Fox news sunk it's case defending against Dominion

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
There has been much said that FOX lost to Dominion.

How would you like to see how it happened?

Want only FACTS. This is pure FACTS.

Fox is 3+ years removed from being conservative. Doesn't mean anything but not sure your point.
The suit commenced after they gave up a lot of conservatism.

Recall I was asking about your belief and you offer what you say does not mean anything.
Faux Noise just gives the left's minions someone to hate besides their leaders.

The Dominion case was a hoax.
I tend to doubt the left hates FOX like it used to. They enjoyed FOX being sued.
They claim that Fox settled out of court for a ridiculous amount just to not have to go thru the trouble of staging a fake trial.
Dominion is crooked as they come. Fox never said one thing that wasn't true about them.
I am not pleased to agree. But the evidence is overwhelming you are correct.
Liberal news station Fox news? I'm not kidding.
Who here watched all of the video? I watched all of it. I would want views by posters if they believe the video or think the Feds are extremely honest?
These people lie so much and they stage so many hoaxes that it's difficult to ascertain the truth anymore.
The reason i said I am not pleased is there is so much evidence supporting the elections are frauds I am amazed others defend the fraud at all.

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