Fox News: A White Sexual Abuser Was "Curious" But A Black Victim Of Police Abuse "Was No Saint"

oh gawd. back with the FOX neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews
anyone care? myself I found it silly

How often do you find child molesters funny Steph?

"Child molester" conjures up a specific idea and image.

A 14yo boy raised in an uptight ultra-religious sexually-repressive home is not a "child molester" for fondling his sisters. Sibling sex play, exploration, and experimentation is the norm, not the abberation.
oh gawd. back with the FOX neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews
anyone care? myself I found it silly

How often do you find child molesters funny Steph?

"Child molester" conjures up a specific idea and image.

A 14yo boy raised in an uptight ultra-religious sexually-repressive home is not a "child molester" for fondling his sisters. Sibling sex play, exploration, and experimentation is the norm, not the abberation.
It isn't sex play if there isn't mutual play, perv.
oh gawd. back with the FOX neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews
anyone care? myself I found it silly

How often do you find child molesters funny Steph?

"Child molester" conjures up a specific idea and image.

A 14yo boy raised in an uptight ultra-religious sexually-repressive home is not a "child molester" for fondling his sisters. Sibling sex play, exploration, and experimentation is the norm, not the abberation.

Out of control black teenagers are the norm too.
oh gawd. back with the FOX neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews
anyone care? myself I found it silly

How often do you find child molesters funny Steph?

"Child molester" conjures up a specific idea and image.

A 14yo boy raised in an uptight ultra-religious sexually-repressive home is not a "child molester" for fondling his sisters. Sibling sex play, exploration, and experimentation is the norm, not the abberation.

Out of control black teenagers are the norm too.

I think you just meant to say "teens"
oh gawd. back with the FOX neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews
anyone care? myself I found it silly

How often do you find child molesters funny Steph?

"Child molester" conjures up a specific idea and image.

A 14yo boy raised in an uptight ultra-religious sexually-repressive home is not a "child molester" for fondling his sisters. Sibling sex play, exploration, and experimentation is the norm, not the abberation.
It isn't sex play if there isn't mutual play, perv.

I would argue that despite his chronological age, Josh Duggar had at 14 the sexual maturity of someone far younger. Just as if raised to be responsible and polite, those behaviours indicate generally older chidlren, if you have zero sexual education, and everything involving your own naked body is repressed, then your sexual maturity will be retarded and stunted. So holding the 14yo raised that way as guilty as a 14yo European isn't fair or advisable.
Yeah I actually watched foxnews last night, and did not see one foxnews official speak in defense of the 14 year old girl. They were more concerned about the cop that quit. Hannity actually said the cop was defending himself by attacking a 14 year old girl! And said that when 2 kids approached behind him that he drew his gun in self defense, lol when the guest pointed out they were never behind him and only in front and on his side he deflected then said nice talking to you and got them off his show. But that's hannity he is an idiot. They pretty much judged and juried her as the cause, all the shitty shows were on the side of the cop, happening now, out numbered,( I guess foxnews version of the shitty view) even oreilly( who sometimes is worth listening to). But bill was all about war on cops! But cops have been going downhill for years, some of the things I see happening has happened to me over ten years ago, so it is finally getting some light. But this culture of acceptance of abuse at the hands of the cops has brought about these problems. They are officials and should be held accountable and held to the highest standard, because they have been given a lot of power. Power unchecked is dangerous.

I would love to see a media sting of police agencies to see how they react in certain scenarios. But the media would never do that because I think they secretly know their life would be in danger. They could use that as training aids. Anyway I know the haters are going to hate, so go ahead tell me how great foxnews is. Or any American news agencies. I lived without American tv for 4 years while in Europe and Asia, i will stick to bbc for my news source, American news brainwashes by using emotional responses to get viewers and interview the most outlandish people that you can't lose an argument to to promote their case. The more crazy looking and outlandish the better, to be interviewed by beautiful women which of course first instinct will be to side with the better looking person. Sad.

wow, are you robot? so you didn't see ONE person stand up for the little bitty girl/child
holy smoke its the end of the world

Fourteen Year Old White Child Molester Was "Curious"

After it was discovered that Josh Duggar of the reality TV show "19 Kids And Counting" had sexually abused several young girls, including his sisters, when he was fourteen, Fox News went out of their way to avoid covering the story. There was hardly a mention of it on the network until Megyn Kelly succeeded in booking members of the Duggar family (not including Josh) for exclusive interviews. The pre-taped conversations were split up to air on two separate nights, multiplying the ratings possibilities for Kelly and Fox.
During the interviews Kelly, a lawyer prior to her work at Fox, acted more like the Duggar's defense attorney than a journalist. She repeatedly fed Josh's parents and sisters leading questions that contained the answers she was looking for. The Duggar family played along and joined Kelly in characterizing the controversy as a fabrication of the liberal, secular media that sought to defame their "strong Christian" family. The result was a narrative that cast Josh as"a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."

So, nothing to see here. Never mind that a budding pedophile never faced criminal consequences for his unlawful acts, nor that he never received professional counseling for a severe psychological problem that is notoriously difficult to treat and is often repeated. And never mind that the parents failed to report Josh's behavior for a year, or that they agreed to launch a television show that delved into their personal lives knowing the awful secret they were concealing. If anyone was exploiting the media it was the Duggars on the cable show that was making them rich, and later on Fox News as they tried to salvage their slimy career.

Fourteen Year Old Black Girl Brutalized By Rogue Cop "Was No Saint"

After attending a pool party in McKinney, Texas, Dajerria Becton was caught up in one-man police rampage that resulted in her being savagely mistreated. The party dissolved as adults in attendance argued and may have fought over alleged racial slurs directed at African-American kids who were invited guests. When the police arrived witnesses reported that they targeted the black kids, ordered them to the ground, and placed them in handcuffs. Note that these were non-violent, unarmed kids who had broken no laws.
One officer in particular, Eric Casebolt, was noticeably out of control. He was chasing down kids who had done nothing wrong, and even drew his gun on a couple of boys who were clearly not threatening him or anyone else. Among his victims was Becton, a young girl in a swimsuit, who Casebolt grabbed by her hair and threw violently into the pavement. As she called out for someone to call her mother, Casebolt continued to brutalize her, forcing her face into the grass and kneeling with his full weight on her back. You have to wonder what ominous danger he thought she was capable of.

The coverage of this incident by Fox News predictably slanted toward the side of the police. And once again, it was Megyn Kelly who summarized the network's general take by baselesslyslandering Becton saying that "the girl was no saint either." What did Kelly regard as her sinfulness that justified the beating she took? The only thing Kelly mentioned was that Becton was told to leave the area and she didn't immediately do so. Apparently Fox News considers that a sufficient crime to warrant throwing a child onto concrete by her hair and pinning to the ground.

Moral Equivalency?

Juxtaposing these two incidents, both involving fourteen year old kids, puts the repulsive biases of Fox News on display. It is inconceivable that a rational person would defend the young Josh Duggar as a curious, but essentially good kid who simply made some mistakes, while condemning young Dajerria Becton, who did nothing wrong, as a sinful delinquent who deserved what she got. Yet somehow, Fox News still regards itself as the spokes-network for conservative values including personal responsibility. I suppose they just mean personal responsibility for African-Americans, not white, right-wing Christians.
Only a hack would try and connect these two incidents.
Judging by the number of threads started by the clown buss on this subject,I am thinking that they have in their own past as youngsters a bit of playing doctor and this is guilt showing its self.Old Sigmund was right about so many "things " that people do.

Fourteen Year Old White Child Molester Was "Curious"

After it was discovered that Josh Duggar of the reality TV show "19 Kids And Counting" had sexually abused several young girls, including his sisters, when he was fourteen, Fox News went out of their way to avoid covering the story. There was hardly a mention of it on the network until Megyn Kelly succeeded in booking members of the Duggar family (not including Josh) for exclusive interviews. The pre-taped conversations were split up to air on two separate nights, multiplying the ratings possibilities for Kelly and Fox.
During the interviews Kelly, a lawyer prior to her work at Fox, acted more like the Duggar's defense attorney than a journalist. She repeatedly fed Josh's parents and sisters leading questions that contained the answers she was looking for. The Duggar family played along and joined Kelly in characterizing the controversy as a fabrication of the liberal, secular media that sought to defame their "strong Christian" family. The result was a narrative that cast Josh as"a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."

So, nothing to see here. Never mind that a budding pedophile never faced criminal consequences for his unlawful acts, nor that he never received professional counseling for a severe psychological problem that is notoriously difficult to treat and is often repeated. And never mind that the parents failed to report Josh's behavior for a year, or that they agreed to launch a television show that delved into their personal lives knowing the awful secret they were concealing. If anyone was exploiting the media it was the Duggars on the cable show that was making them rich, and later on Fox News as they tried to salvage their slimy career.

Fourteen Year Old Black Girl Brutalized By Rogue Cop "Was No Saint"

After attending a pool party in McKinney, Texas, Dajerria Becton was caught up in one-man police rampage that resulted in her being savagely mistreated. The party dissolved as adults in attendance argued and may have fought over alleged racial slurs directed at African-American kids who were invited guests. When the police arrived witnesses reported that they targeted the black kids, ordered them to the ground, and placed them in handcuffs. Note that these were non-violent, unarmed kids who had broken no laws.
One officer in particular, Eric Casebolt, was noticeably out of control. He was chasing down kids who had done nothing wrong, and even drew his gun on a couple of boys who were clearly not threatening him or anyone else. Among his victims was Becton, a young girl in a swimsuit, who Casebolt grabbed by her hair and threw violently into the pavement. As she called out for someone to call her mother, Casebolt continued to brutalize her, forcing her face into the grass and kneeling with his full weight on her back. You have to wonder what ominous danger he thought she was capable of.

The coverage of this incident by Fox News predictably slanted toward the side of the police. And once again, it was Megyn Kelly who summarized the network's general take by baselesslyslandering Becton saying that "the girl was no saint either." What did Kelly regard as her sinfulness that justified the beating she took? The only thing Kelly mentioned was that Becton was told to leave the area and she didn't immediately do so. Apparently Fox News considers that a sufficient crime to warrant throwing a child onto concrete by her hair and pinning to the ground.

Moral Equivalency?

Juxtaposing these two incidents, both involving fourteen year old kids, puts the repulsive biases of Fox News on display. It is inconceivable that a rational person would defend the young Josh Duggar as a curious, but essentially good kid who simply made some mistakes, while condemning young Dajerria Becton, who did nothing wrong, as a sinful delinquent who deserved what she got. Yet somehow, Fox News still regards itself as the spokes-network for conservative values including personal responsibility. I suppose they just mean personal responsibility for African-Americans, not white, right-wing Christians.
Only a hack would try and connect these two incidents.
Judging by the number of threads started by the clown buss on this subject,I am thinking that they have in their own past as youngsters a bit of playing doctor and this is guilt showing its self.Old Sigmund was right about so many "things " that people do.

they've become nothing but RACE hustlers anymore. it's Despicable and they are out to bring racial hate down on white people, who has done Nothing to them. this is THE LEFT folks. be on your guard
It was only a matter of time (as in seconds) before Fox Noise found a topic they could race-bait on.

  • Jeremiah Wright
  • Van Jones
  • Shirley Sherrod
  • Henry Louis Gates
  • "hip hop barbecues"
  • "new black panthers"
  • "knockout game"
---- and our newest entry, "girl-who-happens-to-be-black in bikini assaults kindly white peace officer with killer dreadlocks"

--- anyone who can't see the pattern by now just ain't watching. They know who their audience is and what pushes their buttons.

And leave it to Sean Hackity to jump in on the side of police brutality -- after taking the opposite position on Cliven Bundy.
It was only a matter of time (as in seconds) before Fox Noise found a topic they could race-bait on.

  • Jeremiah Wright
  • Van Jones
  • Shirley Sherrod
  • Henry Louis Gates
  • "hip hop barbecues"
  • "new black panthers"
  • "knockout game"

--- anyone who can't see the pattern by now just ain't watching. They know who their audience is and what pushes their buttons.

And leave it to Sean Hackity to jump in on the side of police brutality -- after taking the opposite position on Cliven Bundy.
What do they have against hip hop bbqs?

Fourteen Year Old White Child Molester Was "Curious"

After it was discovered that Josh Duggar of the reality TV show "19 Kids And Counting" had sexually abused several young girls, including his sisters, when he was fourteen, Fox News went out of their way to avoid covering the story. There was hardly a mention of it on the network until Megyn Kelly succeeded in booking members of the Duggar family (not including Josh) for exclusive interviews. The pre-taped conversations were split up to air on two separate nights, multiplying the ratings possibilities for Kelly and Fox.
During the interviews Kelly, a lawyer prior to her work at Fox, acted more like the Duggar's defense attorney than a journalist. She repeatedly fed Josh's parents and sisters leading questions that contained the answers she was looking for. The Duggar family played along and joined Kelly in characterizing the controversy as a fabrication of the liberal, secular media that sought to defame their "strong Christian" family. The result was a narrative that cast Josh as"a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."

So, nothing to see here. Never mind that a budding pedophile never faced criminal consequences for his unlawful acts, nor that he never received professional counseling for a severe psychological problem that is notoriously difficult to treat and is often repeated. And never mind that the parents failed to report Josh's behavior for a year, or that they agreed to launch a television show that delved into their personal lives knowing the awful secret they were concealing. If anyone was exploiting the media it was the Duggars on the cable show that was making them rich, and later on Fox News as they tried to salvage their slimy career.

Fourteen Year Old Black Girl Brutalized By Rogue Cop "Was No Saint"

After attending a pool party in McKinney, Texas, Dajerria Becton was caught up in one-man police rampage that resulted in her being savagely mistreated. The party dissolved as adults in attendance argued and may have fought over alleged racial slurs directed at African-American kids who were invited guests. When the police arrived witnesses reported that they targeted the black kids, ordered them to the ground, and placed them in handcuffs. Note that these were non-violent, unarmed kids who had broken no laws.
One officer in particular, Eric Casebolt, was noticeably out of control. He was chasing down kids who had done nothing wrong, and even drew his gun on a couple of boys who were clearly not threatening him or anyone else. Among his victims was Becton, a young girl in a swimsuit, who Casebolt grabbed by her hair and threw violently into the pavement. As she called out for someone to call her mother, Casebolt continued to brutalize her, forcing her face into the grass and kneeling with his full weight on her back. You have to wonder what ominous danger he thought she was capable of.

The coverage of this incident by Fox News predictably slanted toward the side of the police. And once again, it was Megyn Kelly who summarized the network's general take by baselesslyslandering Becton saying that "the girl was no saint either." What did Kelly regard as her sinfulness that justified the beating she took? The only thing Kelly mentioned was that Becton was told to leave the area and she didn't immediately do so. Apparently Fox News considers that a sufficient crime to warrant throwing a child onto concrete by her hair and pinning to the ground.

Moral Equivalency?

Juxtaposing these two incidents, both involving fourteen year old kids, puts the repulsive biases of Fox News on display. It is inconceivable that a rational person would defend the young Josh Duggar as a curious, but essentially good kid who simply made some mistakes, while condemning young Dajerria Becton, who did nothing wrong, as a sinful delinquent who deserved what she got. Yet somehow, Fox News still regards itself as the spokes-network for conservative values including personal responsibility. I suppose they just mean personal responsibility for African-Americans, not white, right-wing Christians.
Only a hack would try and connect these two incidents.
Judging by the number of threads started by the clown buss on this subject,I am thinking that they have in their own past as youngsters a bit of playing doctor and this is guilt showing its self.Old Sigmund was right about so many "things " that people do.

Yeah, thats the ticket. If Duggar is a molester then everyone who objects to molesting is a molester.

This is a variation of the calling people who complain about racism racist. lol

Fourteen Year Old White Child Molester Was "Curious"

After it was discovered that Josh Duggar of the reality TV show "19 Kids And Counting" had sexually abused several young girls, including his sisters, when he was fourteen, Fox News went out of their way to avoid covering the story. There was hardly a mention of it on the network until Megyn Kelly succeeded in booking members of the Duggar family (not including Josh) for exclusive interviews. The pre-taped conversations were split up to air on two separate nights, multiplying the ratings possibilities for Kelly and Fox.
During the interviews Kelly, a lawyer prior to her work at Fox, acted more like the Duggar's defense attorney than a journalist. She repeatedly fed Josh's parents and sisters leading questions that contained the answers she was looking for. The Duggar family played along and joined Kelly in characterizing the controversy as a fabrication of the liberal, secular media that sought to defame their "strong Christian" family. The result was a narrative that cast Josh as"a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."

So, nothing to see here. Never mind that a budding pedophile never faced criminal consequences for his unlawful acts, nor that he never received professional counseling for a severe psychological problem that is notoriously difficult to treat and is often repeated. And never mind that the parents failed to report Josh's behavior for a year, or that they agreed to launch a television show that delved into their personal lives knowing the awful secret they were concealing. If anyone was exploiting the media it was the Duggars on the cable show that was making them rich, and later on Fox News as they tried to salvage their slimy career.

Fourteen Year Old Black Girl Brutalized By Rogue Cop "Was No Saint"

After attending a pool party in McKinney, Texas, Dajerria Becton was caught up in one-man police rampage that resulted in her being savagely mistreated. The party dissolved as adults in attendance argued and may have fought over alleged racial slurs directed at African-American kids who were invited guests. When the police arrived witnesses reported that they targeted the black kids, ordered them to the ground, and placed them in handcuffs. Note that these were non-violent, unarmed kids who had broken no laws.
One officer in particular, Eric Casebolt, was noticeably out of control. He was chasing down kids who had done nothing wrong, and even drew his gun on a couple of boys who were clearly not threatening him or anyone else. Among his victims was Becton, a young girl in a swimsuit, who Casebolt grabbed by her hair and threw violently into the pavement. As she called out for someone to call her mother, Casebolt continued to brutalize her, forcing her face into the grass and kneeling with his full weight on her back. You have to wonder what ominous danger he thought she was capable of.

The coverage of this incident by Fox News predictably slanted toward the side of the police. And once again, it was Megyn Kelly who summarized the network's general take by baselesslyslandering Becton saying that "the girl was no saint either." What did Kelly regard as her sinfulness that justified the beating she took? The only thing Kelly mentioned was that Becton was told to leave the area and she didn't immediately do so. Apparently Fox News considers that a sufficient crime to warrant throwing a child onto concrete by her hair and pinning to the ground.

Moral Equivalency?

Juxtaposing these two incidents, both involving fourteen year old kids, puts the repulsive biases of Fox News on display. It is inconceivable that a rational person would defend the young Josh Duggar as a curious, but essentially good kid who simply made some mistakes, while condemning young Dajerria Becton, who did nothing wrong, as a sinful delinquent who deserved what she got. Yet somehow, Fox News still regards itself as the spokes-network for conservative values including personal responsibility. I suppose they just mean personal responsibility for African-Americans, not white, right-wing Christians.
Only a hack would try and connect these two incidents.
Judging by the number of threads started by the clown buss on this subject,I am thinking that they have in their own past as youngsters a bit of playing doctor and this is guilt showing its self.Old Sigmund was right about so many "things " that people do.

they've become nothing but RACE hustlers anymore. it's Despicable and they are out to bring racial hate down on white people, who has done Nothing to them. this is THE LEFT folks. be on your guard

If you're tired of hearing about just imagine living with it

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