Florida GOP Wants a WAR With Disney - Attempting to Remove the Rights they've had since 1967

It's creepy how the Right, the GOP, is focused so much on the things that attract children. Yes, I'm looking at you Cancun Cruz with your "Green Eggs & Ham", your Big Bird, etc. Very creepy.
It’s “creepy” that the GOP are protecting kids from pedos and groomers?:cuckoo:

Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Well Disney are the ones that declared war on the people of Florida that used democracy to pass a law they overwhelmingly approve of.
Really don't know what that area was like before disney do you?
Basically, orange groves, swamp, and forest.
Disney employs 77k people in florida.
Add the hotels, restaurants, and other attractions that wouldn't exist but for disney and you're looking at another 150k workers.

The governor of OK is trying to give some company 1 billion in tax breaks to move there.
Happens all the time.

Oh, and did you know that the governor who bought all this about was a Conservative republican.

A little education
You're welcome.
None of that has squat to do with what I stated.

When did the left start championing special carve outs in law for large corporations...?
The nation in 1967 was of families and Disney was created for that. Today, Disney has been of something else for many years. The statements that the current leadership has made is how the organization has been and has been hiding for that time. There are corrupted people in government employment connected to Disney. Left or right and even law enforcement people.
Family? What family? D.C. Stephenson? Disney was a virulent racist and his racism shows:
Fortunately he died and Disney chose a different course.
Family? What family? D.C. Stephenson? Disney was a virulent racist and his racism shows:
Fortunately he died and Disney chose a different course.
I love those movies.
None of that has squat to do with what I stated.

When did the left start championing special carve outs in law for large corporations...?
The left doesn't.
That was done by a conservative GOP governor.
Again, displaying your ignorance.

This is not about carve outs
Disney, as a corporation, spoke its mind.
And you people as you always do seek to punish those who will not cave to your hatred.
DuhDumbAss thinks doing this will ensure he wins reelection.
And he doesn't give a damn about kids, Florida, schools, or the rest.
He see this, correctly, as a way to get you angry. And, fools that you are, you swallowed it hook line and sinker.

I oppose any government action seeking to punish any entity or individual for exercising their rights under the Constitution.
That you don't says exactly where you are. FASCIST.
The left doesn't.
That was done by a conservative GOP governor.
Again, displaying your ignorance.

This is not about carve outs
Disney, as a corporation, spoke its mind.
And you people as you always do seek to punish those who will not cave to your hatred.
DuhDumbAss thinks doing this will ensure he wins reelection.
And he doesn't give a damn about kids, Florida, schools, or the rest.
He see this, correctly, as a way to get you angry. And, fools that you are, you swallowed it hook line and sinker.

I oppose any government action seeking to punish any entity or individual for exercising their rights under the Constitution.
That you don't says exactly where you are. FASCIST.
You are here in support of carve outs. I don't care who supported it 60 years ago. 60 years ago the democrats were openly supporting racists. Are you going to say that the democrat position in the 60's are democrat ideals today or are you going to espouse a double standard there?

Of course you are.

Fascist, lol. You cannot even recognize the left has slid right into the fascist camp with he right. Like all lemmings, you think it is the other side that is the problem whilst the entire body politic moves to authoritarianism.
You are here in support of carve outs. I don't care who supported it 60 years ago. 60 years ago the democrats were openly supporting racists. Are you going to say that the democrat position in the 60's are democrat ideals today or are you going to espouse a double standard there?

Of course you are.

Fascist, lol. You cannot even recognize the left has slid right into the fascist camp with he right. Like all lemmings, you think it is the other side that is the problem whilst the entire body politic moves to authoritarianism.
I, fool, am in support of what is right for the people.
I, moron, am opposed to punishing because someone exercised their constitutional right to Free Speech.
All this has done is prove beyond any doubt that in MAGA land
Truth doesn't matter
The Constitution doesn't matter
All that matters is your butthurt of the day.

Ending reedy Creek?
That's giving Disney a billion in debt relief and saddling taxpayers with a 25% or more tax increase.

But since we know that the MAGA crowd doesn't care about the Constitution and loves increasing taxes on people while reducing them for corporations the light is clear.
I, fool, am in support of what is right for the people.
I, moron, am opposed to punishing because someone exercised their constitutional right to Free Speech.
All this has done is prove beyond any doubt that in MAGA land
Truth doesn't matter
The Constitution doesn't matter
All that matters is your butthurt of the day.

Ending reedy Creek?
That's giving Disney a billion in debt relief and saddling taxpayers with a 25% or more tax increase.

But since we know that the MAGA crowd doesn't care about the Constitution and loves increasing taxes on people while reducing them for corporations the light is clear.
How is treating disney like every other business in FL, punishing them?
I, fool, am in support of what is right for the people.
I, moron, am opposed to punishing because someone exercised their constitutional right to Free Speech.
All this has done is prove beyond any doubt that in MAGA land
Truth doesn't matter
The Constitution doesn't matter
All that matters is your butthurt of the day.

Ending reedy Creek?
That's giving Disney a billion in debt relief and saddling taxpayers with a 25% or more tax increase.

But since we know that the MAGA crowd doesn't care about the Constitution and loves increasing taxes on people while reducing them for corporations the light is clear.
blah blah blah. Your are an idiot incapable of dealing with anything presented. All you do is regurgitate bullshit talking points like every other partisan hack here.

Funny you bring up the 'MAGA crowd.' You are EXACTLY like them. Not an original thought in your head.

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