For the birthday of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! Favorite song of Putin


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Three years ago was written this great song, but it is actual now too. More as 90 % Russians love their President and wish he will run the country many many years!

Putin always looked a lot younger than he really was. On Oct 7 he turned 65, can anybody believe that?

BTW, great pictures of Putin, thank you so much, Baron!

Thank you too Stratford!

All sane people in the West love Putin - The Great President of Russia and Russian People!

He's a murdering commie bastard but by God, he loves his country. That's a hell of a lot more than could be said for Obama.
He's a murdering commie bastard but by God, he loves his country. That's a hell of a lot more than could be said for Obama.
Whom he has murdered? Stop listening to those who are making huge money on demonizing him. BTW, same people have been demonizing Trump if you noticed.
Don't any of ya'll find this hero worship to be a bit embarrassing?
He's a murdering commie bastard but by God, he loves his country. That's a hell of a lot more than could be said for Obama.
Whom he has murdered? Stop listening to those who are making huge money on demonizing him. BTW, same people have been demonizing Trump if you noticed.

Being in the KGB as he was, he probably was involved directly or indirectly in making some people disappear. I accept that as the way things are in Russia, but I still do admire the man for his love of country and for being a strong leader.
He's a murdering commie bastard but by God, he loves his country. That's a hell of a lot more than could be said for Obama.
Whom he has murdered? Stop listening to those who are making huge money on demonizing him. BTW, same people have been demonizing Trump if you noticed.

Being in the KGB as he was, he probably was involved directly or indirectly in making some people disappear. I accept that as the way things are in Russia, but I still do admire the man for his love of country and for being a strong leader.
First of all there is a presumption of innocence and we can't blame anybody just because we "think" he may have done something wrong. Second, Putin was not even 40 y.o. when USSR collapsed and KGB stopped its existence.

Third, we DO NOT know if he killed anybody or not but we DO KNOW he saved quite a few lives taking a huge risk of his own life while being Assistant chief in Dresden.

The night of Berlin wall collapsed and all the Germans were celebrating that Putin was in KGB residency in Dresden. Over 5000 drunk crowd destroyed the next building and started attacking KGB building. The Chief officer was scared and ran away. The second highest ranked officer was Putin. Understanding that the wild crowd is going to brake into their building he called and asked for help but the answer was: “Moscow id not responding, we have a feeling we’ve been abandoned.” Putin had to come out of the building to stop the drunk and wild crowd, he was alone. Putin says: ‘The collapse of Berlin wall happened due to the will of our country and we are guarding this building, it’s a USSR property. I’m an officer, I have only 12 bullets in my pistol and the last one I’ll leave for myself.’ He said that and started slowly going up the stairs (there was 12 stairs) back to the building, his shirt was so wet that it stuck to his back. When he finally got upstairs, he looked back and the crowd started to walk away.

Nobody has broken into the building that night and all the secret archives (which could cause a large number of murders) stayed safe.
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