Flashback July 26, 1988: Dukakis Lead Widening

...Like Hillary?
Like your Orange Baboon-God... Cadet Bone Spurs... five-time Draft Dodger... thanks to Daddy's money.

Your ignorance is showing.
Joe Biden's Draft Record Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump's. Do Democrats Care? – InsideSources
We're not talking about Joe Biden in this context...

We're talking about five-time draft-dodger Cadet Bone Spurs... the Orange Baboon-God...

I see, yet the title of the thread is about Dukakis...dumbass.
5th post
From the bird cage liner of choice, NY Times
He lost 426-111.

That article was from July before Dukakis shot himself in the foot with this:

"Dukakis and the tank. The image of the diminutive Massachusetts governor pretending to be something he wasn’t and, in the process, making a fool of himself on Sept. 13, 1988..."

In the last few weeks Trump has made the same mistake, much worse than Dukakis, with his St. John's chapel photo op. Clearing the path to the church using tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters who were on their fucking knees:


Then Trump stumbling down the ramp at West Point was not a good look.
Neither was this one:
...Not even a good attempt at damage control. :laughing0301:
There was no damage to control... the sidebar pertained to Rump... your pi$$ant buddy tried to make something else out of it, to deflect attention away from criticism of the Orange Baboon-God... something that folks have grown accustomed to seeing out of the shallow attack-dogs who still stand with that critter.

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