Florida GOP Wants a WAR With Disney - Attempting to Remove the Rights they've had since 1967

Didn't say they were going anywhere and not saying they would leave. After all is said and done crazy business unfriendly laws hurt. Florida is being watched. And sued.
Under what conditions could Disney sue the state of Florida over this? This state is entirely within their rights. What the government gives the government can take back. Unless there is a provision in the state constitution that prohibits revoking a charter Disney is just out of luck. The federal constitution prevents the seizure of private property without just compensation so there are limitations on what the state can do. Disney has it’s own police; however, the sheriff, a state official for that county, can take over any investigation in the county he wishes as can the state police.
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Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Not so sure. Dems are in favor of the bill limiting sex ed to young children. Already family's are saying they aren't going there anymore with all the woke BS. Time will tell.
Yeah, you like fascists' and white feelings.
No, I just think young children should be allowed to be young children. I do not see any reason to mix politics in kindergarten through the third grade. Next the LGBTQI+ faction of our society will be trying to recruit very young children into their lifestyle. Leave the children alone.

Plus your insinuation that I like “fascists’ and white feelings” is a typical liberal response. Next you will call me a racist and a white supremacist.

That is call projection.


Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


A tiny percentage of people love the direction Disney is going, trying to sneak queer and gay into every corner of every movie and etc. The majority DO NOT. Disney only hires the best, so rest assured their PR, marketing and communication teams KNOW what a disaster this is. Their brand has been dinged before. But that virtual meeting making the rounds is the kind of damage that lasts, which is why it was leaked in the first place.

In short, the GOP won't follow through on their threat. But they don't need to. Disney has taken a huge hit.
It's creepy how the Right, the GOP, is focused so much on the things that attract children. Yes, I'm looking at you Cancun Cruz with your "Green Eggs & Ham", your Big Bird, etc. Very creepy.
Creepy is the movement of united pedophiles nationwide to target the classrooms of very young children with adult subject matter designed not to inform but to recruit. Disney has no dog in this fight except to placate some of its malcontented LGBTQ sociopaths who have frightened the management into ridiculous positions. You one of those?


Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Groomers gotta groom
All you sicko groomers should just call yourselves catholic priests and get it over with


Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Lefty loons championing the rights of a mega-corporation. I've fallen into some kind of bipolar bizarro universe.
I think you will find that more people than just the GOP believe that parents have more rights when it comes to their children's education than the Government. Glen Youngkin's win in the gubernatorial race in Virginia comes to mind.

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