Forget Guns--Ban the Polls!!!


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
To hell with guns, we need to ban these polls!

We seem to have at least two major polls a day which tell us who's winning in Iowa, New Hampshire and the country at large. I have heard that poll results influence voters' choice. I'm not sure why, but .... they do say over and over that whoever wins in Iowa/NH will achieve 'momentum' -- apparently just because they won that state?

Do you think poll results have influenced your choice at all? Are Trumpeters chosing him because he's "the Winner?" Are people dropping Rubio or Kasich because they're not in front? It feels like manipulation on a grand scale, by the media and the powers that be.

I'd like to see every single person in this country REFUSE to respond to pollsters, on the phone, at the door, in the coffee shop, wherever, whenever. Hang up or say "Sorry." Every single person. From now until June. Oh, how sad they'd be (I'm chuckling).

Is that a good idea?
I wonder if these polls report how many contacts refuse to participate? That could be a big factor in their reliability.
I guess I'm not going to start a Movement here. Oh, well.

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