Florida - Want Welfare? Take a Urinalysis

I'm all for Florida's new law, plus there should be a signed agreement between single mothers that are on government assistance to not have anymore children until they have a job, and they have actively been off of public assistance for a certain amount of time, or they understand that their benefits can be pulled.

Can we make the come over to my house and clean out my garage, while we're at it?

Yes, they should be serving our needs, ALL OF OUR NEEDS!!!! Send a couple of them over to make up my bed with me in it. LOL!

Actually it is pretty hard to find someone to do garages. Maids won't do it.
I'm all for Florida's new law, plus there should be a signed agreement between single mothers that are on government assistance to not have anymore children until they have a job, and they have actively been off of public assistance for a certain amount of time, or they understand that their benefits can be pulled.

Can we make the come over to my house and clean out my garage, while we're at it?

If you're willing to pay minimum hourly wage, we can consider that temp/part time employment. I'm sure they'll love for the chance to be employed in this economy.

(BTW if you don't pay them... that's considered illegal).
If you're willing to pay minimum hourly wage, we can consider that temp/part time employment. I'm sure they'll love for the chance to be employed in this economy.

(BTW if you don't pay them... that's considered illegal).

no shit? man, minimum wage is dirt cheap. I'd pay that in a heartbeat. Do they do 'special' services as well? Man, the authoritarian state is awesome. We can totally get slave labor going. Rock on!
"Governor Scott's new drug testing law is not only an affront to families in need and detrimental to our nation's ongoing economic recovery, it is downright unconstitutional," said Rep. Alcee Hastings. "If Governor Scott wants to drug test recipients of TANF benefits, where does he draw the line? Are families receiving Medicaid, state emergency relief, or educational grants and loans next?"

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure - CNN

Emergency relief and welfare benefits are two separate issues. People who are the victims of natural disasters have no control over their own issues. I grew up the child of a single mother, she worked her way up from poverty (and YES took some help from public welfare), she did so responsibly, saving up until she was able to provide for herself and her children. There is FAR to much abuse of the system going on. No I'm not totally against welfare, I'm against waisting money. I can name countless examples of girls who have a child out of wedlock, they father won't help or is irresponsible, and they simply decide to have another child with another father who just so happens to be just as irresponsible. It's a vicious cycle. There needs to be some checks and balances in the system.
Oh the horror!! Requiring people to stop being drugged out losers to receive Freebies? Yea that's just so awful. Hey,these losers can always leave Florida and go demand their Freebies elsewhere. They are not being forced to do anything. They want to continue being drugged out losers? They can go and do it in another State. I'm pretty sure Florida isn't going to miss these people. I just wish more people would feel such passion for defending hard-working Taxpayers who actually pay for the Freebies. They seem to get forgotten in these types of discussions. I actually applaud Florida for thinking about all of its Citizens. Not all Florida Citizens are whiny Entitlement hounds. Most work very hard and support these kinds of requirements. It's time people stood up for Taxpayers more often. I'm completely sick of hearing about what the Entitlement hounds demand. They're actually the problem,not the solution.
It's a deal. I've been tested all my life. for my job. You'll be so disappointed.. I'd love to see your face..

That is typical for government jobs. Please don't tell us that you are here from the government and planning to save us.

Nope. it wasn't a government job. Did any of you slobs ever hear of legislation called "The Drug Free WorkPlace."?
I have worked social welfare 22 years. I am a Republican by most part. I get critisized by others for working in shelter. I tell them I am like an anti-nuke activist working for NRC. I want to change from the inside. I would hope that Illinois could follow suit with other states and piss test welfare recipents. I see Rx abuse horribly. ANd the tax payers are paying for the drugs that they are getting high on !!!! I cant imagine why this country is in dire straights !!
I have worked social welfare 22 years. I am a Republican by most part. I get critisized by others for working in shelter. I tell them I am like an anti-nuke activist working for NRC. I want to change from the inside. I would hope that Illinois could follow suit with other states and piss test welfare recipents. I see Rx abuse horribly. ANd the tax payers are paying for the drugs that they are getting high on !!!! I cant imagine why this country is in dire straights !!

Did you catch the judge judy tape from Friday.

Just your typical democrats in court. You should see what 70ks worth of education bought us.

Not to mention the free rent given to the clown.

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