For The DNC Wins, Democrats and Snowflakes Can Thank...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

upload_2017-11-9_9-25-49.jpeg least they can according to Hillary Clinton! :p

Hillary Clinton. It didn’t take long for her majesty to try and bathe in the afterglow of the Democrats’ wins last night in Virginia and New Jersey.

"Scripture tells us: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. [URL='']

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016"

Ummm, not so fast, Hillary....

"Northam also
outperformed Hillary with women, white, and young voters, according to FiveThirtyEight’s Clare Malone. The surge was due to Trump, not because Hillary continues to fester in the limelight."[/URL]

Methinks Hillary is trying to stay relevant while attempting to ignore the black eyes and ass-kicking she is getting from former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile.
Hillaryous thinks the whole world revolves around her. She's too stupid to know she's irrelevant.

View attachment 159433 least they can according to Hillary Clinton! :p

Hillary Clinton. It didn’t take long for her majesty to try and bathe in the afterglow of the Democrats’ wins last night in Virginia and New Jersey.

"Scripture tells us: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016"

Ummm, not so fast, Hillary....

"Northam also
outperformed Hillary with women, white, and young voters, according to FiveThirtyEight’s Clare Malone. The surge was due to Trump, not because Hillary continues to fester in the limelight."

Methinks Hillary is trying to stay relevant while attempting to ignore the black eyes and ass-kicking she is getting from former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile.
Gillespie was an establishment candidate who refused to acknowledge Trump. So he got creamed.

And this guy lost to the transexual.....


Nuff said.

View attachment 159433 least they can according to Hillary Clinton! :p

Hillary Clinton. It didn’t take long for her majesty to try and bathe in the afterglow of the Democrats’ wins last night in Virginia and New Jersey.

"Scripture tells us: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016"

Ummm, not so fast, Hillary....

"Northam also
outperformed Hillary with women, white, and young voters, according to FiveThirtyEight’s Clare Malone. The surge was due to Trump, not because Hillary continues to fester in the limelight."

Methinks Hillary is trying to stay relevant while attempting to ignore the black eyes and ass-kicking she is getting from former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile.
Donna Brazile gave Hillary the questions in advance.
But Donna Brazile still doesn't think she did anything wrong.
Her excuse: She didn't want her candidate to be blind-sided by tough questions.
Hillaryous thinks the whole world revolves around her. She's too stupid to know she's irrelevant.
She demonstrates how true Brazile's revelation was of how Hillary's campaign / circle was an arrogant cult.
Donna Brazile gave Hillary the questions in advance.
But Donna Brazile still doesn't think she did anything wrong.
Her excuse: She didn't want her candidate to be blind-sided by tough questions.
Ummm....yup....that's why every CHEATER cheats.

View attachment 159433 least they can according to Hillary Clinton! :p

Hillary Clinton. It didn’t take long for her majesty to try and bathe in the afterglow of the Democrats’ wins last night in Virginia and New Jersey.

"Scripture tells us: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 9, 2016"

Ummm, not so fast, Hillary....

"Northam also
outperformed Hillary with women, white, and young voters, according to FiveThirtyEight’s Clare Malone. The surge was due to Trump, not because Hillary continues to fester in the limelight."

Methinks Hillary is trying to stay relevant while attempting to ignore the black eyes and ass-kicking she is getting from former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile.

Hellary has little or no pull within the DNC now. Her phony foundation money scheme has dried up, and she got her saggy kannerrangers toggled by a giant orange clown. Did any of these dem candidates invite her to campaign with them?
It's quite the opposite. It seems like nowadays people don't for their guy. They vote against the other guy. Republicans won in 2016 by voting against Hillary, and Democrats won on Tuesday by voting against Trump. All Hillary is responsible for is her own loss in 2016.
How are local and governor elections a reflection on the president? I never understood that
How are local and governor elections a reflection on the president? I never understood that

Many Democrats did NOT want to be associated with Obama, refusing to ask him to come campaign for them, for example.

I can see if a politician is a pariah, un-popular to the point of being toxic (not saying Obama was that), I can see hos association with that politician could cause a loss of votes, as the opposite could be true also - association with an extremely popular President could help.
How are local and governor elections a reflection on the president? I never understood that

Many Democrats did NOT want to be associated with Obama, refusing to ask him to come campaign for them, for example.

I can see if a politician is a pariah, un-popular to the point of being toxic (not saying Obama was that), I can see hos association with that politician could cause a loss of votes, as the opposite could be true also - association with an extremely popular President could help.
So, people are just stupid. Considering those two groups cant do much to advance or halt a Presidential agenda.. WTF does that matter?
I lose a little more faith in humanity every day.
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I would imagine not a lot of 2018 Democratic Party candidates will NOT be asking Hillary to come campaign for them...

Clinton received 2.9 million more popular votes. Her criticism was muted, too much talk from Brazile: "I decide who I want at the moment". I did not care for her when she allegedly stole debate questions, unfair. Ignore her and Warren, Warren is a radical, for herself. Arrogant, and mean.
I would imagine not a lot of 2018 Democratic Party candidates will NOT be asking Hillary to come campaign for them...


Gillespie followed Trump's programs but did not align himself. Northam kept insults anf hate out his campaign, except that one day long trash ad, good thing for him, he pulled it.
Clinton received 2.9 million more popular votes.
Ahhhh....back to the irrelevant 'popularity contest'. :p

And Brazile just exposed the criminal snowflakes worshipped, followed, and cried over after her loss for who she really was / is.

Brazile is taking a flamethrower to the extremely carefully created media / public Hillary persona, exposing her to be a criminal and a 'Cult'.
Donna Brazile gave Hillary the questions in advance.
But Donna Brazile still doesn't think she did anything wrong.
Her excuse: She didn't want her candidate to be blind-sided by tough questions.
Ummm....yup....that's why every CHEATER cheats.
I enjoyed bigly Tucker's laugh at that answer. dude, I was laughing right along with him.
Clinton received 2.9 million more popular votes.
Ahhhh....back to the irrelevant 'popularity contest'. :p

And Brazile just exposed the criminal snowflakes worshipped, followed, and cried over after her loss for who she really was / is.

Brazile is taking a flamethrower to the extremely carefully created media / public Hillary persona, exposing her to be a criminal and a 'Cult'.
Brazile also admitted that Hitlery was ill and indeed fainted into that SUV. hahahaahahahahaa

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