For Vietnam Vets, an apology and thanks

o hell a military hospital....

that is just a fucking joke....womack had what we called MP's ....MP's who didnt mind beating the hell out of anyone who they were told to beat the hell out of....and i assure you...they did....e9's would have had a field day with anyone spitting on a patient...then turned them over to the MP's.
o now we got people claiming they spit on the wounded....o hell do realize wounded are not left alone...this is just sillie...i was spit on while wounded...they let the left run around and spit on wounded you even realize how stupid you sound?
At the military hospital no less! :lol:
3 presidents shot in 50yrs. they were protected too.
PS enough of you morons.
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o now we got people claiming they spit on the wounded....o hell do realize wounded are not left alone...this is just sillie...i was spit on while wounded...they let the left run around and spit on wounded you even realize how stupid you sound?
At the military hospital no less! :lol:
3 presidents shot in 50yrs. they were protected too.
You're a liar.
The incidents happened. I noted some of the comments to my friends at the barbershop this morning, and they stared at with me Homer Simpson stares (you know, the big round empty eyes), then they started laughing. Their general conclusion was that 'sbones and the others are little whiny far lefty loonies who hate America or little whiny far right radicals who can't believe anything wrong ever happens in America.

Remember that the deniers have no ethical or factual position in this discussion. and that there numbers are very, very small. Their false beliefs will die with them.

ps: They liked the strolling bones moniker but thought her nose was too big.
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Get it straight -- I said it happened once to me, and dozens of my peers told me it happened to them.

That anybody else here doesn't think it happened simply doesn't matter. Such thinking is like the child whining and pouting at home over something. No one gives any real emotion to what the child or the naysayers here think. The child is wrong. The naysayers are wrong. The history of that the spitting on Vietnam veterans often happened is secure forever.

This Viet Nam era veteran thinks you full of shit, lad.
o now we got people claiming they spit on the wounded....o hell do realize wounded are not left alone...this is just sillie...i was spit on while wounded...they let the left run around and spit on wounded you even realize how stupid you sound?

No, they don't.

People cling to these myths because they take comfort in them.

The more bold liars and propagandist internet nitwits even go so far as to say that this myth happened to them.

Internet veterans.
Get it straight -- I said it happened once to me, and dozens of my peers told me it happened to them.

That anybody else here doesn't think it happened simply doesn't matter. Such thinking is like the child whining and pouting at home over something. No one gives any real emotion to what the child or the naysayers here think. The child is wrong. The naysayers are wrong. The history of that the spitting on Vietnam veterans often happened is secure forever.

This Viet Nam era veteran thinks you full of shit, lad.

You are entitled to think what you want, but the evidence is not with you. So you can stand there with big eyes with sbones holding hands and both whine, but they does not change the world.
[ame=]YouTube - Matt Redman - The Heart of Worship[/ame]

Get it straight -- I said it happened once to me, and dozens of my peers told me it happened to them.

That anybody else here doesn't think it happened simply doesn't matter. Such thinking is like the child whining and pouting at home over something. No one gives any real emotion to what the child or the naysayers here think. The child is wrong. The naysayers are wrong. The history of that the spitting on Vietnam veterans often happened is secure forever.

This Viet Nam era veteran thinks you full of shit, lad.

You are entitled to think what you want, but the evidence is not with you. So you can stand there with big eyes with sbones holding hands and both whine, but they does not change the world.
The evidence? What evidence? What we have on this thread is some loon that claims he was spit on while on a stretcher, another loon that claims she's seen pictures of Vets being spit on yet for some reason can't produce any of them...and you, who is afraid to even describe your experience.

God be with you Ravi

That's the good way, JenT. Either these deniers are mentally deranged, ignorant of the facts and won't look them up, or simply malignant. Not a thing to do with them except let them pout and whine.
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The incidents happened. I noted some of the comments to my friends at the barbershop this morning, and they stared at with me Homer Simpson stares (you know, the big round empty eyes), then they started laughing. Their general conclusion was that 'sbones and the others are little whiny far lefty loonies who hate America or little whiny far right radicals who can't believe anything wrong ever happens in America.

Remember that the deniers have no ethical or factual position in this discussion. and that there numbers are very, very small. Their false beliefs will die with them.

ps: They liked the strolling bones moniker but thought her nose was too big.

Frankly, I don't believe you. Your story gets more bizarre the more you post. You hit on all the myths. The spitting on vets as they came home, the homeless shelters still jammed with Viet Nam vets 35 years after the war ended, now spitting on soldiers in a stretcher. I don't know who is more outlandish, you or Jen T.
I lived during that time. I had friends and neighbors who went to Viet Nam. The boys came home, they were not all bitter emotional wrecks. These boys who came home were for the most part treated well. They went back to school, got jobs, raised families just like anyone else.
Vets were treated better than hippies and war protesters in the late 60s and 70s. The communities accepted the vets back, while hippies were despised. I personally saw hippies asked to leave establishments because people did not want to be around them.
The ones who treated Viet Nam vets the worst were the WWII vets. WWII vets did not think the kids measured up, they didn't "win" their war, they grew their hair long, had facial hair and were considered to be druggies.
If Viet Nam vets never got a parade, blame the WWII vets. These are the guys who were now mayors and community leaders. It was their job to arrange recognition for the returning boys....they never did it.
rightwinger, you are goofy. My story has never changed, but your agenda keeps growing and expanding as does a dog's puddle on the ground, always smelling poorly and drawing the looks of others toward an ill-mannered dog.

Quit wagging your tail, cover your mess, and go take care of some homeless vets at the shelter this weekend. Some of the guys at the 'shop were wondering if some of you were just wannabees. That may be you.

Anyway, if you continue to stand there, stare and whine and puddle all you want, none of that changes the history.
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rightwinger, you are goofy. My story has never changed, but your agenda keeps growing and expanding as does a dog's puddle on the ground, always smelling poorly and drawing the looks of others toward an ill-mannered dog.

Quit wagging your tail, cover your mess, and go take care of some homeless vets at the shelter this weekend. Some of the guys at the 'shop were wondering if some of you were just wannabees. That may be you.

Anyway, if you continue to stand there, stare and whine and puddle all you want, none of that changes the history.

A typical baseless response from a moron. Provide me proof that Vets were spat at as they returned. Refute anything I said. You could not even provide details of your own alleged "incident"
[ame=]YouTube - A Heart-felt Tribute to American Soldiers: Tim McGraw's "If You're Reading This"[/ame]

Debunking A Myth
By John Zutz (Reviewer)
[Printer-Friendly Version]

The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam, by Jerry Lembcke (New York University Press, 1998)

Many Vietnam veterans repeat a common litany: anti-war protesters spit upon them. This book attempts to debunk what Lembcke concludes has become a modern urban myth.

How does one attempt to prove a negative - that something didn't happen? This author does it by examining the positive side and failing to find any conclusive proof that it occurred. Along the way he finds many indications that it is indeed a myth.

His research examined newspapers from New York and San Francisco, as well as police reports detailing the interaction between protesters and veterans. No spitting incidents were reported, and the observers noticed that over time the veterans assumed leadership positions among the protesters. Lembcke did find newspaper reports of spitting during demonstrations in the late 1960s, but they referred to hawks spitting on anti-war protesters.

Reinforcing his myth hypothesis, Lembcke cites a Harris poll reported to Congress in 1972 that indicates 93% of returning veterans found their homecoming friendly, while only 3% found it unfriendly. The poll also reported that over 75% of returning vets were opposed to the war.

The first documented reports of being spit upon don't begin to appear until the early 1980s. According to the author, who is currently an associate professor of sociology, the time delay is a strong indication that the story is a myth. So where did the myth come from?

First, remember that we lost the war. There are historical examples of mistreatment myths in which the abusers are said to be traitors to the national cause. In post-WWI Germany, the Fascists exploited similar rumors to arouse popular anger toward Jews, homosexuals, and women. After France's defeat in Indochina, the contrast and conflict of the male warrior image with the more feminine factors of society were blamed for the defeat

please post a link for this in compliance w/ board rules. thanks
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