Former NFL Lineman Uche Nwaneri Demanded People Take the Jab- Died of Heart Attack Days Ago


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Don't get me wrong, I pray everyone recovers from the damage done by the experimental gene therapy trail rolled out across the world that has gone horribly wrong.
My patience & sympathy for those that demanded the rest of us surrender to their cowardly fear of a bad flu is as low as it can get.
This guy actually called for purebloods to be arrested. F**ck him even if I didn't want him to die for it.

How long till the ever sicker & more vulnerable "vaccinated" sheeple are looking to the rest of us to take care of them as their health deteriorates?
They are stopping these killers around the non-insane world by here they demand more while those that took them will grasp at any flimsy gaslight excuse for why it isn't the clot shots killing people at record paces.

Nwaneri was an advocate of Covid vaccine and Covid passport. He demanded to jail anyone who refused to take the shots.

“Ok so lets get these vaccine mandates and Vaccine passports up and running ASAP,” he wrote.

“We seeing children DIE daily from the unvaccinated selfishness. Pregnant women at risk too. PROTECT LIFE. MANDATE THE VACCINE. Jail anyone who refuses, to protect LIFE,” he continued.

Now prove he died from a Covid shot or STFU about how you claim it's from a Covid shot.

He is the first former NFL player to ever die of a heart has never happened before in the history of the world
There are some nervous mother fuckers out there these days.... even on this thread.

Thank you Lord, for giving me common sense. I owe you one.

fauci science 40.jpg

Traitors Conspire with Enemies to Destroy Their Country

By John Kaminski

Right up to this very moment we continue to suffer from the same eternal scam. Our president says we must stay in our homes to stop the spread of this disease and that only this super duper new vaccine can stop infecting others. What a noble reason that would be!

We believed that story right up until the other day when a Pfizer pharmaceutical functionary told the European Parliament, “Oh no, we never tested for that. We were trying to keep up with the speed of science.”

In essence, what she said was, ‘we don’t know if it works or not.’

So how many people during the last few years have lost their lives believing that this test had been done and that was the reason why their government, which they typically obeyed, ordered them to take shots that by now some estimates report have killed more than a million people (some say 20 million!) and totally disrupted the lives of practically everyone on the planet?

As airline pilots drop dead in mid-flight and finely tuned athletes keel over on their playing fields, still our government continues to demand we submit to this killer jab, which its manufacturer admits will not stop the spread of this still unidentified disease.

All those people have died for a question that was never really answered. In fact, it was never really asked.

Tragic though this mistake has been for the world and for those who have lost so many of the ones they loved because of it, it is not really an unusual event.

In fact, it is typical of a country that has killed billions — yes, billions of people, both enemies and sincere patriotic defenders who were our beloved parents and children — over lies we were forced to believe despite essential questions that were never really asked. end
Rest at: America is the Enemy of Everyone (including itself) – VT | Alternative Foreign Policy Media

Why is the Rich man always exempt from all liability?
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Now prove he died from a Covid shot or STFU about how you claim it's from a Covid shot.

Of course you'd say that. Stories like these are hard for you to hear, but they're the truth. Many of you don’t want to talk about the vaccine being the cause of so many people collapsing and having heart attacks, simply because you also took the jabs and can’t cope with the reality of what they're causing.

This is called "Whistling past the graveyard."
Of course you'd say that. Stories like these are hard for you to hear, but they're the truth. Many of you don’t want to talk about the vaccine being the cause of so many people collapsing and having heart attacks, simply because you also took the jabs and can’t cope with the reality of what they're causing.

This is called "Whistling past the graveyard."

He probably got jabbed 4 times and thinking tick tock tick tock
Now prove he died from a Covid shot or STFU about how you claim it's from a Covid shot.

This will always be the issue because it will be very difficult to prove, either way.

Until the day the Good Lord takes me I will stand by my position that politicians should not be making health decisions on behalf of adults. Forcing healthy young people to take a vaccine is always going to raise questions whenever an unexpected tragedy affecting the heart occurs
This will always be the issue because it will be very difficult to prove, either way.

Until the day the Good Lord takes me I will stand by my position that politicians should not be making health decisions on behalf of adults. Forcing healthy young people to take a vaccine is always going to raise questions whenever an unexpected tragedy affecting the heart occurs

Those same politicians exempted themselves from mandated jabs.

There's the answer
part of it is as SassyIrishLass described, But some of it is harmless or less lethal. That way people are confused thinking the vax is safe because not all die from it.
So they enter the covid casino and bet with their lives.

In fairness, it's a casino for those unvaxxed as well. We just don't know enough at this point and won't for many years. I made a personal decision after some contemplation and the biggest selling point was that it didn't make me immune, only lessened symptoms and risks of severe outcomes.

As such, I decided I was probably healthy enough with a very strong immune system to handle it. I believe based on the symptoms I experienced that I've probably had it two different variants, one far worse than the other, though I can't be certain.
Now prove he died from a Covid shot or STFU about how you claim it's from a Covid shot.
Drug company gets billions of $'s, Many people suffer and die after getting the drug. And it all so safe! Which is why the Drug company guys are totally exempt, even if it is proven they killed people.

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