Former Officer accused of coercing women into sex won't be criminally charged


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A former Louisville Metro Police officer who resigned nearly two years ago over allegations that he'd helped keep women out of the criminal justice system in exchange for sexual favors will not face criminal charges, the Commonwealth's Attorney's office has confirmed. The office said Thursday that a Jefferson County grand jury had returned a no true bill – meaning jurors did not believe enough evidence for an indictment had been presented.

Three of the women filed a civil lawsuit against Bailey the previous year in which they claimed he'd helped them avoid criminal charges or remain confidential informants in exchange for sexual favors between 2016 and 2020. That lawsuit was settled by the city for $1.8 million in December 2022."

The city of Lexington totally hung this guy out to dry...he was innocent of the allegations made against him -- and instead of standing by him and putting these whores in jail instead -- they force this guy out of his job and then pay these lying whores nearly 2 million in tax money? He didn't do it......even these whores admit that they engaged in sexual acts in exchange for getting out of a ticket...he didn't force is he in the wrong and not them?

"A former Louisville Metro Police officer who resigned nearly two years ago over allegations that he'd helped keep women out of the criminal justice system in exchange for sexual favors will not face criminal charges, the Commonwealth's Attorney's office has confirmed. The office said Thursday that a Jefferson County grand jury had returned a no true bill – meaning jurors did not believe enough evidence for an indictment had been presented.

Three of the women filed a civil lawsuit against Bailey the previous year in which they claimed he'd helped them avoid criminal charges or remain confidential informants in exchange for sexual favors between 2016 and 2020. That lawsuit was settled by the city for $1.8 million in December 2022."

The city of Lexington totally hung this guy out to dry...he was innocent of the allegations made against him -- and instead of standing by him and putting these whores in jail instead -- they force this guy out of his job and then pay these lying whores nearly 2 million in tax money? He didn't do it......even these whores admit that they engaged in sexual acts in exchange for getting out of a ticket...he didn't force is he in the wrong and not them?

Blue city antics. Remember Biff, we all know you LOVE it, hence your ongoing support for the people who make this happen.
lol black criminal hos suing a city for Bling! Yeah that's rare! lol Black hoes never lie and make shit up looking for a big payday.
Blue city antics. Remember Biff, we all know you LOVE it, hence your ongoing support for the people who make this happen.
I don't support the city spending tax payer money to so-called victims because of the police...

Especially when the cop didn't even kill these whores or anything.....if we are going to pay off someone, at least kill a few of them.....

By the way, the FBI should be abolished ASAP
lol black criminal hos suing a city for Bling! Yeah that's rare! lol Black hoes never lie and make shit up looking for a big payday.
But the officer should have been smart enough to not fall into their trap...he should know blacks are liars and criminals.....he should have just beat them instead....and why would any guy touch a black whore anyway, ewww
I don't support the city spending tax payer money to so-called victims because of the police...

Especially when the cop didn't even kill these whores or anything.....if we are going to pay off someone, at least kill a few of them.....

By the way, the FBI should be abolished ASAP

Like I said, we all know you love it. Keep voting blue, my friend!
Your cities are just...delightful. Keep it up!

They aren't even American cities....Everyone knows that if you have a city with more than 500 darkies in it -- that is no longer an American is a Communist city...but not like the good kind of Communist like Moscow is.....but the bad kind...with darkies and stuff...
I don't support the city spending tax payer money to so-called victims because of the police...

Especially when the cop didn't even kill these whores or anything.....if we are going to pay off someone, at least kill a few of them.....

By the way, the FBI should be abolished ASAP
So you're against the Michael Brown family settlement where Ferguson paid the family of Michael Brown $1.5 million? Michael Brown, who robbed a nearby store, aggressively attacked a police officer, attempted to take control of the officer's weapon and was killed?
The city wanted to make settlement payments so they did. Not a big deal, the people of Louisville voted in the city leadership.
So you're against the Michael Brown family settlement where Ferguson paid the family of Michael Brown $1.5 million? Michael Brown, who robbed a nearby store, aggressively attacked a police officer, attempted to take control of the officer's weapon and was killed?
I mean, the town should have paid the officer who killed him......

In fact, I think officers should get bonus payments for every time they kill a darkie -- especially if the darkie is unarmed...because it takes a higher degree of difficulty to get off for it....

And it's not racist to have that opinion....because Jesus made America to be a place where darkies don't belong...the more uncomfortable we make it for them, the more we are following Jesus
They aren't even American cities....Everyone knows that if you have a city with more than 500 darkies in it -- that is no longer an American is a Communist city...but not like the good kind of Communist like Moscow is.....but the bad kind...with darkies and stuff...

Why Republicans don’t win in the cities
Why Republicans don’t win in the cities
To be fair..Republicans don't need to win in those cities...

Republicans just need to pass a law that makes it illegal to be able to have a city with more than 500 darkies in it....

If you do that, then Republicans won't have to worry about being outvoted by a bunch of blacks...
To be fair..Republicans don't need to win in those cities...

Republicans just need to pass a law that makes it illegal to be able to have a city with more than 500 darkies in it....

If you do that, then Republicans won't have to worry about being outvoted by a bunch of blacks...
Sounds like something Republicans would do

They want to pass a law that says Democrats can’t vote if they move to Red States
The funny thing is that your fellow DemoKKKrats actually did that. You're just too dumb to realize it.
Yea, you should enlighten him about that.....

I assume you are talking about the systemic oppression that was put in place that prevented blacks from having the right to vote...

That is why Conservatives passed the Voting Rights Act.....and Democrats have been fighting against it ever since....always trying to repeal it or weaken it

Gaslighting and lying is fun....I see why you rightwingers do it so much....
Either someone has captured the real Biff_Poindexter's account, or he's just messing with our minds. His signature statement says how wicked conservatives are, but his posts in this thread are just caricatures of the horrible racism that pious liberals believe, or pretend to believe, exists inside every conservative.

Just for the record, I am sure all real conservatives completely reject his nasty statements about "darkies". Some of the best conservative intellectuals in America are Black.

If they're his sincere beliefs, shame on him. If they're just provocations, hoping conservatives will somehow implicitly agree with them so we can be attacked later as racists, then again, shame on him. "Him" being whoever is writing this crap, not necessarily the real Biff_Poindexter.

As for the case in question, you have to know more facts before making a decision. There is often not a bright line between coercion, and consent.

That's why there are usually, now, hard-and-fast rules for people in a position of authority/power over sexual relations with those they're dealing with: for policemen, doctors, university and school teachers.

Even if she consents, even if she makes the first move, you're breaking a rule, and will have to take the consequences if she changes her mind later.

And they tend to do that. Remember, La Donna È Mobile [ ]

It's just part of the War Between the Sexes. If you can't keep it in your trousers, find another job.
These women should be charged with perverting the course of justice not compensated.
I hope the officer is receiving the appropriate pastoral support.

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