Former Governor Charlie Crist endorses Obama

The same Charlie Crist that got his ass voted out of office?

Meh, who cares?

He wasn't voted out of office moron. He decided not to run for a 2nd term so he could run in the senate race

HeHe...loving the republicans floundering around like a wounded fish...Tis is amusing. The man was governor of Florida so I would say he still has some pull and people like him...lets hope this helps Obama and Hurts Willard in Florida.

Thanks for showing us all your True Goal, for all your claims to be a Libertarian and Conservative, you are nothing but another mindless Obama supporter.

Awwww poor baby mad because I won't back your dictator for president. My goal is to see willard get his ass kicked in November and this helps. I am not an Obama supporter I am just against Romney. I will be voting for Gary Johnson come November not Obama.
Lol...fake what? Republican? Naw...never said I was a republican I merely voted for Dr Paul but now he has been cheated out of the nomination so Willard the dictator must lose. Simple as that.
Lol...fake what? Republican? Naw...never said I was a republican I merely voted for Dr Paul but now he has been cheated out of the nomination so Willard the dictator must lose. Simple as that.

You're off of Hannity. Your syntax is easy to peg.
Charlie was, and still is, VERY popular with senior citizens.

He would be my choice to get the message out that R&R's budget would mean a 75% reduction in Medicaid. They want to turn that reduced money over to the states.

So, Floridians: if states are now responsible for Medicaid, yet receive 75% less to do it, who makes up the rest? You do. In much greater numbers than say, Wyoming, where no one is retiring to.

Old people don't need long-term care. Right?

Shall we review the cost/benefit analysis embedded in the ACA now or later?

We know Romney-Ryan wants to slash Medicaid as soon as they can. Who does that hurt?

Crist's endorsement might help Obama. He still has a decent favorablity rating in FL.

The most recent polling bears this out. According to an August survey from Public Policy Polling, Crist's favorability numbers have tightened the more likely it appears he will run for Governor in 2014.

When Public Policy Polling polled a hypothetical race between Crist vs. Scott eight months ago, Crist wholloped Scott by 23 points (55-32), thanks to Crist's 25% of Republicans and a 20-point lead with independents (52-32).

Old people don't need long-term care. Right?

Shall we review the cost/benefit analysis embedded in the ACA now or later?

We know Romney-Ryan wants to slash Medicaid as soon as they can. Who does that hurt?


Tell it to your beloved ACA:

Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program (Section 3001): The secretary is required to develop a Value Based Purchasing (VBP) Program, which pays hospitals based on their performance for certain quality measures. Incentive payments begin in FY2013 based on discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2012. The incentive payments will be based on both attainment and improvement.

The VBP program is budget neutral however; all subsection (D) hospitals will have a reduction in the base payment rate, excluding IME, DSH and outlier payments, for all DRGs to fund the incentive pool. The payment reductions will occur irrespective of whether or not a hospital receives an incentive payment. The schedule for the reductions is as follows: FY 2013 (1 percent), FY 2014 (1.25 percent), FY 2015 (1.5 percent), FY 2016 (1.75 percent) and FY 2017 and beyond (2 percent). The measures included in the initial year of the program will be a subset of those measures already reported for the current Pay for Reporting program. In FY 2014, outcome and efficiency measures will be included. All efficiency measures will be risk-adjusted for factors such as age, sex, race, severity of illness and other factors the Secretary deems appropriate. Readmission measures will not be included in the VBP program as they are addressed in a separate readmission payment policy.

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