eighth year old women.

Black women usually do not age as fast but a lot of white women after thirty-five look older than most Asian women in their sixties.

So yeah, I agree and age along with gravity never is a friend of most women...

How many of you ladies would line up to have a date with Bruce here?

Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Congratulations. We're coming up on our 24th anniversary next month. People always ask how we made it so long, and our answer is always, "Sheer stubbornness." How about you?
Humor is the best part of a relationship. Looks go, sex with the same person is fun but after awhile Jay Leno is more fun, so humor is what is needed.

At least Mindful knows I am just being an ass and this is the internet where outrageous nonsense can be spewed...

I look at it this way. Grown up men and women recognise the human condition, and can have fun with it.

Still, I prefer the Donald Trump way of thinking and trading in for a new model every twenty years...

Too bad I am not as known as him to be able to do that...
It only takes money...Been there, done that..

No it doesn't. So you haven't been anywhere.
Yeah, sure honey you run wit dat but don't trip and put out an eye. You don't know every damn thing nor have you lived everyone else's life...Stop being a snob and maybe you'll get a guy.

I'm sorry, are you in a position to judge anyone's love life?
What women want, apart from a pair of stilettos.

How many of you ladies would line up to have a date with Bruce here?

Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Humor is the best part of a relationship. Looks go, sex with the same person is fun but after awhile Jay Leno is more fun, so humor is what is needed.

At least Mindful knows I am just being an ass and this is the internet where outrageous nonsense can be spewed...

I look at it this way. Grown up men and women recognise the human condition, and can have fun with it.

Might as well. None of us are getting out of it alive, after all.
Humor is the best part of a relationship. Looks go, sex with the same person is fun but after awhile Jay Leno is more fun, so humor is what is needed.

At least Mindful knows I am just being an ass and this is the internet where outrageous nonsense can be spewed...

I look at it this way. Grown up men and women recognise the human condition, and can have fun with it.

Still, I prefer the Donald Trump way of thinking and trading in for a new model every twenty years...

Too bad I am not as known as him to be able to do that...
It only takes money...Been there, done that..

No it doesn't. So you haven't been anywhere.
Yeah, sure honey you run wit dat but don't trip and put out an eye. You don't know every damn thing nor have you lived everyone else's life...Stop being a snob and maybe you'll get a guy.

You shut up, you traitorous colonial.

Know your place.
Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Humor is the best part of a relationship. Looks go, sex with the same person is fun but after awhile Jay Leno is more fun, so humor is what is needed.

At least Mindful knows I am just being an ass and this is the internet where outrageous nonsense can be spewed...

I look at it this way. Grown up men and women recognise the human condition, and can have fun with it.

Still, I prefer the Donald Trump way of thinking and trading in for a new model every twenty years...

Too bad I am not as known as him to be able to do that...

Can't say I'd want to be married to someone I know is just there for the money and fame, no matter what they look like.
I agree and the reality is most women after forty are forgettable and should be ignored... Heck even thirty-five is too old to look at for most women.

Also agree Asian women are much better than most of the world. Hispanic women age quickly and by twenty-five they are looking like the Asian eighth year old women.

Black women usually do not age as fast but a lot of white women after thirty-five look older than most Asian women in their sixties.

So yeah, I agree and age along with gravity never is a friend of most women...

How many of you ladies would line up to have a date with Bruce here?

Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Congratulations. We're coming up on our 24th anniversary next month. People always ask how we made it so long, and our answer is always, "Sheer stubbornness." How about you?

First, the grace of God--we are just blessed. But if I could give anyone credit, my mother, who gave me the best advice of my entire life. She said just before we were married, "Put your marriage first, and your children will be better off for it."

And the thing is, I knew that was true, because I had watched she and my father live it out. It's really great advice. People need it so badly right now. Kids too, actually--that they are not the center of everyone's world.
The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all,” he said, adding that he preferred to date Asian women, particularly Koreans, Chinese and Japanese.

“It’s perhaps sad and reductive for the women I go out with but the Asian type is sufficiently rich, large and infinite for me not to be ashamed.”

Moix has won several literary prizes including the prestigious Prix Goncourt for a first novel and the Prix François Mauriac from the Académie Française for his 1996 debut work Jubilations Vers le Ciel, has directed three films and is the host of a popular TV talkshow.

His comments caused outrage on social media.

I agree and the reality is most women after forty are forgettable and should be ignored... Heck even thirty-five is too old to look at for most women.

Also agree Asian women are much better than most of the world. Hispanic women age quickly and by twenty-five they are looking like the Asian eighth year old women.

Black women usually do not age as fast but a lot of white women after thirty-five look older than most Asian women in their sixties.

So yeah, I agree and age along with gravity never is a friend of most women...

How many of you ladies would line up to have a date with Bruce here?

Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

One of the things I love about my husband is how often our arguments end just because one of us makes the other one laugh.

That's the way to do it.
If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Humor is the best part of a relationship. Looks go, sex with the same person is fun but after awhile Jay Leno is more fun, so humor is what is needed.

At least Mindful knows I am just being an ass and this is the internet where outrageous nonsense can be spewed...

Okay well if you're just being an a&& on purpose, then all right then.

Married almost 25 years now, will be that long this summer. I would dispute your claim about Jay Leno, and no way will I extrapolate on that. Maybe hubby and I were just really lucky, I don't know. Everyone just seems to believe this stuff but I wonder if people believe it just because "everyone says it". I don't know.

Alright, men that believe the nonsense I spewed are usually the ones single and never had a serious relationship.

Most people marry because of lust and not love.

That is reality and they end up in divorce.

Humor is the heart of a relationships and as long as your mate can make you laugh and smile along with trust...


Now you tell me?

He's right. Most people marry for infatuation, and when that wears off, they have squat to sustain a relationship for the long haul.

That's when they assume they "fell out of love". Truth is, they never had love at all. They quit before it could develop.
How many of you ladies would line up to have a date with Bruce here?

Pass. I sincerely doubt that he has anything to offer to compensate for what he wants.

If he can make me laugh forever, I'm his. :4_13_65:

I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Congratulations. We're coming up on our 24th anniversary next month. People always ask how we made it so long, and our answer is always, "Sheer stubbornness." How about you?

First, the grace of God--we are just blessed. But if I could give anyone credit, my mother, who gave me the best advice of my entire life. She said just before we were married, "Put your marriage first, and your children will be better off for it."

And the thing is, I knew that was true, because I had watched she and my father live it out. It's really great advice. People need it so badly right now. Kids too, actually--that they are not the center of everyone's world.

"Grace of God". Heard that. Funny story, I was on a date with my then-boyfriend the night I met my husband. I saw him across the room, and I heard a voice - or Voice - in my head say, "That's him. That's the man you're going to marry." I went home and broke up with my boyfriend that same night. Two months later, my husband and I got married.

I watched my mom stand by my dad until the day he died, and long and gruelingly slow process. People kept telling her she should just "let him go peacefully" and get on with her life. She just stared blankly back at them and said, "He IS my life." When the doctors said he might need a feeding tube and maybe they shouldn't bother because "the operation to insert it might kill him", she said, "He'll go when God takes him. He's not going to die because I decided he should." And that was that.

My parents set a pretty high standard to live up to.
Heard that. I lived every one of my years, and there's not a single one of them I would give back. They're mine, and I own them.

The interesting thing is that I spent my 30s and 40s getting hit on - a LOT - by men in their 20s because they were disgusted by girls their own age who were all appearance and no substance. I told 'em to find one with potential, and then just hang on and wait. Eventually, she would grow up. But I'm going to say that REALLY speaks badly of this guy's maturity, intelligence, and wisdom.
In a country where 75 % are obese, the other 25 % doesn't need to be of substance. This is like the reversal of the ww2 dating years, when women dated any jerk because he was not yet dead. The 25 % woman can be as much a jerk as she wants to be.

Sorry, but I have no frigging clue what you're babbling about. What does obese have to do with this thread topic? What point do you think you're making here?

If you are not obese but groovy at 50, or at any age, then you win the men. Too bad you have only 25 % chance to be that. The OP postulates a 50 cutoff. But the actual cutoff is not the 50 but the BMI.
only women with lousy intuition don't find boy friends who are willing to help them increase their metabolism; just for fun and practice, not drama and gossip.

Only women who want to avoid manipulations would ignore such nonsense.
you get all the fatter ones. they have to increase their metabolism with me.
any older women want to help me work on my happy camper policy? i practice for an hour and you give me feedback.

i need feedback for my regular happy camper policy, honey bunches of O's therapy and sugar and spice and everything nice sessions.
I have to agree with that quality in a man. On my first date with hubby I laughed so much my face hurt the next sore muscles. I didn't think such a thing was possible. He still makes me laugh and he hardly ever, ever irritates me. Even when our kids think his jokes are corny, I just think he's hilarious. We'll be married 25 years this summer.

Humor is the best part of a relationship. Looks go, sex with the same person is fun but after awhile Jay Leno is more fun, so humor is what is needed.

At least Mindful knows I am just being an ass and this is the internet where outrageous nonsense can be spewed...

Okay well if you're just being an a&& on purpose, then all right then.

Married almost 25 years now, will be that long this summer. I would dispute your claim about Jay Leno, and no way will I extrapolate on that. Maybe hubby and I were just really lucky, I don't know. Everyone just seems to believe this stuff but I wonder if people believe it just because "everyone says it". I don't know.

Alright, men that believe the nonsense I spewed are usually the ones single and never had a serious relationship.

Most people marry because of lust and not love.

That is reality and they end up in divorce.

Humor is the heart of a relationships and as long as your mate can make you laugh and smile along with trust...


Now you tell me?

He's right. Most people marry for infatuation, and when that wears off, they have squat to sustain a relationship for the long haul.

That's when they assume they "fell out of love". Truth is, they never had love at all. They quit before it could develop.

We are probably much too casual in our choice of lovers; for the wrong choice can knock our life off a flourishing course. Passion and chemistry are no proof of love, let alone of whether a relationship will be good for us. Out of our powerful urge to become similar to those we are attracted to—to heed their advice, to emulate their values and tastes—we pay a real and often disastrous price for associating with the wrong people: those of insufficient virtue, those whose values are too different to our own. We become worse with a worse person, better with a better person; but the secret to durable love is two people who are not only virtuous, but similarly virtuous.

—Simon May, Love, A History

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