Florida Teacher On MSNBC Worries He Can’t Talk About His Love Life With Kindergarteners Anymore

Even if that were true, which it's not, why would that necessitate the teacher talking about the type of relationship they're in?

The answer is, it doesn't, but you people have a sick compulsion to talk to other peoples' little kids about sex.

If a male teacher spoke of his Husband then it would indicate the type of relationship they're in. Same as if a female teacher spoke of her wife
Never had a teacher discuss their home life,marriage,sexual preference in class. Ever.

you guys are full of crap.

My mother and sister are both retired teachers and my SIL still teaches. All of their students knew about their families as they talked about them when they asked the kids about theirs. It is called building rapport and it is vital if a teacher wishes to be successful.
That theory is a bunch of rubbish anyhow, and I think everyone knows that. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such high concentrations of homosexuality in places like San Francisco, Hollywood or Sodom.
Don't know about gay genes, but I do know that this comment is dumber than a bag of rocks.

According to this reasoning there is no black gene since we see high concentrations of black people in Jackson and Detroit.
They want privacy, they should keep their shit private. Simple. Can't have it both ways.
Well now when a 5 year old kid asks them about their spouse and what they do in the bedroom, the sodomite can simply say, "by law that is a private matter and I don't have to share that with you."

See, it's really about protecting their privacy.

You understand, right?
Well now when a 5 year old kid asks them about their spouse and what they do in the bedroom, the sodomite can simply say, "by law that is a private matter and I don't have to share that with you."

See, it's really about protecting their privacy.

You understand, right?
Simply explain that that's not something they need to know to be good students.
That theory is a bunch of rubbish anyhow, and I think everyone knows that. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such high concentrations of homosexuality in places like San Francisco, Hollywood or Sodom.
San Fransicko is a port city....Back in the day, the homo sailors in the Pacific got dumped there.

It just keeps getting worse and worse with these pathetic lying perverts.

I never once had a teacher, gay or straight, bi-sexual or tri-sexual (dogs) talk about his/her/its sex life to the class.

When did this became relevant to education.

That teacher should not only be fired for talking about sex life with kids, but should also be prosecuted for indecency with minors.
you guys are full of crap.

My mother and sister are both retired teachers and my SIL still teaches. All of their students knew about their families as they talked about them when they asked the kids about theirs. It is called building rapport and it is vital if a teacher wishes to be successful.
Did your mother or sisters talk about their sex lives with the children?
So, no teacher you ever had mentioned their spouse? They did not have pictures of their family on their desk?
Mentioned? Maybe but no discussions about it. No pictures. Twice in 12 years I knew something about my teachers home life and it was very limited. In the fourth grade when we came back from spring break Miss Hall wrote on the board her new name was Mrs Tillman, one student said you got married? She said yes and that was the end of it we then started on our lessons. In junior high I knew one teacher had a kid because that kid was in our school.

Teachers were professionals then. Not woke activists with large amounts of narcissism and a gaping hole in their life needing filled with a bunch of kids approval.
Did your mother or sisters talk about their sex lives with the children?

They talked about their families including their spouse with their students.

My mom's husband was a scientist for the USDA. He used to come to her class and talk to the students.

My SIL's husband helps with the class on a pretty regular basis.
Of course they do. Often on a Monday they will ask the kids what they did for the weekend and tell the kids what they did.
So why can’t they do that? I tell people what i did i’ve et he weekend all the time and don’t discuss if i was having sex or not…and that’s with other adults

Why is it
If a male teacher spoke of his Husband then it would indicate the type of relationship they're in. Same as if a female teacher spoke of her wife
ok…where is it forbidden to be in a gay relationship in the bill?

Did you actually read the law?

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