Forget the Terrorists: The TSA Is Far More Likely To Harm You Physically And Psychologically...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Good ole Big Brother. Always there to help ya out. ;)

TSA Launches 'Invasive' Pat-Downs With 'More Intimate Contact Than Before'

As a result of a questionable study, which found that weapons routinely make it past airport security, the TSA is introducing “more rigorous” and “comprehensive” physical inspections at airports around the country, according to Bloomberg. The security agency, which until now had the option of using five different types of physical pat-downs in the screening line, is eliminating the "options" and replacing them with a single, universal method which would involve heavier groping.

The Transportation Security Administration made the announcement to its agents this week, and in the case of Denver International Airport employees, advised employees and flight crews on Thursday that the “more rigorous” searches “will be more thorough and may involve an officer making more intimate contact than before.”

In an ominous warning, TSA spokesman Bruce Anderson told Bloomberg that "people who in the past would have gotten a pat-down that wasn’t involved will notice that the [new] pat-down is more involved." The shift from the previous, risk-based assessment on which pat-down procedure an officer should apply was phased in over the past two weeks after tests at smaller airports. In their notice,..

TSA Launches 'Invasive' Pat-Downs With 'More Intimate Contact Than Before'


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