For those who have seen Star Wars The Force Awakens


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
So, the First Order, in their expertise felt that they should drain ALL of the energy from a planets sun, and then use ALL of that energy they drain from that planet's sun to destroy the planet?

Don't they know that by taking ALL of the energy from any planet's sun already destroys the planet? I mean talk about beating a dead horse.

Anyway, what was with the fact that some black guy (just so happens to be black and the only stormtrooper who is a conscientious objector) picks up a light saber for the first time and is at a jedi level in wielding it? I mean I thought that was suppose to take years of practice and dedication to be at a jedi level. Then all of a sudden, Finn, is an expert? Oh right. He is black, so that must be the reason I guess. I mean I guess. They all have such dexterity and great coordinated natural fighting skills. Oooops, is that over the top? It is amazing though.

Oh, and of course a woman is the other true fighting bad ass that takes on all of the fellas. She just so happens to be hot too.

If not for the overt politically correct obvious statements made by such an uber liberal director in Abrams, it would have been decent. Just too much puke inducing PC crap. Just, too much.


Oh, maybe it was just a coincidence that MSNBC had this very subject just a few days before it opened.

Just shaking my head. Then again not shocked in anyway.
So, the First Order, in their expertise felt that they should drain ALL of the energy from a planets sun, and then use ALL of that energy they drain from that planet's sun to destroy the planet?

Don't they know that by taking ALL of the energy from any planet's sun already destroys the planet? I mean talk about beating a dead horse.

Anyway, what was with the fact that some black guy (just so happens to be black and the only stormtrooper who is a conscientious objector) picks up a light saber for the first time and is at a jedi level in wielding it? I mean I thought that was suppose to take years of practice and dedication to be at a jedi level. Then all of a sudden, Finn, is an expert? Oh right. He is black, so that must be the reason I guess. I mean I guess. They all have such dexterity and great coordinated natural fighting skills. Oooops, is that over the top? It is amazing though.

Oh, and of course a woman is the other true fighting bad ass that takes on all of the fellas. She just so happens to be hot too.

If not for the overt politically correct obvious statements made by such an uber liberal director in Abrams, it would have been decent. Just too much puke inducing PC crap. Just, too much.


Oh, maybe it was just a coincidence that MSNBC had this very subject just a few days before it opened.

Just shaking my head. Then again not shocked in anyway.

It is sick. This is a major turn off to say the least.
What bothers me is that the first time they used the weapon it didn't drain the star. Why not? And how would the Confederates know exactly when the weapon would be charged up and ready to go?

As for the race and sex of the heroes, only a Nazi like General Hux would care.
Did it bother anyone that this "bad ass" Ren whatever was such a pathetic villain? I mean he gets bested by this guy who never trained in the "arts" of the jedi order and somehow he has the knowledge and skill to wield Luke's light saber with the skill of a seasoned jedi?

He gets bested by the woman, of course who just so happened to realize she has the powers of the force?

Just a weak story line and I am disappointed in Abrams who I thought did a pretty good job with the Star Trek series. Yeah, he let his political leanings in those series too, but not as bad as he did with Star Wars. Every movie basically has left wing leanings, but sometimes they are a little less overt.

This was just stupid. Yeah, the draining of suns power......

Just dumb.
Well, you know, General Hux's Nazi speech should have been under pitch black skies and -200 degree temperatures, right? Or maybe the planet had two stars and so they could use it twice. I guess Hux forgot to tell Ayatollah Voldermort that little detail that, well, if we use it again the star's gone

This guy Ren was only an amateur since he barely beat a non-Jedi and got his ass kicked by a young girl. I guess he was only good at ordering stormtroopers to kill people and stabbing an unsuspecting old man. He's a typical milennial, running around in a fancy outfit with a sinister mask, but ends up being a weakling. Yep, Voldermort better sign him up for more training. Ren Whatever is a pitiful character. Not sympathetic like they want him to be, because he's truly a purely psychopathic jackass killer. But he is pitiful.
Where was Lando?


Anyone else predicting that the negro (ooooops Finn) is the offspring of Leia and Billy D and we will be told this in the next episode?

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