For decades Afrocentric scholars had claimed that the ancient Egyptians were a black nation


VIP Member
Dec 25, 2013
For decades Afrocentric scholars had claimed that the ancient Egyptians were a black (Negroid) race. In 2017 DNA testing provided scientific proof that ancient Egypt was not a black nation. They were closely related to the other people of the Middle East and more closely related the people of Eastern Europe than Sub-Saharan Africa. This is not intended to be any kind of insult to black people but just an acknowledgement of the truth. I don’t know if this has been posted here before since these DNA results are a year old, but if it has it is worth posting again.

Do you remember a few go when a movie about Moses and the exodus showed the ancient Egyptians as Caucasians? The producers were criticized by American blacks for their depiction of the ancient Egyptians. But the movie makers were right the ancient Egyptians were not a black people but a Caucasian people not much different than the people who live there today. The Afrocentrics are right about one thing; people form east did invade the Nile valley and pushed out the indigenous Negroid people. But that happened a long time before the rise of the accident Egyptian civilization.

Genetic Literacy Project2017/06/29/mummy-dna-ancient.

Were the ancient Egyptians black or white? Scientists now know

“The problem, it was thought, is that mummy DNA couldn’t be sequenced. But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, (a period later than the Middle Kingdom) when Egypt was under Roman rule”
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I've heard them say Egypt is/was an African nation. But I guess we need racial shit in the air in america like oxygen.
For decades Afrocentric scholars had claimed that the ancient Egyptians were a black (Negroid) race. In 2017 DNA testing provided scientific proof that ancient Egypt was not a black nation. They were closely related to the other people of the Middle East and more closely related the people of Eastern Europe than Sub-Saharan Africa. This is not intended to be any kind of insult to black people but just an acknowledgement of the truth. I don’t know if this has been posted here before since these DNA results are a year old, but if it has it is worth posting again.

Do you remember a few go when a movie about Moses and the exodus showed the ancient Egyptians as Caucasians? The producers were criticized by American blacks for their depiction of the ancient Egyptians. But the movie makers were right the ancient Egyptians were not a black people but a Caucasian people not much different than the people who live there today. The Afrocentrics are right about one thing; people form east did invade the Nile valley and pushed out the indigenous Negroid people. But that happened a long time before the rise of the accident Egyptian civilization.

Genetic Literacy Project2017/06/29/mummy-dna-ancient.

Were the ancient Egyptians black or white? Scientists now know

“The problem, it was thought, is that mummy DNA couldn’t be sequenced. But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, (a period later than the Middle Kingdom) when Egypt was under Roman rule”


You plainly see here at Egypt is an African nation.

And there is no such thing as sub saharan africa.

It's all one continent.

Why whites want to keep arguing about Egypt is sad.
I've heard them say Egypt is/was an African nation. But I guess we need racial shit in the air in america like oxygen.

The truth is the truth and to a historian amateur or professional the truth is important. It is astounding that Afrocentrics stubbornly argued the ancient Egyptians were black when logic and reason clearly showed they were not. To know what we know now did not take a DNA test there are many other indicators. The hair studies of the ancient Egyptian mummies did a few years ago was enough proof.

We now have proof that the ancestors of the Egyptians did not come from the south but from the north and most likely the Eurasian Steppes the homeland of all Caucasians.
For decades Afrocentric scholars had claimed that the ancient Egyptians were a black (Negroid) race. In 2017 DNA testing provided scientific proof that ancient Egypt was not a black nation. They were closely related to the other people of the Middle East and more closely related the people of Eastern Europe than Sub-Saharan Africa. This is not intended to be any kind of insult to black people but just an acknowledgement of the truth. I don’t know if this has been posted here before since these DNA results are a year old, but if it has it is worth posting again.

Do you remember a few go when a movie about Moses and the exodus showed the ancient Egyptians as Caucasians? The producers were criticized by American blacks for their depiction of the ancient Egyptians. But the movie makers were right the ancient Egyptians were not a black people but a Caucasian people not much different than the people who live there today. The Afrocentrics are right about one thing; people form east did invade the Nile valley and pushed out the indigenous Negroid people. But that happened a long time before the rise of the accident Egyptian civilization.

Genetic Literacy Project2017/06/29/mummy-dna-ancient.

Were the ancient Egyptians black or white? Scientists now know

“The problem, it was thought, is that mummy DNA couldn’t be sequenced. But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, (a period later than the Middle Kingdom) when Egypt was under Roman rule”
Cmon. Everyone knows that Egyptians are White!!


White people like to think that their civilization emanates from Antiquity (Greece and Rome) which itself emanates from Ancient Egypt.

In these fictionalised barely-historical tales of the beginnings of White civilization, White people like to think that their White ancestors ruled these places. Obviously, this is completely untrue. Greeks may have looked more Arab than anything else.

But if you are marketing a movie, it is the easiest way to do it. Plant loads of white people in the film. It is bound to appeal to the White dollar.

The “Blacks never developed a civilization” meme is one of the most stalwart and enduring mythologies among white supremacists and that may be true if you get your history from Stormfront or quack YouTube historians.

But if you actually go to University, or even subscribe to magazines like… I don’t know… National Geographic, you will learn about Black Pharaohs as a matter of course, as well as many other high Egyptian officials.

Egypt was first settled by blacks. They built the first civilization. Black people were the first to have government, street, talk, soap, study Maths, Physics, Chemistry.

Everything. The thing is deep down people you know this is true.

With time other people came in from other areas of the world because they heard of its glory and grandeur. Those who decided to settle married the indigenous people and with time some of them became light skinned.

WS and others have reason to downplay the blackness of ancient Egypt while blacks have reason to play it up because if civilization goes all the way back to Egypt and if it turned out to be founded by black people.......what would that say ?

Reconstructions :

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti, here is what you got :


What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselvessaw themselves as belonging to their own race, different from blacks to the south – but also different from all their other neighbours. On the other hand:
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”, though some say it just means they are from the land of black soil (the Nile).
  • They said they came from the land of Punt – a place they drew as having elephants and giraffes
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs.
For decades Afrocentric scholars had claimed that the ancient Egyptians were a black (Negroid) race. In 2017 DNA testing provided scientific proof that ancient Egypt was not a black nation. They were closely related to the other people of the Middle East and more closely related the people of Eastern Europe than Sub-Saharan Africa. This is not intended to be any kind of insult to black people but just an acknowledgement of the truth. I don’t know if this has been posted here before since these DNA results are a year old, but if it has it is worth posting again.

Do you remember a few go when a movie about Moses and the exodus showed the ancient Egyptians as Caucasians? The producers were criticized by American blacks for their depiction of the ancient Egyptians. But the movie makers were right the ancient Egyptians were not a black people but a Caucasian people not much different than the people who live there today. The Afrocentrics are right about one thing; people form east did invade the Nile valley and pushed out the indigenous Negroid people. But that happened a long time before the rise of the accident Egyptian civilization.

Genetic Literacy Project2017/06/29/mummy-dna-ancient.

Were the ancient Egyptians black or white? Scientists now know

“The problem, it was thought, is that mummy DNA couldn’t be sequenced. But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, (a period later than the Middle Kingdom) when Egypt was under Roman rule”

Do you identify as Democrat or Republican? A lot of the latter are posting on here that the former just cares about race too much.
human beans were very mobile long before they wrote the bible, human
beans were mobile even long before they wrote anything. Human
beans were very mobile even long before they got the brilliant idea
of planting anything. They also "did it" with anyone available

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