Forget Palin, here's Gary Johnson


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Approach a Tea Party supporter, compliment his "Don't Tread On Me" T- shirt, and ask what motivates his activism. The federal government is always growing, he might reply, as is the financial burden it imposes. We're borrowing more money every year, mortgaging our children's future, and little by little, we're ceding our very liberty.

If the Tea Party wants to win enough converts to effectively govern, it must persuade more voters that this kind of rhetoric is offered in earnest.

Skeptics of the Tea Party note that the right never organized in opposition to the profligate spending of the Bush administration. They wonder why a movement so vocal about liberty focuses exclusively on the economic variety, and suspect that if the GOP is returned to power, government won't grow smaller or less intrusive so much as serve different masters.

Come 2012, however, there is one Republican who'll be uniquely positioned to win over these skeptics: former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, a long-shot candidate whose success in the presidential primary would signal, as nothing else could, that the principles espoused by the Tea Party really changed the GOP.

Forget Palin, here's Gary Johnson -
yet another a long-shot candidate? I'm so sick of them.

The "long shot candidates" have been some of the best President's we've had. Harding and Coolidge come to mind.

I am alittle hesitant about electing another President Johnson, we haven't had the best track record with them. Course, both of them weren't per se elected originally.
Johnson spoke at " + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Ram" + " - " + "News" + " " + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Ram" + " - " + "News" + " and he sounds smart on drug policy, but when he gets into Foreign Policy, he gets too simplistic and weird for me: "We do not need to be building roads and airports in Afghanistan," he said. "Especially when our own infrastructure is in such bad shape, we should not be doing this."

While it is easy to agree at face value with what he says, any deeper understanding into why we are building infrastructure in Afghanistan would take one into discussions of geopolitics and national security.

the man is a simplistic ideologue, stuck on stupid with theory vs practicality and reason.
yet another a long-shot candidate? I'm so sick of them.

So you prefer the status-quo candidates?

For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .
yet another a long-shot candidate? I'm so sick of them.

So you prefer the status-quo candidates?

For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .

Since when has Obama not been strapped with idealogy?
yet another a long-shot candidate? I'm so sick of them.

So you prefer the status-quo candidates?

For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .

Little experience? He was Governor for 8 years.
It should also be pointed out that we only ever apply the term "ideologue" to somebody that we don't agree with. The simple fact of the matter is that anybody with an opinion is an ideologue. I have an ideology, you have an ideology, Johnson has an ideology, and Obama has an ideology. We're all ideologues.
So you prefer the status-quo candidates?

For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .

Since when has Obama not been strapped with idealogy?
let me see...

He was supposed to be a leftist, yet he pissed off the left. he was supposed to be anti-war, yet he pissed off the anti-war people.

let me count the ways Obama proved by his actions to NOT be an ideologue stuck on stupid and we'd be here all day.
So you prefer the status-quo candidates?

For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .

Little experience? He was Governor for 8 years.

How largely populated is New Mexico? anything like Alaska? 8 years doing what? What duties did he have and what did he do that is so spectacular that it warrants the respect of his fellow Governors?
For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .

Little experience? He was Governor for 8 years.

How largely populated is New Mexico? anything like Alaska? 8 years doing what? What duties did he have and what did he do that is so spectacular that it warrants the respect of his fellow Governors?

Compared to whom?
It should also be pointed out that we only ever apply the term "ideologue" to somebody that we don't agree with. The simple fact of the matter is that anybody with an opinion is an ideologue. I have an ideology, you have an ideology, Johnson has an ideology, and Obama has an ideology. We're all ideologues.

please, Obama has not stuck with any ideology when his actions are reviewed.

Most people do not. Principles and ideology are mostly expendable in a compromise where core core principles and values are not at stake. People cannot eat principles.

Libertarians (the ones today who are hiding behind the label) have this quirk about being principled against reality and following their principles to their logical conclusions would wreck havoc on any system.

even Jefferson put his principles aside for the sake of the nation and reality vs ideological purity. He preached a good game, but his practice was different.

Politics is a window into how a system will be governed. Compromise is the art of politics. Compromise abhors ideological purity.
For the Executive, I prefer reasonable and balanced political leaders. Johnson is an ideologue with little experience. Obama was a pol with little experience and less ideology strapped under his vest. People like Johnson are always terrible in practice/real life, where theory and ideology run up against the real world. .

Since when has Obama not been strapped with idealogy?
let me see...

He was supposed to be a leftist, yet he pissed off the left. he was supposed to be anti-war, yet he pissed off the anti-war people.

let me count the ways Obama proved by his actions to NOT be an ideologue stuck on stupid and we'd be here all day.

He's been the biggest progressive idealogue in the last 50 freaking years. Just because you hang out with people so extreme that forcing legislation that no one wants through isn't extreme enough, doesn't make him any less of an idealogue.

Denial isn't healthy.
Since when has Obama not been strapped with idealogy?
let me see...

He was supposed to be a leftist, yet he pissed off the left. he was supposed to be anti-war, yet he pissed off the anti-war people.

let me count the ways Obama proved by his actions to NOT be an ideologue stuck on stupid and we'd be here all day.

He's been the biggest progressive idealogue in the last 50 freaking years. Just because you hang out with people so extreme that forcing legislation that no one wants through isn't extreme enough, doesn't make him any less of an idealogue.

Denial isn't healthy.

He has? How so? Bailing out big banks and car companies is progressive ideology?
Wednesday, January 19, 2000
New Mexico Gov Renews School Voucher Push
Gov. Gary Johnson

Following is the full text of Gov. Gary Johnson's State of the State address: New Mexico Gov Renews School Voucher Push

The standard for judging a good politician is different than judging an effective politician.

If a politician runs on things but accomplishes little, how good are they? What did Johnson actually do (effectively) that he laid out in his State of the State address?

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