Forbes Deletes Article by Education Expert Asserting That Forcing Children to Wear Masks Causes Psychological Trauma

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Summit News ^ | 3 September, 2021 | Paul Joseph Watson

All dissent must be banished..

Forbes deleted an article written by an education expert who asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma after the piece began to go viral.

The article (archived here) was written by Zak Ringelstein, who has a a PhD in education from Columbia University and founded Zigadoo, an educational and development app aimed at helping children.

Ringelstein explains how he worked hard to remove standardized testing from schools but that this was derailed when the pandemic began, a process that “transformed the American public education system into something unrecognizable: a system of restrictions and mandates far more repressive than standardized testing ever was.”

Ringelstein attacked the notion that “kids are resilient” and can overcome the onerous COVID rules imposed on them by asserting, “Masks and social distancing induce trauma and trauma at a young age is developmentally dangerous, especially for children who are experiencing trauma in other parts of their lives.”

He went further, noting how the new measures were creating classrooms full of lonely, atomized kids.

“Students in most American classrooms now must wear a covering over their face and stay distanced from their peers the entire school day. In many schools, students are forced to play by themselves during recess. Even for the youngest of school children, desks are in rows. Kids can’t see each other’s smiles or learn critically important social and verbal skills.”

Noting how “a child’s current chance of death from Covid-19 in America is lower than their chance of dying from a lightning strike or car accident,” Ringelstein argued that the risk of children getting ill is far outweighed by the psychological trauma caused by social distancing rules.

“Neurological research demonstrates that kids who experience this kind of fear and trauma at a young age undergo structural and functional restructuring of their brain’s prefrontal cortex, resulting in emotional and cognitive processing problems,” he writes.

“Furthermore, children in masks who are socially distanced are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle at school and home, and therefore are also more likely to become both obese and depressed. Obesity disproportionately affects children from low-income backgrounds and can lead to lifelong health challenges that often result in early death. Tragically, the prevalence of clinical depression and anxiety have already doubled for children globally since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and will likely worsen with continued restrictions.”

“Children in masks are also likely to miss out on critical language development, another fundamental area of growth in early years where children from low-income backgrounds already have disproportionate disadvantages.”

Presumably because Ringelstein dared to challenge the sanity of forcing kids to mask up, Forbes pulled the article after it had begun to get traction via social media.

Not even experts in education who intimately know how children are impacted by trauma are allowed to offer a whimper of dissent against the COVID orthodoxy that demands ruthless ideological compliance.

Any information that challenges mask zealots must be banished.

As we recently highlighted, a study by researchers at Brown University found that mean IQ scores of young children born during the pandemic have tumbled by as much as 22 points while verbal, motor and cognitive performance have all suffered as a result of lockdown.

Michael Curzon noted that two of the primary causes for this are face masks and children being atomized as a result of being kept away from other children.

“Children born over the past year of lockdowns – at a time when the Government has prevented babies from seeing elderly relatives and other extended family members, from socialising at parks or with the children of their parent’s friends, and from studying the expressions on the faces behind the masks of locals in indoor public spaces – have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born before, according to a new U.S. study. Tests on early learning, verbal development and non-verbal development all produced results that were far behind those from the years preceding the lockdowns,” he wrote.

Chairman Xiden has so dictated!

Summit News ^ | 3 September, 2021 | Paul Joseph Watson

All dissent must be banished..

Forbes deleted an article written by an education expert who asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma after the piece began to go viral.

The article (archived here) was written by Zak Ringelstein, who has a a PhD in education from Columbia University and founded Zigadoo, an educational and development app aimed at helping children.

Ringelstein explains how he worked hard to remove standardized testing from schools but that this was derailed when the pandemic began, a process that “transformed the American public education system into something unrecognizable: a system of restrictions and mandates far more repressive than standardized testing ever was.”

Ringelstein attacked the notion that “kids are resilient” and can overcome the onerous COVID rules imposed on them by asserting, “Masks and social distancing induce trauma and trauma at a young age is developmentally dangerous, especially for children who are experiencing trauma in other parts of their lives.”

He went further, noting how the new measures were creating classrooms full of lonely, atomized kids.

“Students in most American classrooms now must wear a covering over their face and stay distanced from their peers the entire school day. In many schools, students are forced to play by themselves during recess. Even for the youngest of school children, desks are in rows. Kids can’t see each other’s smiles or learn critically important social and verbal skills.”

Noting how “a child’s current chance of death from Covid-19 in America is lower than their chance of dying from a lightning strike or car accident,” Ringelstein argued that the risk of children getting ill is far outweighed by the psychological trauma caused by social distancing rules.

“Neurological research demonstrates that kids who experience this kind of fear and trauma at a young age undergo structural and functional restructuring of their brain’s prefrontal cortex, resulting in emotional and cognitive processing problems,” he writes.

“Furthermore, children in masks who are socially distanced are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle at school and home, and therefore are also more likely to become both obese and depressed. Obesity disproportionately affects children from low-income backgrounds and can lead to lifelong health challenges that often result in early death. Tragically, the prevalence of clinical depression and anxiety have already doubled for children globally since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and will likely worsen with continued restrictions.”

“Children in masks are also likely to miss out on critical language development, another fundamental area of growth in early years where children from low-income backgrounds already have disproportionate disadvantages.”

Presumably because Ringelstein dared to challenge the sanity of forcing kids to mask up, Forbes pulled the article after it had begun to get traction via social media.

Not even experts in education who intimately know how children are impacted by trauma are allowed to offer a whimper of dissent against the COVID orthodoxy that demands ruthless ideological compliance.

Any information that challenges mask zealots must be banished.

As we recently highlighted, a study by researchers at Brown University found that mean IQ scores of young children born during the pandemic have tumbled by as much as 22 points while verbal, motor and cognitive performance have all suffered as a result of lockdown.

Michael Curzon noted that two of the primary causes for this are face masks and children being atomized as a result of being kept away from other children.

“Children born over the past year of lockdowns – at a time when the Government has prevented babies from seeing elderly relatives and other extended family members, from socialising at parks or with the children of their parent’s friends, and from studying the expressions on the faces behind the masks of locals in indoor public spaces – have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born before, according to a new U.S. study. Tests on early learning, verbal development and non-verbal development all produced results that were far behind those from the years preceding the lockdowns,” he wrote.

Chairman Xiden has so dictated!

Well, there wouldn't be the need to create classrooms of lonely, atomized kids if self-righteous, science denying, freedom loving retard parents would just do the right thing and get vaccinated (seeing as how the little ones can't yet). And maybe practice just a little bit of safety so as not to pick up the virus and take a chance on spreading it to their kids. Again, I maintain that a lot of what we went through last year and are still going through wouldn't be necessary...if people would just do the right thing.
Summit News ^ | 3 September, 2021 | Paul Joseph Watson

All dissent must be banished..

Forbes deleted an article written by an education expert who asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma after the piece began to go viral.

The article (archived here) was written by Zak Ringelstein, who has a a PhD in education from Columbia University and founded Zigadoo, an educational and development app aimed at helping children.

Ringelstein explains how he worked hard to remove standardized testing from schools but that this was derailed when the pandemic began, a process that “transformed the American public education system into something unrecognizable: a system of restrictions and mandates far more repressive than standardized testing ever was.”

Ringelstein attacked the notion that “kids are resilient” and can overcome the onerous COVID rules imposed on them by asserting, “Masks and social distancing induce trauma and trauma at a young age is developmentally dangerous, especially for children who are experiencing trauma in other parts of their lives.”

He went further, noting how the new measures were creating classrooms full of lonely, atomized kids.

“Students in most American classrooms now must wear a covering over their face and stay distanced from their peers the entire school day. In many schools, students are forced to play by themselves during recess. Even for the youngest of school children, desks are in rows. Kids can’t see each other’s smiles or learn critically important social and verbal skills.”

Noting how “a child’s current chance of death from Covid-19 in America is lower than their chance of dying from a lightning strike or car accident,” Ringelstein argued that the risk of children getting ill is far outweighed by the psychological trauma caused by social distancing rules.

“Neurological research demonstrates that kids who experience this kind of fear and trauma at a young age undergo structural and functional restructuring of their brain’s prefrontal cortex, resulting in emotional and cognitive processing problems,” he writes.

“Furthermore, children in masks who are socially distanced are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle at school and home, and therefore are also more likely to become both obese and depressed. Obesity disproportionately affects children from low-income backgrounds and can lead to lifelong health challenges that often result in early death. Tragically, the prevalence of clinical depression and anxiety have already doubled for children globally since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and will likely worsen with continued restrictions.”

“Children in masks are also likely to miss out on critical language development, another fundamental area of growth in early years where children from low-income backgrounds already have disproportionate disadvantages.”

Presumably because Ringelstein dared to challenge the sanity of forcing kids to mask up, Forbes pulled the article after it had begun to get traction via social media.

Not even experts in education who intimately know how children are impacted by trauma are allowed to offer a whimper of dissent against the COVID orthodoxy that demands ruthless ideological compliance.

Any information that challenges mask zealots must be banished.

As we recently highlighted, a study by researchers at Brown University found that mean IQ scores of young children born during the pandemic have tumbled by as much as 22 points while verbal, motor and cognitive performance have all suffered as a result of lockdown.

Michael Curzon noted that two of the primary causes for this are face masks and children being atomized as a result of being kept away from other children.

“Children born over the past year of lockdowns – at a time when the Government has prevented babies from seeing elderly relatives and other extended family members, from socialising at parks or with the children of their parent’s friends, and from studying the expressions on the faces behind the masks of locals in indoor public spaces – have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born before, according to a new U.S. study. Tests on early learning, verbal development and non-verbal development all produced results that were far behind those from the years preceding the lockdowns,” he wrote.

Chairman Xiden has so dictated!

I always like to see moron relating death by Covid-19 in children to the chance of getting struck by lightening.
I can tell you for certain, there have not been 16 childhood deaths by lightening in Tennessee in the last year or even last 2 or three years. If we assume the number of kids in the state is somewhat constant over any 2 year period, your kid has many times the risk of dying of Covid-19 here than dying of getting struck by lightening.
But hey, it's your kids. Mine are grown, and my grandkids are vaccinated, so more power to ya.
If wearing mask was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose it.

It's really that simple...
I would have given you more laughing faces, but the system would not let me do more than one emoticon response there. Here are a few more,:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::777::21::21:, because everybody is laughing at you on that one, kid!:banana:
They are trying to create a generation of psychos. What could possibly be the purpose?
Good question.

And why would CRT be taught in schools that makes colored children feel the perpetual victim or white kids the perpetual oppressor?

And why teach the gender crap that has caused gender confusion to increase some 4000% since being taught in schools?

And why teach children like Gretta that the world will end in 12 years as she goes before the UN can cries that he life is ove
They sound like a bunch of sadistic child abusers, don't they.
Well, there wouldn't be the need to create classrooms of lonely, atomized kids if self-righteous, science denying, freedom loving retard parents would just do the right thing and get vaccinated (seeing as how the little ones can't yet). And maybe practice just a little bit of safety so as not to pick up the virus and take a chance on spreading it to their kids. Again, I maintain that a lot of what we went through last year and are still going through wouldn't be necessary...if people would just do the right thing.
You are the assholes denying freedom. A choice is a choice and yours alone to make.
I always like to see moron relating death by Covid-19 in children to the chance of getting struck by lightening.
I can tell you for certain, there have not been 16 childhood deaths by lightening in Tennessee in the last year or even last 2 or three years. If we assume the number of kids in the state is somewhat constant over any 2 year period, your kid has many times the risk of dying of Covid-19 here than dying of getting struck by lightening.
But hey, it's your kids. Mine are grown, and my grandkids are vaccinated, so more power to ya.

Actually they related it to a child dying from getting struck by lightening. So what % of children who have been struck by lightening end up dying?
They are trying to create a generation of psychos. What could possibly be the purpose?
Generation of psychos, my butt. I asked my granddaughter if she was still having to wear a mask at school and if it bothered her much. She said they were all required, and wore them, but it really doesn't bother her much. So I asked, "Your not traumatized wearing the masks?" She said no, don't be silly, everybody is wearing them.
Sounds like you guys and the original author just have wimpy little whining kids, instead of normal reasonably well-adjusted kids. Somehow, that is not surprising.
Generation of psychos, my butt. I asked my granddaughter if she was still having to wear a mask at school and if it bothered her much. She said they were all required, and wore them, but it really doesn't bother her much. So I asked, "Your not traumatized wearing the masks?" She said no, don't be silly, everybody is wearing them.
Sounds like you guys and the original author just have wimpy little whining kids, instead of normal reasonably well-adjusted kids. Somehow, that is not surprising.
It’s already normalized to her. It’s just like wearing underwear.

Sad and pathetic
Generation of psychos, my butt. I asked my granddaughter if she was still having to wear a mask at school and if it bothered her much. She said they were all required, and wore them, but it really doesn't bother her much. So I asked, "Your not traumatized wearing the masks?" She said no, don't be silly, everybody is wearing them.
Sounds like you guys and the original author just have wimpy little whining kids, instead of normal reasonably well-adjusted kids. Somehow, that is not surprising.
She is a child. They do not know they are being indoctrinated. That is why children are indoctrinated. They see their parents doing everything the governments says. So of course they have no problem with it. And also have no idea of what is being robbed from them.
It’s already normalized to her. It’s just like wearing underwear.

Sad and pathetic
Sounds more like kids being resilient and more easily taking things in stride than some that are supposed to be adult, especially if all their friends are doing the same thing.
Sounds more like kids being resilient and more easily taking things in stride than some that are supposed to be adult, especially if all their friends are doing the same thing.
Kids are very naive, innocent and generally do as they are told.

You people are sick
Well, there wouldn't be the need to create classrooms of lonely, atomized kids if self-righteous, science denying, freedom loving retard parents would just do the right thing and get vaccinated (seeing as how the little ones can't yet). And maybe practice just a little bit of safety so as not to pick up the virus and take a chance on spreading it to their kids. Again, I maintain that a lot of what we went through last year and are still going through wouldn't be necessary...if people would just do the right thing.
This has been building for years and decades.
She is a child. They do not know they are being indoctrinated. That is why children are indoctrinated. They see their parents doing everything the governments says. So of course they have no problem with it. And also have no idea of what is being robbed from them.
I guess I grew up doing what I was supposed to, also. Sure I could have drank and drove, robbed and raised hell, had a lot of unprotected sex, but I wasn't raised that way. I was raised to be responsible, so I raised my kids to be responsible, and they raised their (or are trying) to do likewise. We grew up doing things that helped the community, the church, etc. as something we owed to the community, same as my family voluntarily supported this country in war. A lot of people these days do not grow up that way, don't feel that way, and in fact, feel highly imposed upon if asked, much less directed to do something for the good of the community or country as a whole. I guess I'll never be a good right wing republican kind of guy.
If wearing mask was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose it.

It's really that simple...
The primary reason for the masks and banning social gatherings is to stifle communication.

The vast majority of human communication happens via body language, especially facial expressions. Masks hide facial expressions.

Leftist authoritarian control freaks want all communication to be via text messaging and social media. That way every single word is put into a database.
The primary reason for the masks and banning social gatherings is to stifle communication.

The vast majority of human communication happens via body language, especially facial expressions. Masks hide facial expressions.

Leftist authoritarian control freaks want all communication to be via text messaging and social media. That way every single word is put into a database.
Not just that but most people reuse mask or use the same mask all day even though they touch it constantly.

Mask help a not very infectious virus be more infectious.

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