Free Educations for All

For being creationists, you CONZ sure are social darwinian mutherfuckers.

I sometimes wish there were an alternative reality simulator where CONZ could watch their social scenarios play out to show them how fucking STUPID they all are.

This "rugged individualist" bullshit they think they're promoting. Hell, most of them have probably taken government handouts and not even realized it.

Anyone who says they don't owe anything to the community in which they live can go fuck themselves.

Awe.. what hapenned? Mommy take your X Box away again?
Actually, if we expect people to get an education to prepare our work force, and if we make obtaining a good income contingent on having a good education, then education should be free. There's no getting around that.

It has never been like that in America, and we created the modern world and expotentially improved the human condition.

Do you actually believe the stupid shit you type?

the "modern world" we created was done off slavery and near-slavery conditions of workers by a few elites. Unless you think that way of life should come back again, then more people need to be properly educated, and your quality of education shouldnt depend on which set of people you were lucky or unlucky enough to be born to
Yeah, social security is in really good health. That's a great program right there. Lets do college on that plan. :rolleyes:

Social Security would be in better shape if it was fully funded, just like education.

I doubt anyone would want to go back to the days when there was no social security except for the particularly challenged. It's a painless way to have a game changing effect on educating hundreds of millions of Americans. Hell, if you're really that much against the idea of something that is brilliantly simple, make the withholding the amount + 5-7% to cover rising costs of those who come after you.

Again, it's incredibly amusing to me that that the 200+ year old business plan written by flawed men before there were zippers, street lights, or the State of Louisiana is what we live by and there are morons today that think it contained the only good ideas available to us.

As for education, it would be in much better shape if we were honest; not everybody wants to go to college; even those who are cut out for higher studies. I know I didn't want to go. But I did and am thankful I completed it. But, hell, if you want to learn A/C technology, you can make a VERY good living fixing A/C's. We should fund that as much as we should fund you wanting to go to college to study botany.

The best way to fund it is to allow you to go and pay back over your earning lifetime. If you have a better solution, by all means lets hear it. Simply saying "no" because it is the opposite of doing nothing is frankly not good enough and you should be better educated.
Solve the problem. A free education which will be worth what you paid for it and an education for which people pay tuition which will be worth what they pay for it.

So K-12 is useless? Is that what you're trying to say?

Pretty much! Judging by what crawls out with high school diplomas today, yes quite useless.

Most of the men and women fighting in Afghanistan are "quite useless" according to you.


Do you EVER think before you post anything? I mean, I know there is no "pay to play" here so you can post whatever you like with no penalty or anything. It's totally anonymous and nobody sitting across from your dinner table knows how stupid you sounded just then. But can you at least try to put some thought into what you're doing.

Just muster up a little effort, please?
Most of the men and women fighting in Afghanistan are "quite useless" according to you.


Do you EVER think before you post anything? I mean, I know there is no "pay to play" here so you can post whatever you like with no penalty or anything. It's totally anonymous and nobody sitting across from your dinner table knows how stupid you sounded just then. But can you at least try to put some thought into what you're doing.

Just muster up a little effort, please?

In 1998 I bought a Macintosh. The fucking thing was useless. That didn't make ME useless, just the steaming pile of Apple crap.

He never said those in the service were useless.

Read for content.
The more highly educated the population of a nation becomes, the more productive the whole nation becomes, increasing the Gross National Product, The Gross Domestic Product therefore pumping more money into the country, increasing out patents, inventions, better medicine. Look at Israel. New industries. More innovation. We will be able to catch up to the other industrialized nations again. But the Republicans are repeating the lies that the lobbyists pay them to say. Keep making the rich richer and they will give you jobs but that has been proved wrong 12 years in a row. Republican plan only the rich will be educated and we will be a very backward poor nation far behind the rest of the industrialized nations. We should have another way in addition to the GI bill to acquire less expensive education for potential students to not be burdened with such high education costs and interest that cannot possible justify the employment they could possibly get but may not even get (it's a bit of a gamble when stakes are so high). It should be available for every qualified American citizen, be it formal college or at least technical school after high school will greatly enrich our whole nation as a truly capitalistic society making everyone truly able to compete and contribute to make this country stronger. But I also think that every one should serve at least 2 years in civil service after high school like they do in Israel. If you do not or can not go into the military, there are many ways that you can serve your country. The money that it would save the local or national government could go towards your education. If you don't want an education that's too bad, you need to serve anyways. While you serve, you may learn a lot, mature and grow to appreciate the country that you live in. It may expand your mind and may inspire you to want to acquire and apply yourself to an education. I am currently in school, have grants and loans and am feeling like it is a big gamble that I may end up getting gainfully employed or may not and may have a very difficult time paying back my loans. I love education. It means everything to me.
These spoiled little assholes are the result of social promotion, grading on a curve and the everyone gets a trophy because we don't keep score society of course they want everything for free.

The chickens are coming home to roost.
Free? as long as some one else pays the bill, but what happens when your huckleberry is broke? As an old wise person once said something free is never cherished as much as when someone has earned it from the sweat that ran down the crack of their ass!
When did a good income become a right?

When those with really really good incomes developed a healthy desire not to hang from lampposts.

So you believe in the law of the jungle? Is that what you're saying? People deserve to take what others have if they can get a sufficiently large mob to go along with them?

Is this the superior "civilized" moral code of the leftwinger?

Fuck civilized.

The oppressed have the right to throw off their bonds. Period.

Or don't you believe we had the right to remove ourselves from English rule?
When did a good income become a right?

When those with really really good incomes developed a healthy desire not to hang from lampposts.

So you believe in the law of the jungle?

Doesn't matter whether I believe in it or not, it's a reality underlying all the laws we put on top of it to civilize things, and when the social compact becomes out of whack and condemns most people to poverty and misery it WILL be overturned.

Most people don't support the capitalist system out of any highfalutin' principles, you know. Most people support it because they believe it will give them a decent chance at a good life, and rising standards of living for most people, improving generation after generation. Like it or not, this amounts to an expectation of a right to a good income, as long as one follows the rules -- prepares oneself, works hard, and is reasonably thrifty.

If that ceases to be true, either because the good jobs don't exist or because the preparation for it has become too expensive and out of reach for too many, most people will REJECT the capitalist system, because it is not delivering on its promises.

And at that point -- well, probably the upheaval will occur electorally in fact, but should that fail, too -- lampposts and ropes.
Doesn't matter whether I believe in it or not, it's a reality underlying all the laws we put on top of it to civilize things, and when the social compact becomes out of whack and condemns most people to poverty and misery it WILL be overturned.

Quick Commie, point to another place and another time where the average person enjoyed a better quality of life than the average American does today!

Of course you can't, because you're just a whiny little fuck lusting for power over your fellow man.
Fuck civilized.

Then go live like a Sasquatch and leave society alone, you little Unibomber dumbfuck. (Are you Algore's child?)

The oppressed have the right to throw off their bonds. Period.

And those you threaten have the right to pump a few rounds of buckshot into your face, making this a better world.

Or don't you believe we had the right to remove ourselves from English rule?

False dichotomy.

Logical fallacy is as close as a leftist gets to logic.
When those with really really good incomes developed a healthy desire not to hang from lampposts.

So you believe in the law of the jungle? Is that what you're saying? People deserve to take what others have if they can get a sufficiently large mob to go along with them?

Is this the superior "civilized" moral code of the leftwinger?

Fuck civilized.

The oppressed have the right to throw off their bonds. Period.

Or don't you believe we had the right to remove ourselves from English rule?

Post that right would you.

We formed this style of government for a reason.
It would be different if free education really did produce an educated populace. Obviously it doesn't. We have high school graduates who think they have a decent education when they don't. They have a piece of paper. We have unemployable and uneducated college graduates who think they have an education when they dont. They have a piece of paper. If the current trend in free education continues we can save a lot of money just by giving them the piece of paper.

No matter how much worthless free education we hand out, once these poorly prepared students go out into the world with their worthless piece of paper they must compete with adults from all over the world who have real educations. I don't blame these students for being upset with a system that basically gave them a free ride all their lives only to find that there is no payoff at the end and will never be a payoff at the end.
I don't even understand the psychology behind "free."

Nothing is free, someone has to work for something...

These bitch-made-motherfuckers may as well demand individuals hand-feed them baby food.
In what universe is it possible for anything to be free??

Nothing is free and these idiots are assclowns to the highest degree...

They may as well demand I give them a lung because I have two..

I fucking hate progressives and their fucked up logic...

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