Franklin Roosevelt ftw take on Israel Palestine


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
What’s up folks hope everyone’s doing well.

To start we as Americans especially should be neutral in Israel Palestine. The reason is common sense…. there are many people in Palestine and Israel who can contribute to society just as the most productive Americans contribute to our society. So that’s starting base right there means that anybody who’s pro Palestine or pro Israel is wrong.

Palestine and Israel need to be one state that’s the only way forward. The Two state solution would never work because eventually they’ll just fight each other or make some sort of an issue.

As Americans It is our duty to strive for a one state solution because we are mostly Christians we are mostly from Europe or Africa ….it is our duty therefore to be neutral in this conflict. If someone is Jewish or if someone is Muslim they might tend to lean toward Israel or lean toward Palestine and that is understandable but most of us Americans are not Jewish we’re not Palestinian and we’re not Israeli , we are not Muslims.

let me provide some of my thoughts on the people of Israel. Well I’ve always respected the Soviet Jews living in Israel especially the ones who fought in World War II. Seeing the photo of Vladimir Putin with about 20 Soviet Jews living in Israel celebrating the allied victory during World War II… that was pretty darn awesome. That was maybe seven years ago or so.

I meant a Israeli before here in America. He was a working class Man… he had a job and construction. The reason why the Israeli defense forces is considered a top 20 military by a number of people it’s because of the Soviet Jews they brought over their military expertise from the Soviet union. I deeply admire Israeli people who celebrate the allied victory of ww2 “victory day “ side-by-side with Russian brothers on May 9 every.

As for Palestine when I look at the Palestinians and I see the Arab Christians and the Arab Muslims…. in many ways the traditions of these people, their strength their honor is in many ways similar to that of the Soviet Jews. These are people who are hard-working blue collared dignified people.

Most Israeli and Palestinian people want to get along with each other. We see the Abraham accords we see Muslim majority countries making deals with Israel and Donald Trump brought that together. This was something that shows us it was always a piece of propaganda that Jews and Muslims can’t get along with each other. Through history some jews and some Muslims committed violence but most were good people.

Even the Hamas and Israeli defense forces which fight each other also have very honorable members. Like Ahmed Yassin he was a paraplegic founder of Hamas …. unlike the other leaders of Hamas Who lived millionaire lifestyles in gulf countries sheik Ahmed stayed with the poor people in the Gaza Strip and he was a paraplegic in a wheelchair. He was a paralyzed man who brought hope to disable people across the world. Instead of complaining about being disabled instead of doing nothing with his life he rolls up to come out on the respect of millions of people. His story is similar to that of the Jewish fighters of Irgun and more who fought against the British and who were called terrorists but who were freedom fighters in the eyes of many.
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Originally posted by FranklinRoosevelt_FDW
Like Ahmed Yassin he was a paraplegic founder of Hamas …. unlike the other leaders of Hamas Who lived millionaire lifestyles in gulf countries sheik Ahmed stayed with the poor people in the Gaza Strip and he was a paraplegic in a wheelchair. He was a paralyzed man who brought hope to disable people across the world. Instead of complaining about being disabled instead of doing nothing with his life he rolls up to come out on the respect of millions of people. His story is similar to that of the Jewish fighters of Irgun and more who fought against the British and who were called terrorists but who were freedom fighters in the eyes of many.

Speaking of Sheik Ahmed Yassin:

We don't hate and fight the Jews because they are Jews.

They are people of religion and we are people of religion.
We love all people of religion.

If my brother, who has the same religion and parents as me,
if he takes my home and expels me from my land, I will fight him.

I will fight my brother.

I will fight my cousin if he does that to me.

So when a Jew takes my home and expels me
from my land I will fight him as well.

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Speaking of Sheik Ahmed Yassin:

We don't hate and fight the Jews because they are Jews.

They are people of religion and we are people of religion.
We love all people of religion.

If my brother, who has the same religion and parents as me, if he takes my home and expels me from my land, I will fight him.

I will fight my brother.

I will fight my cousin if he does that to me.

So when a Jew takes my home and expels me
from my land I will fight him as well.


"Why don't you walk over here and say that?"
Speaking of Sheik Ahmed Yassin:

We don't hate and fight the Jews because they are Jews.

They are people of religion and we are people of religion.
We love all people of religion.

If my brother, who has the same religion and parents as me, if he takes my home and expels me from my land, I will fight him.

I will fight my brother.

I will fight my cousin if he does that to me.

So when a Jew takes my home and expels me
from my land I will fight him as well.

Except this guy does a good job of lying. . . Nobody took "their land." . Nobody took their homes . . It's just too depressing having to reiterate facts.
What’s up folks hope everyone’s doing well.

To start we as Americans especially should be neutral in Israel Palestine. The reason is common sense…. there are many people in Palestine and Israel who can contribute to society just as the most productive Americans contribute to our society. So that’s starting base right there means that anybody who’s pro Palestine or pro Israel is wrong.

Palestine and Israel need to be one state that’s the only way forward. The Two state solution would never work because eventually they’ll just fight each other or make some sort of an issue.

As Americans It is our duty to strive for a one state solution because we are mostly Christians we are mostly from Europe or Africa ….it is our duty therefore to be neutral in this conflict. If someone is Jewish or if someone is Muslim they might tend to lean toward Israel or lean toward Palestine and that is understandable but most of us Americans are not Jewish we’re not Palestinian and we’re not Israeli , we are not Muslims.

let me provide some of my thoughts on the people of Israel. Well I’ve always respected the Soviet Jews living in Israel especially the ones who fought in World War II. Seeing the photo of Vladimir Putin with about 20 Soviet Jews living in Israel celebrating the allied victory during World War II… that was pretty darn awesome. That was maybe seven years ago or so.

I meant a Israeli before here in America. He was a working class Man… he had a job and construction. The reason why the Israeli defense forces is considered a top 20 military by a number of people it’s because of the Soviet Jews they brought over their military expertise from the Soviet union. I deeply admire Israeli people who celebrate the allied victory of ww2 “victory day “ side-by-side with Russian brothers on May 9 every.

As for Palestine when I look at the Palestinians and I see the Arab Christians and the Arab Muslims…. in many ways the traditions of these people, their strength their honor is in many ways similar to that of the Soviet Jews. These are people who are hard-working blue collared dignified people.

Most Israeli and Palestinian people want to get along with each other. We see the Abraham accords we see Muslim majority countries making deals with Israel and Donald Trump brought that together. This was something that shows us it was always a piece of propaganda that Jews and Muslims can’t get along with each other. Through history some jews and some Muslims committed violence but most were good people.

Even the Hamas and Israeli defense forces which fight each other also have very honorable members. Like Ahmed Yassin he was a paraplegic founder of Hamas …. unlike the other leaders of Hamas Who lived millionaire lifestyles in gulf countries sheik Ahmed stayed with the poor people in the Gaza Strip and he was a paraplegic in a wheelchair. He was a paralyzed man who brought hope to disable people across the world. Instead of complaining about being disabled instead of doing nothing with his life he rolls up to come out on the respect of millions of people. His story is similar to that of the Jewish fighters of Irgun and more who fought against the British and who were called terrorists but who were freedom fighters in the eyes of many.
Yeah, there are great people amongst Hamas and the PA, just as there are great people amongst the Nazis in America or anywhere else.

Just take a look at the education books, media, etc all three have depended on for about 100 years.

Anti blacks, or anti Jews, or anti Asians, or anti Non Muslims, or anti non Europeans.

Both are the ANTI society, which is always against those who are not for their ideas.

Hamas and PA want all of the Mandate for Palestine for Muslims only. That Christians, the English, gave 78% of that Mandate for nearly arrived foreign Arabs from Arabia, only because they were kicked out of that Peninsula is an insult to the History of Jewish Presence on that land.

One State, means NO ISRAEL, Jews AGAIN become a minority and eventually, AGAIN, without rights.

That is not what you want, now is it?
Yeah, there are great people amongst Hamas and the PA, just as there are great people amongst the Nazis in America or anywhere else.

Just take a look at the education books, media, etc all three have depended on for about 100 years.

Anti blacks, or anti Jews, or anti Asians, or anti Non Muslims, or anti non Europeans.

Both are the ANTI society, which is always against those who are not for their ideas.

Hamas and PA want all of the Mandate for Palestine for Muslims only. That Christians, the English, gave 78% of that Mandate for nearly arrived foreign Arabs from Arabia, only because they were kicked out of that Peninsula is an insult to the History of Jewish Presence on that land.

One State, means NO ISRAEL, Jews AGAIN become a minority and eventually, AGAIN, without rights.

That is not what you want, now is it?
I look at logic and common sense and the British said that the Israeli defense forces were terrorists but they were viewed as freedom fighters by Jews all over the world. And so my friend this is what we are dealing with here. One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist

Unless you’re engaging in sarcasm which I don’t engage in. There’s never been a good Nazi they don’t exist.

What do you think the British thought of the Americans in the war of 1812? We can see the point is that it’s always been the case that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

What do you think that the British thought of the IRA in Bobby Sands in the 1970s my friend? You see Bobby sans was viewed as a hero by the Irish Americans and rightfully so because Bobby sands was a hero.

One state for Israel/Palestine is the way forward one State , one had united is an unbreakable bond. And it’s only the devil who opposes the unity.
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I look at logic and common sense and the British said that the Israeli defense forces were terrorists but they were viewed as freedom fighters by Jews all over the world. And so my friend this is what we are dealing with here. One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist

Unless you’re engaging in sarcasm which I don’t engage in. There’s never been a good Nazi they don’t exist.

What do you think the British thought of the Americans in the war of 1812? We can see the point is that it’s always been the case that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

What do you think that the British thought of the IRA in Bobby Sands in the 1970s my friend? You see Bobby sans was viewed as a hero by the Irish Americans and rightfully so because Bobby sands was a hero.

One state for Israel is the way forward one State , one had united is an unbreakable bond. And it’s only the devil who opposes the unity.
When one is fighting an Empire which decided to keep ALL of your land, after giving most of it to foreigners, it is called FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Why?

Because it is your land, and both the British and the Arabs were intent in having the Jews not have one Duma of it in the end, 1948.

IRA has nothing to do with Israel.

None of the Mandate for Israel belonged to the Muslims. They were never Palestinians until the Mandate for Palestine happened. Then ALL who lived in the area, Jews, Arabs, Greeks, Samaritans, Druze, etc became Palestinians for passport reasons.

Only a religious extreme like yourself would bring the word devil into the discussion.

You do not give a darn about Jews and their right to their homeland, and sincerely WE do not give a DARN about what you think.
Except this guy does a good job of lying. . . Nobody took "their land." . Nobody took their homes . . It's just too depressing having to reiterate facts.
Ahmed Yassin similar to the Jews of Israel who were fighters. I read that he never took part in any criminal terrorist actions… But let’s keep something in mind here common sense you know what any war there’s gonna be violence. People can’t throw stones in glass houses

You see one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. We can see that the American revolutionaries were viewed as criminals by the British but they weren’t criminals, they were what many Americans they would call patriots or heroes.

I’m sure Ahmed Yassin Is admired in Israel by the Jews who see this man as courageous…. yes he was their opponent but it doesn’t matter he was a man of dignity. I can look at the all the rich Muslims Christians and Jews of the world who are political leaders they’re living in luxury living in mansions. They talk a big game you know but they don’t actually do anything to help people out. Yassin otoh lived among the poor he was after his death celebrated by disabled people in Africa there were parades where they had people in wheelchairs in Africa involved in the parades.

Yassin reminds us of our Lord Jesus. A man who served the poor.

Yassin lived and died among the poor people this shows us he was true it doesn’t matter what we think about his views even nobody can say that this man was weak. Obviously he might’ve been in a wheelchair but he was stronger than so many of those fake rich politicians who do nothing to help out people.

How many leaders of countries are in wheelchairs. Tell me how many? How many wheelchair-bound people are leading the cause in Israel?

Racism is something motivated by the devil and that is what drives a small number of Israelis and Palestinians to be against each other. But we’re seeing in the recent times are Lord is prevailing and more and more people are getting along with each other in the Middle East we saw this with the Abraham accords. And you will by god see a one state solution
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I look at logic and common sense and the British said that the Israeli defense forces were terrorists but they were viewed as freedom fighters by Jews all over the world. And so my friend this is what we are dealing with here. One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist

Unless you’re engaging in sarcasm which I don’t engage in. There’s never been a good Nazi they don’t exist.

What do you think the British thought of the Americans in the war of 1812? We can see the point is that it’s always been the case that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

What do you think that the British thought of the IRA in Bobby Sands in the 1970s my friend? You see Bobby sans was viewed as a hero by the Irish Americans and rightfully so because Bobby sands was a hero.

One state for Israel/Palestine is the way forward one State , one had united is an unbreakable bond. And it’s only the devil who opposes the unity.
Right, there is no good Nazi and there is no good Hamas or PA member. They ARE ALL terrorists, who have their own ideologies and WANT what they want and are going to get it whichever way they can.
What’s up folks hope everyone’s doing well.

To start we as Americans especially should be neutral in Israel Palestine. The reason is common sense…. there are many people in Palestine and Israel who can contribute to society just as the most productive Americans contribute to our society. So that’s starting base right there means that anybody who’s pro Palestine or pro Israel is wrong.

Palestine and Israel need to be one state that’s the only way forward. The Two state solution would never work because eventually they’ll just fight each other or make some sort of an issue.

As Americans It is our duty to strive for a one state solution because we are mostly Christians we are mostly from Europe or Africa ….it is our duty therefore to be neutral in this conflict. If someone is Jewish or if someone is Muslim they might tend to lean toward Israel or lean toward Palestine and that is understandable but most of us Americans are not Jewish we’re not Palestinian and we’re not Israeli , we are not Muslims.

let me provide some of my thoughts on the people of Israel. Well I’ve always respected the Soviet Jews living in Israel especially the ones who fought in World War II. Seeing the photo of Vladimir Putin with about 20 Soviet Jews living in Israel celebrating the allied victory during World War II… that was pretty darn awesome. That was maybe seven years ago or so.

I meant a Israeli before here in America. He was a working class Man… he had a job and construction. The reason why the Israeli defense forces is considered a top 20 military by a number of people it’s because of the Soviet Jews they brought over their military expertise from the Soviet union. I deeply admire Israeli people who celebrate the allied victory of ww2 “victory day “ side-by-side with Russian brothers on May 9 every.

As for Palestine when I look at the Palestinians and I see the Arab Christians and the Arab Muslims…. in many ways the traditions of these people, their strength their honor is in many ways similar to that of the Soviet Jews. These are people who are hard-working blue collared dignified people.

Most Israeli and Palestinian people want to get along with each other. We see the Abraham accords we see Muslim majority countries making deals with Israel and Donald Trump brought that together. This was something that shows us it was always a piece of propaganda that Jews and Muslims can’t get along with each other. Through history some jews and some Muslims committed violence but most were good people.

Even the Hamas and Israeli defense forces which fight each other also have very honorable members. Like Ahmed Yassin he was a paraplegic founder of Hamas …. unlike the other leaders of Hamas Who lived millionaire lifestyles in gulf countries sheik Ahmed stayed with the poor people in the Gaza Strip and he was a paraplegic in a wheelchair. He was a paralyzed man who brought hope to disable people across the world. Instead of complaining about being disabled instead of doing nothing with his life he rolls up to come out on the respect of millions of people. His story is similar to that of the Jewish fighters of Irgun and more who fought against the British and who were called terrorists but who were freedom fighters in the eyes of many.
YAWN….. The above willl never happen. The Palestinians OFFICIAL POLICY is that Jews would NOT be allowed at the Western Wall. What’s to stop them from taking control of all the Jewish Sites forcing the same mandate ?
What’s up folks hope everyone’s doing well.

To start we as Americans especially should be neutral in Israel Palestine. The reason is common sense…. there are many people in Palestine and Israel who can contribute to society just as the most productive Americans contribute to our society. So that’s starting base right there means that anybody who’s pro Palestine or pro Israel is wrong.

Palestine and Israel need to be one state that’s the only way forward. The Two state solution would never work because eventually they’ll just fight each other or make some sort of an issue.

As Americans It is our duty to strive for a one state solution because we are mostly Christians we are mostly from Europe or Africa ….it is our duty therefore to be neutral in this conflict. If someone is Jewish or if someone is Muslim they might tend to lean toward Israel or lean toward Palestine and that is understandable but most of us Americans are not Jewish we’re not Palestinian and we’re not Israeli , we are not Muslims.

let me provide some of my thoughts on the people of Israel. Well I’ve always respected the Soviet Jews living in Israel especially the ones who fought in World War II. Seeing the photo of Vladimir Putin with about 20 Soviet Jews living in Israel celebrating the allied victory during World War II… that was pretty darn awesome. That was maybe seven years ago or so.

I meant a Israeli before here in America. He was a working class Man… he had a job and construction. The reason why the Israeli defense forces is considered a top 20 military by a number of people it’s because of the Soviet Jews they brought over their military expertise from the Soviet union. I deeply admire Israeli people who celebrate the allied victory of ww2 “victory day “ side-by-side with Russian brothers on May 9 every.

As for Palestine when I look at the Palestinians and I see the Arab Christians and the Arab Muslims…. in many ways the traditions of these people, their strength their honor is in many ways similar to that of the Soviet Jews. These are people who are hard-working blue collared dignified people.

Most Israeli and Palestinian people want to get along with each other. We see the Abraham accords we see Muslim majority countries making deals with Israel and Donald Trump brought that together. This was something that shows us it was always a piece of propaganda that Jews and Muslims can’t get along with each other. Through history some jews and some Muslims committed violence but most were good people.

Even the Hamas and Israeli defense forces which fight each other also have very honorable members. Like Ahmed Yassin he was a paraplegic founder of Hamas …. unlike the other leaders of Hamas Who lived millionaire lifestyles in gulf countries sheik Ahmed stayed with the poor people in the Gaza Strip and he was a paraplegic in a wheelchair. He was a paralyzed man who brought hope to disable people across the world. Instead of complaining about being disabled instead of doing nothing with his life he rolls up to come out on the respect of millions of people. His story is similar to that of the Jewish fighters of Irgun and more who fought against the British and who were called terrorists but who were freedom fighters in the eyes of many.
The “ One State Solution “ with a Palestinian Majority will never work. For Starters; They already declared the Jews will not have access to the Western Wall. Case closed
The “ One State Solution “ with a Palestinian Majority will never work. For Starters; They already declared the Jews will not have access to the Western Wall. Case closed
Most Jews and Muslims are good people …it’s the devil telling us otherwise.
I look at logic and common sense and the British said that the Israeli defense forces were terrorists but they were viewed as freedom fighters by Jews all over the world. And so my friend this is what we are dealing with here. One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist

Unless you’re engaging in sarcasm which I don’t engage in. There’s never been a good Nazi they don’t exist.

What do you think the British thought of the Americans in the war of 1812? We can see the point is that it’s always been the case that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

What do you think that the British thought of the IRA in Bobby Sands in the 1970s my friend? You see Bobby sans was viewed as a hero by the Irish Americans and rightfully so because Bobby sands was a hero.

One state for Israel/Palestine is the way forward one State , one had united is an unbreakable bond. And it’s only the devil who opposes the unity.
A one-state solution means the end of Israel.

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