Foxnews don’t have the 9-11 facts


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Terrorist attack due to 9-11 anniversary or anti-Muslim video? An attack on Islam is an attack on most Muslims as most Muslims practice Islam. Like an attack on Christianity is an attack on most Americans. What difference does it make if the attack was due to the video or the 9-11 anniversary? If the attack was due to 9-11, the video was used as a cover and could not have taken more than 24 hours to plan. Who sit the fire? Protestors or Al Qaeda because the ambassador’s death was due to smoke inhalation from the fire. How is it that Foxnews got information that it was a planned terrorist attack before Rice and the white house? They didn’t. Al Qaeda is always planning an attack and it all goes back to foreign policies and the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan long before Obama took office.
Rice reported on what she know at the time as did Clinton and the White House and we still don’t know if the attack was planned or not and how long in advance. whomever the fire was set by, protestors or Al Qaeda determine who killed the ambassador. Or did the protestors set the fire not knowing anyone was in the building? There were U.S. and Libyan security and they was in the process of evacuating Americans. Ben Stein call for the resignation of Clinton? Why didn’t they call for Bush to be impeached after lying to invade Iraq and causing the death of 5,000 Americans?
Foxnews is terrorist best alley. Foxnews called it a terrorist attack before terrorist claimed it. Security and evacuation was in place a the time of the attack and and the ambassador could not be found because he took it upon himself to go off and look for others and got separated and die from smoke inhalation. Not in the hands of terrorist.
Sending U.S. military in would have been a disastrous mistake among thousands of protestors.
We may never know the fact of who set the fire that killed the ambassador. Terrorists want to take credit for it, but can they be trusted. Did the protestors set the fire and Libyan security was to protecting them by saying it was a terrorist attack?
It appears that ambassador may have been responsible for his own demise for not following evacuation orders and going off on his own to find others. Four American were killed, but how many Americans were saved by the evacuation by U.S. and Libyan security who were evacuating Americans and Libyans in the consulate and 7 of them losing their lives. How many lives were saved by Bush invading Iraq on lies? Radical Right Wing Extremists double standards.
The anti-Muslim video precipitated the protest and the fire and the assumed terrorist attack.
Way too many unanswered questions to say it was a terrorist attack or a terrible accident. And we may never get the truth.

Terrorist attack due to 9-11 anniversary or anti-Muslim video? An attack on Islam is an attack on most Muslims as most Muslims practice Islam. Like an attack on Christianity is an attack on most Americans. What difference does it make if the attack was due to the video or the 9-11 anniversary? If the attack was due to 9-11, the video was used as a cover and could not have taken more than 24 hours to plan. Who sit the fire? Protestors or Al Qaeda because the ambassador’s death was due to smoke inhalation from the fire. How is it that Foxnews got information that it was a planned terrorist attack before Rice and the white house? They didn’t. Al Qaeda is always planning an attack and it all goes back to foreign policies and the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan long before Obama took office.
Rice reported on what she know at the time as did Clinton and the White House and we still don’t know if the attack was planned or not and how long in advance. whomever the fire was set by, protestors or Al Qaeda determine who killed the ambassador. Or did the protestors set the fire not knowing anyone was in the building? There were U.S. and Libyan security and they was in the process of evacuating Americans. Ben Stein call for the resignation of Clinton? Why didn’t they call for Bush to be impeached after lying to invade Iraq and causing the death of 5,000 Americans?
Foxnews is terrorist best alley. Foxnews called it a terrorist attack before terrorist claimed it. Security and evacuation was in place a the time of the attack and and the ambassador could not be found because he took it upon himself to go off and look for others and got separated and die from smoke inhalation. Not in the hands of terrorist.
Sending U.S. military in would have been a disastrous mistake among thousands of protestors.
We may never know the fact of who set the fire that killed the ambassador. Terrorists want to take credit for it, but can they be trusted. Did the protestors set the fire and Libyan security was to protecting them by saying it was a terrorist attack?
It appears that ambassador may have been responsible for his own demise for not following evacuation orders and going off on his own to find others. Four American were killed, but how many Americans were saved by the evacuation by U.S. and Libyan security who were evacuating Americans and Libyans in the consulate and 7 of them losing their lives. How many lives were saved by Bush invading Iraq on lies? Radical Right Wing Extremists double standards.
The anti-Muslim video precipitated the protest and the fire and the assumed terrorist attack.
Way too many unanswered questions to say it was a terrorist attack or a terrible accident. And we may never get the truth.

If it is true that that is what Rice knew, then someone lied to her and hung her out to dry, because the administration had reliable intelligence within hours that is was a terrorist attack, and even had enough information to target a specific person that planned the attacks.

If, on the other hand, she was actually in the intelligence loop, then she lied because she either thought it was a good idea on her own, or she did so because she was directed to by someone higher up the chain of command.

Feel free to provide an alternative explanation that actually fits the facts.
Okay, to start with I usually don't name call, but your an idiot if you don't think that this was a planned attack. Really nobody knew about the video until the obama adm. apologized for it in advance. I had no idea until this corrupt adm. Aplogized for it. Just more proof obama cannot lead.

Terrorist attack due to 9-11 anniversary or anti-Muslim video? An attack on Islam is an attack on most Muslims as most Muslims practice Islam. Like an attack on Christianity is an attack on most Americans. What difference does it make if the attack was due to the video or the 9-11 anniversary? If the attack was due to 9-11, the video was used as a cover and could not have taken more than 24 hours to plan. Who sit the fire? Protestors or Al Qaeda because the ambassador’s death was due to smoke inhalation from the fire. How is it that Foxnews got information that it was a planned terrorist attack before Rice and the white house? They didn’t. Al Qaeda is always planning an attack and it all goes back to foreign policies and the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan long before Obama took office.
Rice reported on what she know at the time as did Clinton and the White House and we still don’t know if the attack was planned or not and how long in advance. whomever the fire was set by, protestors or Al Qaeda determine who killed the ambassador. Or did the protestors set the fire not knowing anyone was in the building? There were U.S. and Libyan security and they was in the process of evacuating Americans. Ben Stein call for the resignation of Clinton? Why didn’t they call for Bush to be impeached after lying to invade Iraq and causing the death of 5,000 Americans?
Foxnews is terrorist best alley. Foxnews called it a terrorist attack before terrorist claimed it. Security and evacuation was in place a the time of the attack and and the ambassador could not be found because he took it upon himself to go off and look for others and got separated and die from smoke inhalation. Not in the hands of terrorist.
Sending U.S. military in would have been a disastrous mistake among thousands of protestors.
We may never know the fact of who set the fire that killed the ambassador. Terrorists want to take credit for it, but can they be trusted. Did the protestors set the fire and Libyan security was to protecting them by saying it was a terrorist attack?
It appears that ambassador may have been responsible for his own demise for not following evacuation orders and going off on his own to find others. Four American were killed, but how many Americans were saved by the evacuation by U.S. and Libyan security who were evacuating Americans and Libyans in the consulate and 7 of them losing their lives. How many lives were saved by Bush invading Iraq on lies? Radical Right Wing Extremists double standards.
The anti-Muslim video precipitated the protest and the fire and the assumed terrorist attack.
Way too many unanswered questions to say it was a terrorist attack or a terrible accident. And we may never get the truth.
foxnews got the information before the failure of obamaturds adm in. because they are better.

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