Putin thanks Trump by phone for info that thwarted terror attack


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Deep State is deeply concerning, it could begin a true cooperation between Putin and Trump, the beginning of WWIII is endangered. Trump, beware Deep State which will suddenly discovery a new case of your sexual wrong behavior somewhere in Bronx fourthly years ago.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called President Trump on Sunday to thank him for providing intelligence that helped thwart a planned terror attack in St. Petersburg, the White House says.

Putin thanks Trump by phone for info that thwarted terror attack, WH confirms
I would be so glad if Russia and USA stopped arguing and concentrated on destroying the terrorism together. Because there are only two sides benefiting from US/Russia bad relationship: Deep State and terrorists (or may be they both are just one side).

Putin (a year ago): We must increase mutual trust and admit that these are common threats, and it is only together that we can curtail and eradicate them.

For example, we send our American partners information and often get no response at all. Some time ago, we sent information on the Tsarnaev brothers. We sent the first document, got no response, sent a second document, and got the response that this is not your business, they are US citizens now and we will take care of things ourselves.

The result was a terrorist attack in the USA. Is this not an example of how we end up with losses if we neglect cooperation in this very sensitive area?

We should be busy not with political rhetoric, but with looking for solutions to the situation.
Answers to questions from French journalists from TF1 TV channel

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