Florida Teacher On MSNBC Worries He Can’t Talk About His Love Life With Kindergarteners Anymore

Nobody wants to tell 5 year olds about their sex life. But it should not be illegal for someone to mention their same sex spouse
Some things are inappropriate. Indoctrinating a 5-year old into any kind of sex is inappropriate for little kids by adults, and parents in Florida in general want nothing to do with teachers teaching children about sex that doesn't produce any grandchildren if they care at all about family lines. Some heterosexual couples consider sex at school inappropriate until marriage to a person of the opposite sex so their genes will go on. Homosexuality cancels and reduces the chance that a family genetic line survives.

Consider it a survival issue to some people, and they have every right to have their survival instincts respected.
Some heterosexual couples consider sex at school inappropriate until marriage to a person of the opposite sex so their genes will go on. Homosexuality cancels and reduces the chance that a family genetic line survives.

Too bad for you that neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality is genetic in the slightest.
I am saying a teacher should be able to mention their wife or husband without fear of being sued.
Fair enough.
I disagree. I believe when talking to children you need to choose your words carefully. Telling a 5 year old with heterosexual parents that you have a same sex spouse opens the door for a conversation with that childs parents that the parents may not want to have yet. Parenting is not easy in itself. Having to change the timeline of parenting because a teacher chooses to say what she or he wants to say is unfair to the parents.
That was the intent of the bill.
Fair enough.
I disagree. I believe when talking to children you need to choose your words carefully. Telling a 5 year old with heterosexual parents that you have a same sex spouse opens the door for a conversation with that childs parents that the parents may not want to have yet. Parenting is not easy in itself. Having to change the timeline of parenting because a teacher chooses to say what she or he wants to say is unfair to the parents.
That was the intent of the bill.

And now we have the scenario where if a female teacher mentions her wife in passing and little Suzi goes home and mentions Mrs Jones' wife, the MAGA snowflake parent is offended Mrs Jones and her school can now be sued for "indoctrinating" little Suzi.

I think this is wrong.
And now we have the scenario where if a female teacher mentions her wife in passing and little Suzi goes home and mentions Mrs Jones' wife, the MAGA snowflake parent is offended Mrs Jones and her school can now be sued for "indoctrinating" little Suzi.

I think this is wrong.
Again, fair enough. I completely understand your position.

Where we disagree is this....

No doubt a teacher would love to say to a 5 year old who is screaming about how someone stole her twinkie......"Shut the hell up". But they don't, because they were trained to show restraint with young children.

In my opinion, when it comes to sexuality, out of respect for the parents timeline of "conversations", they should also show restraint.

Now, do teachers want to talk about their spouse? Sure. I get it. To a five year old who doesn't even know what the word spouse is? Why? At best, the kid is confused by a same sex marriage and approaches his parents for an explanation. Likely before the parents wanted to have that conversation. At that point they are dealing with bed wetting, nose picking and anger management. They certainly dont want to get into sexuality.

At worst? The kid goes home totally confused and is afraid to say a word to the parents......and now lives a childhood of confusion.

Thus the reason for the bill....in my opinion.

And please....using the MAGA snowflake line was not in the best interest of what I thought was a solid, respectful debate.
None of that of course even remotely hinted at from the video in the OP. But we've already established that you have no problem making idiotic accusations.

Detailed stories of gay sex are grooming.

Normal teachers never told 4 year olds about their sex lives. ONLY once the Woke gained control did this shit start.

You can cry to Coyote again and beg her to censor the facts - but the FACT remains that this is grooming - flat out. The intent is conversion therapy on VERY young and vulnerable children.

The Anti-Grooming law doesn't just prohibit LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ+ from indoctrinating children with sexual topics, it prohibits ALL sexually explicit instruction to children 4 to 8 years old by public school employees.

democrats are melting down because they view grooming as critical to their power base.
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Why do LBGT folks insist on talking about their sexual preferences and relationships? I find it hard to believe that it would be appropriate for any teacher to share their sexual preference, gay or straight, with a bunch of 5–8 year old's. Enough already.
Why do LBGT folks insist on talking about their sexual preferences and relationships? I find it hard to believe that it would be appropriate for any teacher to share their sexual preference, gay or straight, with a bunch of 5–8 year old's. Enough already.
Al I Know is when I was that age, girls had koodies, I had no idea if my teacher was married and to who, and to be frank, I really didnt care. I had my own issues at the time. Why does my ass itch, can anyone see me picking my nose, will my mom hang my sheet out the window after I peed in the bed. Will I get a seat at the "cool table" at lunch. Who stole my twinkie? Are there any chocolate chips cookies left in the cafeteria?
Teachers spouse? What the heck is a spouse?
Why do LBGT folks insist on talking about their sexual preferences and relationships? I find it hard to believe that it would be appropriate for any teacher to share their sexual preference, gay or straight, with a bunch of 5–8 year old's. Enough already.

It's conversion therapy.

Public school teachers break children down with CRT, then offer transsexualism as redemption for children they have filled with self-loathing.
Al I Know is when I was that age, girls had koodies, I had no idea if my teacher was married and to who, and to be frank, I really didnt care. I had my own issues at the time. Why does my ass itch, can anyone see me picking my nose, will my mom hang my sheet out the window after I peed in the bed. Will I get a seat at the "cool table" at lunch. Who stole my twinkie? Are there any chocolate chips cookies left in the cafeteria?
Teachers spouse? What the heck is a spouse?

Every 3rd grade boy goes through the "Girls have cooties and are yucky" phase. Great time for sexual predators in public schools to brainwash them into thinking they are trannies.

This is why democrats groom at such a young age. Children are vulnerable to their predation.

This has nothing to with democrats wanting to diddle kids, the fascist democrats are creating Hitler Youth, they are destroying the cultural identity of children and replacing it with one they can control and manipulate.
The only sick individuals are the ones pushing their gayness into childrens' faces.

Where I come from that's called HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL.

They're 'groomers' and the leftoids/Dems are supporting these groomers.
Nobody wants to tell 5 year olds about their sex life. But it should not be illegal for someone to mention their same sex spouse

Totally false as many teachers are doing just that. Often in roundabout ways but that is what they are doing, and growing bolder in doing it every year.

They are 'groomers'. Why do you support groomers?

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