"Fossil Fuels".............now THIS is interesting!

Flat earthers are just the most extreme example of science denialism. What is the purpose of this one?
Well oil comes from fossils same way Earth is a flat plane at the center of the Universe suspended on the backs of Giant Turtles: because they said so!
Flat earthers are just the most extreme example of science denialism. What is the purpose of this one?
Flat earthers are simply trolls looking to troll with ridiculous statements....looking to see who bites and argue and other fools who actually believe their nonsense.

All one has to do is watch YouTube to see the number of idiots out there claiming to be something they are not.
Don't panic, it's only about 30 seconds long..........you can sit through the whole thing!!!

So, what do you think?

Any archaelogical scientists in the house that can prove or disprove this?

Most of it is crap to be honest. It wasn't a plot to convince the world that oil was a fossil fuel, the scientific literature at the time was very limited, because our understanding of how oil was formed was nonexistent, nor did we have the tools, or the technology to learn otherwise till relatively recent.
Hydrocarbon deposits are rather common materials in the universe....carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combined together. The stuff is everywhere.
Light hydrocarbons are everywhere. The chemical processes from which they arise are well understood. Crude oil is an amalgam of heavy hydrocarbons that are the result of plant oils squeezed and heated for millions of years. They are both hydrocarbons but different in their origins.
Oil and coal is the remains of an era where primative trees covered the earth but no microbes existed capable of digesting them. For several million years all this carbon just lay around in the environment as thick drifts of dead tree trunks. Many of these trunks ended up in rivers and sunk where rivers emptied into the ocean to eventually be buried by sediments.

That is total crap. Microbes predate all plants by over a billion years.
That is total crap. Microbes predate all plants by over a billion years.
Plant cell walls were apparently a tough nut for them to crack. Coal seams exist the world over for this reason. These trees, mostly fern palms, would die and fall over, and just lay there for millennia until they got buried by normal geological processes. Take the same trees and subject them to the much greater pressures and lack of oxygen at the bottom of an ocean and you get oil. This is why crude oil is found in ancient river deltas and inland seas. It's always locked in sedimentary deposits that date from the era.
Oil and coal is the remains of an era where primative trees covered the earth but no microbes existed capable of digesting them. For several million years all this carbon just lay around in the environment as thick drifts of dead tree trunks. Many of these trunks ended up in rivers and sunk where rivers emptied into the ocean to eventually be buried by sediments.
Yes, natural byproducts of geology and chemistry acting upon megatons of plant matter.
The Soviets tried that and didn’t get oil. They then tried putting various materials under pressure. They hit the jackpot with, I remember it being rust, marble and water, but could be very wrong… that generated oil

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