Formula shortage reveals GOP’s compassion for American babies, anger over nourished immigrant ones

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"Biden administration has been "on top" of the nation's baby formula crisis since day one during a Monday segment of "Mornings with Maria." Cammack told FOX Business' Maria Bartiromo how she exposed the baby formula stockpiles at the U.S.'s southern border by taking matters into her own hands and filming the scene firsthand."

Yup, Biden's on top of the problem....

Two warehouses completely full of baby formula was exposed. It needs a citizen raid.

'You're the whistle-blower who ratted me out, aren't you, you little bastard?!'

I pay my government to take care of me and mine and not foot the bill for public relations virtue signaling. We are not the Red Cross.
We do place American babies over shenanigans and thank you for acknowledging that.
Infants don't choose anything, their parent(s) do. if a parent of an infant chooses to put their infant in jeopardy or danger, it shouldn't be up to the American taxpayer to rectify that decision of the parent(s). What Americans can do is choose better leadership like those that would not incentivize parents from doing stupid things like that. When you vote for stupid leaders, expect them to do stupid things.
So, it is ok to punish the infant in your world.
You really are a sick fuck. What shuld the baby have done to gain your approval you sick fuck ?

In reality Baby Killing *Joe and his band of leftists are the sick fucks for not seeing then solving the problem. You letists voted for them. Keep trying to assuage your guilt by attacking conservatives if it helps you sleep at night.
Why do feel this insane need to punish babies at all? These babies are incarcerated, being held at the border. The 1997 Flores settlement set minimum conditions required for children held in immigration detention and that includes baby formula.

I really despise people like you who think it’s ok to abuse children simp,y because they aren’t American.

Frankly, before commercial (and more expensive) baby formula, we made our own and it just as nutritous. No American babies are suffering,

Why did Starving Babies *Joe invite them here and not have a plan to feed them?
In Hoaxster World, you pretend that immigrant kids need to be punished for the sins of their parents, so you create false narratives claiming that they are stealing food from American children In order to justify abusing them.

Pathetic … but affective in enraging the base.

The only one punishing children is Baby Starving *Joe and the demleftists for inviting them here without a plan to care for them.
You could but it is probably less convenient for people managing supplies going to incarcerated people. Regardless, babies are doing fine.
Considering those babies survived a 1,300 mile or longer trip from their home countries to the US I think they can probably get along without formula.

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