Fox News Contributor: Kill All Muslims in response to Boston


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012

In response, and utterly without any evidence, frequent Fox News contributor Erik Rush tweeted out a message blaming the bombing on Muslim terrorists, saying "Everybody do the National Security Ankle Grab! Let's bring more Saudis in without screening them! C'mon! #bostonmarathon."

That prompted another Twitter user to chastize Rush for making such unsupported accusations, which prompted Rush to respond with a call for all Muslims to be killed:


Will Fox News have him on ASAP to explain himself?
Kinda funny this has already been a thread a few times. I also think it is crazy what he said. However this is some dishonesty here as many of the tweets inbetween are missing. The conversation was about 50 tweets or more long before he said 'kill them all' in an obvious sarcastic manner.

You could at one point see the entire conversation. It started at about 1pm and then as you can see all of a sudden you see the tweet at 4:16 PM. It was obvious he said that such in a sarcastic manner. Either way the guy is a idiot.
The nuts all go to Fox.

Ann Coulter: Bombing Suspect's Wife Should Be Jailed For Wearing Hijab

Rightwing pundit Ann Coulter seems to think freedom of religion is overrated.

Launching another in a long series of criticisms of immigration reform, Coulter went on an anti-Muslim tirade on conservative opinion show “Hannity” Monday night, saying the wife of dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsnarnaev should be imprisoned for wearing a Muslim veil.

“I don’t care if she knew about this,” Coulter told Sean Hannity, the host of the Fox News show. “She ought to be in prison for wearing a hijab.”

It is not illegal in the United States to wear hijabs. Nevertheless, Muslim women often face harassment for wearing the religious garment, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.

Katherine Russell, a Rhode Island native, converted to Islam and began wearing a hijab after meeting Tsnarnaev, according to Yahoo! Shine.

“This immigration policy of us assimilating immigrants into our culture isn’t really working,” Coulter added. “They’re assimilating us into their culture. Did she get a clitorectomy too?”

Hannity said he didn’t know the answer to that.

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