For those of you who think Biden is in control of the price of oil, well..

Ah yes, those good old days of $2.00 a barrel oil in 2020.
Gas was 2.00 --- oil per barrel was 30 bucks or so a barrel.......
Now oil is back over 100 bucks a barrel and oil companies are trying to rake in as much profit as possible...
That was pre the Trump price rise...

We have explained to you... Trump over saw a 10.2% decrease in OPEC out put just before left and about a 20% in US production in the year before he left...

So your problem is that Biden can't fix the big brown shit Trump left on the President's desk which Biden is trying to clean up... US suffers but you don't give a fuck, go team Red..
WOW... another deflect based on BS...
That was pre the Trump price rise...

We have explained to you... Trump over saw a 10.2% decrease in OPEC out put just before left and about a 20% in US production in the year before he left...

So your problem is that Biden can't fix the big brown shit Trump left on the President's desk which Biden is trying to clean up... US suffers but you don't give a fuck, go team Red..
You're a liar.'s down about $20 from the recent peak so I have no doubt you folks will be singing Joe's praises (wink) for bringing the price down. In reality, the drop is based on the belief, by the market, an anticipated global recession will result in demand destruction. Meaning the price of oil is set globally based on expectations for supply/demand dynamics largely out of Biden's control.

I think most Repubs know that but couldn't resist the opportunity to pin the blame for gas prices on the guy in the Oval Office with the midterms coming up. And it worked!
no i think it’s great he reversed course on the policies that drove the cost up so high. Glad he had a change of heart once we saw his policies. Hopefully he and you dembots learned something
I agree that Biden has no control over oil prices. All he does is to attempt to read the words placed on his teleprompter to read and signs the papers he is given. He is just the mouthpiece for the globalist elites behind the great reset who ARE in control and who are responsible for the destruction of our nation, this being just one element of such.
While Mr. Biden urges oil companies to expand production, Wall Street investors are telling them to be more cautious because they don’t want companies to drill up a storm when prices are high only to lose money when prices sink again. That is what happened between 2011 and 2015, leading to scores of bankruptcies.

Right now, oil companies are making record profits. Exxon Mobil said this week that its profits in the first three months of the year could total $11 billion, the most the company has made in a quarter since 2008, when the price of a barrel of oil topped $140.

Exxon has cut spending and its work force in recent years, even while increasing production in the Permian Basin, which straddles Texas and New Mexico, and off the coast of Guyana. Darren Woods, the company’s chief executive and one of the witnesses at the Wednesday hearing, has insisted that Exxon is working to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while meeting the country’s energy needs but that it is not responsible for rising prices.

no i think it’s great he reversed course on the policies that drove the cost up so high.
They didn't. His policy changes were done for optics in order to appease the rubes who don't understand what the real price drivers of oil and gas are.
For this one, due to the financial burden of upgrading its infrastructure and to advance its decarbonization goals pushed by the Biden administration. How the hell can you ass-wipes remain so ignorant is beyond understanding.

Another U.S. Refinery Slated to Close
You can both be making record profits and then claim you are going out of business due to regulations.....

“We haven’t had a refinery built in the United States since the 1970s,” Chief Executive Officer Mike Wirth said in an interview on Bloomberg TV. “My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built in the United States.”

Now, if you want to just roll back all regulations or enough to take away the excuse of oil companies claiming regulations is what is stopping them from building new refineries, so be it.....but it seems like it ain't just Biden that's causing refineries to close or new ones from being built....You would think hundreds of new refineries were being built just from Trump very presence.....Oil companies are basically relying on the fact that as long as they blame prices on the government and efforts to reduce emissions -- they can continue to prioritize profits over everything else...

Now what part of this equation are you claiming a president is responsible for? and why doesn't this apply to other things, like the president control those prices too?

For those of you who think Biden is in control of the price of oil​

strawman, no one thinks that.

Didn't bother to read after that.
I love the way you folks cape up for those "corporate oligarchs and globalists" that yall claim to be so against......

Libs are the globalists who pander to foreign enrmies such as russia and china for basic supply chain needs just to save a few pennies or to punish domestic oil production
Corporate oligarchs and politicians have been in bed together since the invention of the BIG OIL companies.
Of course CORPORATIONS are going to look after their own first and foremost. They don't want to have to payout more than they have to. This includes paying out politicians to artificially stimulate oil production in their favor when they need it, or creating new laws and amendments to create higher rates for consumers and lower production prices for the oil companies.

This means politicians ARE in charge at some point. They can regulate the MEANS by which gas prices are set.
Because they are politicians, they can overrule the oil companies if serves a better purpose for them to do so.

When you cut off resources, prices for products manufactured from those resources will get price hikes.
When resources are free flowing, said products manufactured from those resources can have lower prices.
This all comes from political regulation of said resources. In other words, the politicians are creating a price coercion by manipulating resources.

Oil companies can set their own prices if they want, but they choose to do it the unethical way, not the honest business way. This way, if the prices go up, they have the politicians to blame, even though 99% of the time it IS their fault. If the prices go down, the oil companies take all the credit.

Did you never take economics and politics in school???
So in other words you are saying "well of course all of that bullshit I was talking about globalists this and globalists that was bullshit, I didn't want to actually do anything about it"

Because you folks keep acting like you want government to step in and do something -- but Republicans keep voting against anything that helps lower those prices....

Instead what you want government to do is be even more obsequious and subservient to the very "globalists" you pretend to be against by making it easier for them to pollute......

You want to really fight back against the oligarchs....have government nationalize part of our domestic production and set price controls on that supply
More facts for Repubs to deny.

U.S. oil production did increase a lot after 2010 — a trend that, as it happens, began under the Obama administration and continued for part of Donald Trump’s term.

But this had little to do with policy; it was all about new technology, specifically fracking. Oil production then slumped in 2020, not because of policy but because prices plunged during the pandemic. Now it’s coming back, again thanks to events rather than policy. It seems safe to say that nothing either Trump did or Biden did has had any appreciable effect on U.S. oil production, let alone U.S. gasoline prices.

Of course, that’s not what Republicans would have you believe. They want the public to give Trump credit for low prices in 2020, when demand for oil was low because Covid had the world economy on its back. They want voters to blame environmental concerns, which have blocked the Keystone XL pipeline and might block drilling on public land, for high prices at the pump right now — even though it will take years before these policy changes will have any effect, and that effect will be modest even then.

I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, we’re talking about a party that’s in denial about everything from climate change to vaccine effectiveness, so what’s a bit of economic nonsense thrown into the mix? But somehow I find myself shocked all the same. For you don’t need scientific understanding or even rudimentary statistical analysis to see that President Biden can’t possibly be responsible for high U.S. gasoline prices; all you need to do is spend five minutes looking at what’s happening in the rest of the world.

But will voters see through this latest Republican disinformation campaign? Will Democrats make an effective case for the truth? I wish I were more optimistic than I am.

They didn't. His policy changes were done for optics in order to appease the rubes who don't understand what the real price drivers of oil and gas are.
um he did a huge 180 and begged for more production
For this one, due to the financial burden of upgrading its infrastructure and to advance its decarbonization goals pushed by the Biden administration. How the hell can you ass-wipes remain so ignorant is beyond understanding.

Another U.S. Refinery Slated to Close
If I owned a company making a product that biden vows to strangle off the market why would invest billions in new production facilities?

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