Free Stuff.... For whites

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Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

Why, I am deeply insulted bootney. I'm black and you're suppose to bow and genuflect at anything I say, because if you don't, I'll call you a racist until you agree with me.


Look at that. It's what most of these guys actually believe. And it's retarded. This shit came from lard ass who flunked out of college and got a job at a radio station. He's ignorant and he infect a couple of generations with his ignorance to the extent that there are whites beliefs that like it's gospel.

And it is that ignorance which allows them to make overtly racist comment then when the recoil comes they talk that brain dead shit doggiephone talks.
My trifling white ass?Nothing racist about that!

I'm sure Bootney would agree. He wants you to call him a brother SO bad .
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Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

Why, I am deeply insulted bootney. I'm black and you're suppose to bow and genuflect at anything I say, because if you don't, I'll call you a racist until you agree with me.


Look at that. It's what most of these guys actually believe. And it's retarded. This shit came from lard ass who flunked out of college and got a job at a radio station. He's ignorant and he infect a couple of generations with his ignorance to the extent that there are whites beliefs that like it's gospel.

And it is that ignorance which allows them to make overtly racist comment then when the recoil comes they talk that brain dead shit doggiephone talks.
Are you referring to Rush, the greedy pig Globalist who only gives a shit about himself?
Sine they specifically mentioned government policies, I know that you say this trying to save face.
To clarify, you mean the government policies that stopped in the 1800s?

Nope. I said 243 years. 1776-2019.
Not in the video.
That crap is only spouted by self-hating academics who are only too happy to collect their 95K/year.
Another one who can't take the truth.
Maybe because I have never experienced any advantage for being White.
One’s things for NY you have to be Black to get a civil service job.

But you have and that's the problem. And I bet the majority of civil service workers are not black. The next thing you'll be trying to tell me how only blacks work on wall street.
To clarify, you mean the government policies that stopped in the 1800s?

Nope. I said 243 years. 1776-2019.
Not in the video.
That crap is only spouted by self-hating academics who are only too happy to collect their 95K/year.
Another one who can't take the truth.
Maybe because I have never experienced any advantage for being White.
One’s things for NY you have to be Black to get a civil service job.

But you have and that's the problem. And I bet the majority of civil service workers are not black. The next thing you'll be trying to tell me how only blacks work on wall street.
I guess you don’t live in NYS.
My trifling white ass?Nothing racist about that!

I'm sure Bootney would agree. He wants you to call him a brother SO bad .
No there isn't. I am not say whites are trifling and blacks don't have 243 years believing we are superior to whites.

Bootney doesn't want to do anything but discuss this topic.
Nope. I said 243 years. 1776-2019.
Not in the video.
That crap is only spouted by self-hating academics who are only too happy to collect their 95K/year.
Another one who can't take the truth.
Maybe because I have never experienced any advantage for being White.
One’s things for NY you have to be Black to get a civil service job.

But you have and that's the problem. And I bet the majority of civil service workers are not black. The next thing you'll be trying to tell me how only blacks work on wall street.
I guess you don’t live in NYS.

I don't have to. What you say is the most common whine from whites like you. And it's always an untrue exaggeration.
Not in the video.
That crap is only spouted by self-hating academics who are only too happy to collect their 95K/year.
Another one who can't take the truth.
Maybe because I have never experienced any advantage for being White.
One’s things for NY you have to be Black to get a civil service job.

But you have and that's the problem. And I bet the majority of civil service workers are not black. The next thing you'll be trying to tell me how only blacks work on wall street.
I guess you don’t live in NYS.

I don't have to. What you say is the most common whine from whites like you. And it's always an untrue exaggeration.
You win, Al Sharpton.
All that doesn't change the fact that you are a coward that's too scared to discuss the op. The next off topic post from you will be reported.

How adorable.

The racist calls me a coward right before threatening to tattle on me.

You sure do have the black privilege thing down pat, don't you?

Post examples of my racism. Show me where I have said anything that implies black racial superiority. The immature juvenile attempts aren't going to work. You pricks troll threads on purpose so the moderators close them unless they are threads by racist whites posting about blacks. Follow the rules or get reported.
Yes, I understand that you have grown up with black privilege, being given first dibs at jobs, first dibs at school and most importantly, preferential treatment in all aspects of your life absolving you of the responsibility for your behavior and attitudes as well as for the results of your life choices. The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist, not only by blacks, but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.

Black privilege is based upon intimidation, that intimidation geared towards blacks gaining an advantage over whites. Instead of taking responsibility for the children you produce, teaching them good values like a strong regard for education and a solid work ethic, you use the race card to silence any who dare to question your own responsibility for your actions. This has resulted in a two tier system of privilege where blacks are held to a much lower standard than any other group, and if anybody objects, then they MUST be silenced.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
Oh, boy. I am gonna take this thing all apart and bash it to pieces.

The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist
I have no fear of being called a racist. I DO have a fear of being unreasonable or irrational (which is all racial bigotry is) as any person with a brain should fear, or better said, I have a strong desire to be rational. I have no problem confronting the irrational. A person's irresponsibility is none of my damn business until it directly affects me.

but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.
I think you mean sycophant and you misusing it here. Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

And, if you think I am kissing IM2's ass, you have NOT been paying attention. Just because I am not sitting here throwing shit a him does not mean we're in lockstep. Admitting FACTS that clear and indisputable is not kissing ass. You don't think I would have shot that video down if it were inaccurate? I would have DESTROYED it. It does no good to defend the indefensible. That's called being reasonable, which makes one MORE CREDIBLE and more persuasive.

But back to your misguided ass-kissing accusation, there's a difference between disagreeing with someone in a reasonable discussion and being a complete asshole toward them. Your own fucking signature gif kind of gets to the point :laugh: Surely, you don't believe that being an asshole to someone your are trying to persuade is an effective strategy, do you?

On second though, maybe you do.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
He threatens you because you keep getting off topic. If you want to talk about other shit, go start your own thread. It's not unreasonable for the OP to ask you to stay on topic. Hell, he couldn't get anyone to watch the damn video and comment on it for 5 fucking pages. I think he has been pretty damn patient. Regardless of whether you instinctively disagree with IM2, you are not allow to come shit in his thread.

IM2 and I have disagreed throughout this entire thread, in a fairly heated fashion. He has NOT ONE SINGLE TIME threaten to "black-privilege" silence me by reporting to mods. Most of the hostility you see from him (both here and elsewhere) is frustration because people are posting in this thread for the sole purpose of telling him he's an "angry, bigoted, white-hating, race-baiting, etc." whatever, instead of addressing the topic.

A rational person who holds the nearly exact same views as you could look at IM2's behavior in this thread and agree that he has tried to silence no one but those who are fucking up his thread with off-topic bullshit.

I know you have a lot of things you want to say to IM2. I know you want to make all kinds of points about the general topic of race and privilege or whatever, but DAMN dude. If it is NOT about the thread topic, go make your points elsewhere. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Ah, yes. If the propaganda piece weren't spot-on, you would have said so, and because you said it was, it must have been.

Despite all your self-aggrandizement, that isn't reasoning at work, son.
You're accusing me of accepting that "propaganda piece" as fact without checking into it? But, here you are having provided not one shred of proof dispelling the claims made in that video or pointing out the false statements.

That video was a propaganda piece, no question. It just happens to have facts backing it up, unless, of course you would like to challenge one of those facts. It's not hard to go look it up for yourself. (What the fuck do you think I did?)

Do you think someone looks like a FUCKING IDIOT when he/she challenges the factual accuracy of a video without knowing whether or not those facts are true? (What do you think you did?) Do you think that's reasoning?

So why don't you tell IM2 what facts were not true? Why are you arguing with me about it? That's what you should've been doing the whole time with IM2, instead of throwing around a bunch of poop from your ass and getting off topic!!!

Now, I'm having to argue with both him AND you. It would be easier for me if you would just leave.

You hired this guy as a plant to come in here throw bombs on everything, didn't you? Trying to throw me off my game?

I see how it is.

You fight dirty.

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How adorable.

The racist calls me a coward right before threatening to tattle on me.

You sure do have the black privilege thing down pat, don't you?

Post examples of my racism. Show me where I have said anything that implies black racial superiority. The immature juvenile attempts aren't going to work. You pricks troll threads on purpose so the moderators close them unless they are threads by racist whites posting about blacks. Follow the rules or get reported.
Yes, I understand that you have grown up with black privilege, being given first dibs at jobs, first dibs at school and most importantly, preferential treatment in all aspects of your life absolving you of the responsibility for your behavior and attitudes as well as for the results of your life choices. The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist, not only by blacks, but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.

Black privilege is based upon intimidation, that intimidation geared towards blacks gaining an advantage over whites. Instead of taking responsibility for the children you produce, teaching them good values like a strong regard for education and a solid work ethic, you use the race card to silence any who dare to question your own responsibility for your actions. This has resulted in a two tier system of privilege where blacks are held to a much lower standard than any other group, and if anybody objects, then they MUST be silenced.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
Oh, boy. I am gonna take this thing all apart and bash it to pieces.

The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist
I have no fear of being called a racist. I DO have a fear of being unreasonable or irrational (which is all racial bigotry is) as any person with a brain should fear, or better said, I have a strong desire to be rational. I have no problem confronting the irrational. A person's irresponsibility is none of my damn business until it directly affects me.

but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.
I think you mean sycophant and you misusing it here. Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

And, if you think I am kissing IM2's ass, you have NOT been paying attention. Just because I am not sitting here throwing shit a him does not mean we're in lockstep. Admitting FACTS that clear and indisputable is not kissing ass. You don't think I would have shot that video down if it were inaccurate? I would have DESTROYED it. It does no good to defend the indefensible. That's called being reasonable, which makes one MORE CREDIBLE and more persuasive.

But back to your misguided ass-kissing accusation, there's a difference between disagreeing with someone in a reasonable discussion and being a complete asshole toward them. Your own fucking signature gif kind of gets to the point :laugh: Surely, you don't believe that being an asshole to someone your are trying to persuade is an effective strategy, do you?

On second though, maybe you do.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
He threatens you because you keep getting off topic. If you want to talk about other shit, go start your own thread. It's not unreasonable for the OP to ask you to stay on topic. Hell, he couldn't get anyone to watch the damn video and comment on it for 5 fucking pages. I think he has been pretty damn patient. Regardless of whether you instinctively disagree with IM2, you are not allow to come shit in his thread.

IM2 and I have disagreed throughout this entire thread, in a fairly heated fashion. He has NOT ONE SINGLE TIME threaten to "black-privilege" silence me by reporting to mods. Most of the hostility you see from him (both here and elsewhere) is frustration because people are posting in this thread for the sole purpose of telling him he's an "angry, bigoted, white-hating, race-baiting, etc." whatever, instead of addressing the topic.

A rational person who holds the nearly exact same views as you could look at IM2's behavior in this thread and agree that he has tried to silence no one but those who are fucking up his thread with off-topic bullshit.

I know you have a lot of things you want to say to IM2. I know you want to make all kinds of points about the general topic of race and privilege or whatever, but DAMN dude. If it is NOT about the thread topic, go make your points elsewhere. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Ah, yes. If the propaganda piece weren't spot-on, you would have said so, and because you said it was, it must have been.

Despite all your self-aggrandizement, that isn't reasoning at work, son.
You're accusing me of accepting that "propaganda piece" as fact without checking into it? But, here you are having provided not one shred of proof dispelling the claims made in that video or pointing out the false statements.

That video was a propaganda piece, no question. It just happens to have facts backing it up, unless, of course you would like to challenge one of those facts. It's not hard to go look it up for yourself. (What the fuck do you think I did?)

Do you think someone looks like an FUCKING IDIOT when he/she challenges the factual accuracy of a video without knowing whether or not those facts are true? (What do you think you did?) Do you think that's reasoning?

So why don't you tell IM2 what facts were not true? Why are you arguing with me about it? That's what you should've been doing the whole time with IM2, instead of throwing around a bunch of poop from your ass and getting off topic!!!

Now, I'm having to argue with both him AND you. It would be easier for me if you would just leave.
The video became factless around minute 3.
Not in the video.
That crap is only spouted by self-hating academics who are only too happy to collect their 95K/year.
The truth is the truth, no matter whose mouth it comes from.

That is probably one of the most frustrating truths in my life.

I cannot tell you how infuriating it is to have a witness on the stand speaking the god-honest, undeniable truth, and knowing that said drop-dead truth is probatively USELESS and sounded like 40-year-old horseshit, SOLELY because of the filthy, lying mouth from whence it came.

Believe me. I understand how the people saying it may have been aggravating to you. I live that quite frequently.

Post examples of my racism. Show me where I have said anything that implies black racial superiority. The immature juvenile attempts aren't going to work. You pricks troll threads on purpose so the moderators close them unless they are threads by racist whites posting about blacks. Follow the rules or get reported.
Yes, I understand that you have grown up with black privilege, being given first dibs at jobs, first dibs at school and most importantly, preferential treatment in all aspects of your life absolving you of the responsibility for your behavior and attitudes as well as for the results of your life choices. The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist, not only by blacks, but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.

Black privilege is based upon intimidation, that intimidation geared towards blacks gaining an advantage over whites. Instead of taking responsibility for the children you produce, teaching them good values like a strong regard for education and a solid work ethic, you use the race card to silence any who dare to question your own responsibility for your actions. This has resulted in a two tier system of privilege where blacks are held to a much lower standard than any other group, and if anybody objects, then they MUST be silenced.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
Oh, boy. I am gonna take this thing all apart and bash it to pieces.

The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist
I have no fear of being called a racist. I DO have a fear of being unreasonable or irrational (which is all racial bigotry is) as any person with a brain should fear, or better said, I have a strong desire to be rational. I have no problem confronting the irrational. A person's irresponsibility is none of my damn business until it directly affects me.

but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.
I think you mean sycophant and you misusing it here. Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

And, if you think I am kissing IM2's ass, you have NOT been paying attention. Just because I am not sitting here throwing shit a him does not mean we're in lockstep. Admitting FACTS that clear and indisputable is not kissing ass. You don't think I would have shot that video down if it were inaccurate? I would have DESTROYED it. It does no good to defend the indefensible. That's called being reasonable, which makes one MORE CREDIBLE and more persuasive.

But back to your misguided ass-kissing accusation, there's a difference between disagreeing with someone in a reasonable discussion and being a complete asshole toward them. Your own fucking signature gif kind of gets to the point :laugh: Surely, you don't believe that being an asshole to someone your are trying to persuade is an effective strategy, do you?

On second though, maybe you do.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
He threatens you because you keep getting off topic. If you want to talk about other shit, go start your own thread. It's not unreasonable for the OP to ask you to stay on topic. Hell, he couldn't get anyone to watch the damn video and comment on it for 5 fucking pages. I think he has been pretty damn patient. Regardless of whether you instinctively disagree with IM2, you are not allow to come shit in his thread.

IM2 and I have disagreed throughout this entire thread, in a fairly heated fashion. He has NOT ONE SINGLE TIME threaten to "black-privilege" silence me by reporting to mods. Most of the hostility you see from him (both here and elsewhere) is frustration because people are posting in this thread for the sole purpose of telling him he's an "angry, bigoted, white-hating, race-baiting, etc." whatever, instead of addressing the topic.

A rational person who holds the nearly exact same views as you could look at IM2's behavior in this thread and agree that he has tried to silence no one but those who are fucking up his thread with off-topic bullshit.

I know you have a lot of things you want to say to IM2. I know you want to make all kinds of points about the general topic of race and privilege or whatever, but DAMN dude. If it is NOT about the thread topic, go make your points elsewhere. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Ah, yes. If the propaganda piece weren't spot-on, you would have said so, and because you said it was, it must have been.

Despite all your self-aggrandizement, that isn't reasoning at work, son.
You're accusing me of accepting that "propaganda piece" as fact without checking into it? But, here you are having provided not one shred of proof dispelling the claims made in that video or pointing out the false statements.

That video was a propaganda piece, no question. It just happens to have facts backing it up, unless, of course you would like to challenge one of those facts. It's not hard to go look it up for yourself. (What the fuck do you think I did?)

Do you think someone looks like an FUCKING IDIOT when he/she challenges the factual accuracy of a video without knowing whether or not those facts are true? (What do you think you did?) Do you think that's reasoning?

So why don't you tell IM2 what facts were not true? Why are you arguing with me about it? That's what you should've been doing the whole time with IM2, instead of throwing around a bunch of poop from your ass and getting off topic!!!

Now, I'm having to argue with both him AND you. It would be easier for me if you would just leave.
The video became factless around minute 3.
Yeah. It was a propaganda piece.

But, 3 minutes of the video was more than enough to prove IM2's point that white people have been getting what can be characterized as "affirmative action" for many, many years, and black people were NOT allowed to participate.

We have misuse of government by white people in the past to thank for IM2's sound argument for white people kindly shutting the fuck up on affirmative action or even reparations NOW.


Yes, I understand that you have grown up with black privilege, being given first dibs at jobs, first dibs at school and most importantly, preferential treatment in all aspects of your life absolving you of the responsibility for your behavior and attitudes as well as for the results of your life choices. The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist, not only by blacks, but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.

Black privilege is based upon intimidation, that intimidation geared towards blacks gaining an advantage over whites. Instead of taking responsibility for the children you produce, teaching them good values like a strong regard for education and a solid work ethic, you use the race card to silence any who dare to question your own responsibility for your actions. This has resulted in a two tier system of privilege where blacks are held to a much lower standard than any other group, and if anybody objects, then they MUST be silenced.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
Oh, boy. I am gonna take this thing all apart and bash it to pieces.

The fear of being called a racist in the white community is such a powerful motivator that white people are not allowed to confront black people on their hatred and irresponsibility without being called a racist
I have no fear of being called a racist. I DO have a fear of being unreasonable or irrational (which is all racial bigotry is) as any person with a brain should fear, or better said, I have a strong desire to be rational. I have no problem confronting the irrational. A person's irresponsibility is none of my damn business until it directly affects me.

but by white sychophants like Bootney who have ingested political correctness so thoroughly as to fall in line with deference to blacks he does not show other groups.
I think you mean sycophant and you misusing it here. Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

And, if you think I am kissing IM2's ass, you have NOT been paying attention. Just because I am not sitting here throwing shit a him does not mean we're in lockstep. Admitting FACTS that clear and indisputable is not kissing ass. You don't think I would have shot that video down if it were inaccurate? I would have DESTROYED it. It does no good to defend the indefensible. That's called being reasonable, which makes one MORE CREDIBLE and more persuasive.

But back to your misguided ass-kissing accusation, there's a difference between disagreeing with someone in a reasonable discussion and being a complete asshole toward them. Your own fucking signature gif kind of gets to the point :laugh: Surely, you don't believe that being an asshole to someone your are trying to persuade is an effective strategy, do you?

On second though, maybe you do.

You have threatened to tattle on me twice, now, and you do so because I am calling you on your whiny bull shit. Silencing others is part of black privilege, and so you are trying to extend that to this place. You cannot silence me directly, of course, so need the mods to do it for you. My advice is that next time you should report me and have one of the Mods who does not like me act as your agent in silencing me. That way you don't look like that passive aggressive snotty little bitch girl from the 4th grade who was always threatening to tattle to teacher after she was successful in getting the other kids agitated by provoking them.
He threatens you because you keep getting off topic. If you want to talk about other shit, go start your own thread. It's not unreasonable for the OP to ask you to stay on topic. Hell, he couldn't get anyone to watch the damn video and comment on it for 5 fucking pages. I think he has been pretty damn patient. Regardless of whether you instinctively disagree with IM2, you are not allow to come shit in his thread.

IM2 and I have disagreed throughout this entire thread, in a fairly heated fashion. He has NOT ONE SINGLE TIME threaten to "black-privilege" silence me by reporting to mods. Most of the hostility you see from him (both here and elsewhere) is frustration because people are posting in this thread for the sole purpose of telling him he's an "angry, bigoted, white-hating, race-baiting, etc." whatever, instead of addressing the topic.

A rational person who holds the nearly exact same views as you could look at IM2's behavior in this thread and agree that he has tried to silence no one but those who are fucking up his thread with off-topic bullshit.

I know you have a lot of things you want to say to IM2. I know you want to make all kinds of points about the general topic of race and privilege or whatever, but DAMN dude. If it is NOT about the thread topic, go make your points elsewhere. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Ah, yes. If the propaganda piece weren't spot-on, you would have said so, and because you said it was, it must have been.

Despite all your self-aggrandizement, that isn't reasoning at work, son.
You're accusing me of accepting that "propaganda piece" as fact without checking into it? But, here you are having provided not one shred of proof dispelling the claims made in that video or pointing out the false statements.

That video was a propaganda piece, no question. It just happens to have facts backing it up, unless, of course you would like to challenge one of those facts. It's not hard to go look it up for yourself. (What the fuck do you think I did?)

Do you think someone looks like an FUCKING IDIOT when he/she challenges the factual accuracy of a video without knowing whether or not those facts are true? (What do you think you did?) Do you think that's reasoning?

So why don't you tell IM2 what facts were not true? Why are you arguing with me about it? That's what you should've been doing the whole time with IM2, instead of throwing around a bunch of poop from your ass and getting off topic!!!

Now, I'm having to argue with both him AND you. It would be easier for me if you would just leave.
The video became factless around minute 3.
Yeah. It was a propaganda piece.

But, 3 minutes of the video was more than enough to prove IM2's point that white people have been getting what can be characterized as "affirmative action" for many, many years, and black people were NOT allowed to participate.

We have misuse of government by white people in the past to thank for IM2's sound argument for white people kindly shutting the fuck up on affirmative action or even reparations NOW.


Apart from the sparse OP, IM2 continues to post on this very Thread how the last 50 years have been no better than the past.
Oh, boy. I am gonna take this thing all apart and bash it to pieces.

I have no fear of being called a racist. I DO have a fear of being unreasonable or irrational (which is all racial bigotry is) as any person with a brain should fear, or better said, I have a strong desire to be rational. I have no problem confronting the irrational. A person's irresponsibility is none of my damn business until it directly affects me.

I think you mean sycophant and you misusing it here. Not to sound insulting to IM2, but I do not believe he is a person of great influence or high importance from whom I can expect to extract favors or gain some advantage.

And, if you think I am kissing IM2's ass, you have NOT been paying attention. Just because I am not sitting here throwing shit a him does not mean we're in lockstep. Admitting FACTS that clear and indisputable is not kissing ass. You don't think I would have shot that video down if it were inaccurate? I would have DESTROYED it. It does no good to defend the indefensible. That's called being reasonable, which makes one MORE CREDIBLE and more persuasive.

But back to your misguided ass-kissing accusation, there's a difference between disagreeing with someone in a reasonable discussion and being a complete asshole toward them. Your own fucking signature gif kind of gets to the point :laugh: Surely, you don't believe that being an asshole to someone your are trying to persuade is an effective strategy, do you?

On second though, maybe you do.

He threatens you because you keep getting off topic. If you want to talk about other shit, go start your own thread. It's not unreasonable for the OP to ask you to stay on topic. Hell, he couldn't get anyone to watch the damn video and comment on it for 5 fucking pages. I think he has been pretty damn patient. Regardless of whether you instinctively disagree with IM2, you are not allow to come shit in his thread.

IM2 and I have disagreed throughout this entire thread, in a fairly heated fashion. He has NOT ONE SINGLE TIME threaten to "black-privilege" silence me by reporting to mods. Most of the hostility you see from him (both here and elsewhere) is frustration because people are posting in this thread for the sole purpose of telling him he's an "angry, bigoted, white-hating, race-baiting, etc." whatever, instead of addressing the topic.

A rational person who holds the nearly exact same views as you could look at IM2's behavior in this thread and agree that he has tried to silence no one but those who are fucking up his thread with off-topic bullshit.

I know you have a lot of things you want to say to IM2. I know you want to make all kinds of points about the general topic of race and privilege or whatever, but DAMN dude. If it is NOT about the thread topic, go make your points elsewhere. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Ah, yes. If the propaganda piece weren't spot-on, you would have said so, and because you said it was, it must have been.

Despite all your self-aggrandizement, that isn't reasoning at work, son.
You're accusing me of accepting that "propaganda piece" as fact without checking into it? But, here you are having provided not one shred of proof dispelling the claims made in that video or pointing out the false statements.

That video was a propaganda piece, no question. It just happens to have facts backing it up, unless, of course you would like to challenge one of those facts. It's not hard to go look it up for yourself. (What the fuck do you think I did?)

Do you think someone looks like an FUCKING IDIOT when he/she challenges the factual accuracy of a video without knowing whether or not those facts are true? (What do you think you did?) Do you think that's reasoning?

So why don't you tell IM2 what facts were not true? Why are you arguing with me about it? That's what you should've been doing the whole time with IM2, instead of throwing around a bunch of poop from your ass and getting off topic!!!

Now, I'm having to argue with both him AND you. It would be easier for me if you would just leave.
The video became factless around minute 3.
Yeah. It was a propaganda piece.

But, 3 minutes of the video was more than enough to prove IM2's point that white people have been getting what can be characterized as "affirmative action" for many, many years, and black people were NOT allowed to participate.

We have misuse of government by white people in the past to thank for IM2's sound argument for white people kindly shutting the fuck up on affirmative action or even reparations NOW.


Apart from the sparse OP, IM2 continues to post on this very Thread how the last 50 years have been no better than the past.
If he can't back it up, fine.

What would be your point?

Many black folks alive today didn't have full rights as citizens and were deliberately fucked over on opportunities because of their race. You cannot ignore that.

We white people certainly have little room to talk, given the glaring hypocrisy and double standard it demonstrates. I know it would probably make me madder than a pervert with palsy trying to open up a condom wrapper.

  • Thanks
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My trifling white ass?Nothing racist about that!

I'm sure Bootney would agree. He wants you to call him a brother SO bad .
It's no more of a racial slur than you talking about his trifling black ass, I suppose.
So, you have been reduced to flat out lying .

That says much about you and your agenda here.
Don't drag me into your slap fights with IM2. If you think he is racist, that does nothing to change the OP. We call that the ad homenum fallacy. You're not attacking his argument or mine, you're just pointing out personal issues and throwing more shit, WITHOUT really addressing the topic of the OP.

IM2's statement about your trifling ass, which is white, was probably a bigoted remark. There. Happy?

Congratulations. Your shit throwing and grabbassery proved that IM2 might be a bigot.

You have completely FAILED to address the OP. You suck.


Your statement about Dogmapho's trifling white ass was a bigoted statement for which you should be ashamed. You should be flogged, tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail, you racist S.O.B.

All of your arguments in this thread (including those you have made against me) and all other arguments anywhere are hereby STRICKEN from the record, and YOU LOSE!!!

Take that. That'll teach you to hire a ringer to come throw off my arguments and fuck this all up!!!


My trifling white ass?Nothing racist about that!

I'm sure Bootney would agree. He wants you to call him a brother SO bad .
It's no more of a racial slur than you talking about his trifling black ass, I suppose.
So, you have been reduced to flat out lying .

That says much about you and your agenda here.

I officially deemed IM2 a racist.

He can never argue with anyone again.

Thanks for showing me his highly offensive and bigoted comment. I have been trying to finally discredit that guy for a long time.

We got him this time.


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