Flake & Corker - Rejected RINOs Bite the Dust

Those are traditional GOP goals that have been upended by Trump and Bannon. Maybe it is you and they who are the RINOs?
Nonsense! In 1954, then Republican Eisenhower enacted Operation Wetback. The mass deportation of millions of Mexican illegal aliens. I was in the 4th grade just starting to study current events in school. I did a report on OW. Republicans all over the country hailed it as a major achievement, and praised IKE highly. It was one of his main campaign talking points when he ran for re-election in 1956 (and won by a landslide).

Eisenhower's INS agents (= to ICE now) went house to house in southwestern states hunting down illegal aliens, arresting them and deporting them quickly. They were sent back to Mexico by plane, train, and ships. Ships took aliens to the south of Mexico (Vera Cruz) and when Mexican officials refused to port them, Eisenhower ordered them to be dumped in the shallow water. Women & children got to shore in small boats. Men were dumped in the water, and they waded their way in.

Mexican politicians furiously condemned the operation. Eisenhower paid no attention to them at all, and Republicans cheered wildly. Since then, for most of my life I was a liberal (until 2009), and stopping illegal immigration and affirmative action were the 2 issues I agreed with conservatives on.

Today's RINOs are more defined by their acceptance of illegal immigration (and legal) and globalism, than anything else. >> both pure, fundamental policies of Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Democrats in general.
You appear to have selective memory loss. I seem to recall that notorious Ronald RINO Reagan taking a different approach:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[1]
  • legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
  • legalized select illegal immigrants in the United States before January 1, 1982
You may also have forgotten that Bush’s action in 1990 was designed to ease family disruptions caused by the landmark 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which allowed nearly 3 million illegal immigrants to gain legal permanent residency.

Under typical immigrant patterns, families do not all arrive together. Thus some family members qualified for residence but others still faced deportation. President Ronald Reagan at first eased the rules for minor children, and then Bush in early 1990 extended it to cover children and spouses, including authorization to work. However, the new rule did not make them legal residents, and they were required to renew their ”voluntary departure” status annually; they also had no legal basis to return to the United States if they left the country.
You have no idea what globalism is. It is about the free flow of capital worldwide. That is all it supports. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with multi-culturalism. This country was founded on the idea of freedom. Free trade is not harmful to Americans. It is beneficial to America. TPP had some jurisdictional issues but it would have reduced or eliminated thousands of tariffs on American goods. The jobs you are talking about are low skill jobs. These jobs are not coming back. Carrier is a textbook case. Carrier kept some of the jobs in the US however they are being eliminated due to automation. You suffer from the same delusions that $15.00 minimum wage supporters do. You cannot force wages up artificially. If these jobs were to return to the US, they would be largely automated.

The fact is that there is nothing wrong with US dollars going overseas. That is inevitable as the dollar is the world's currency. There is nothing predatory about it you loon. The 14th Amendment has not been mis-interpreted.

The hate card fits here. You are spouting a bunch of nonsense. Globalists are the far-right's bogeyman used to scapegoat others just as Hitler did. Jews were responsible for Germany's problems. To you it is anyone who is not white. You sound more like the liberal. You constantly lie. The fact is that Trump was less hated than Clinton. 25% of Trump's support came from voters who voted against Clinton not for Trump. Those of us who conservatives who hold Trump accountable and refuse to compromise our principles.
You're not a conservative. You're an ultra-liberal supporter of Obama/Hillary policies of traitorous globalism, harmful immigration, massive loss of US $$$ to remittance imperialism + welfare to foreigners, multicultural madness (you don't even know what a NATION is), birthright citizenship, and then you try to use to race card to protect yourself from criticism of all these extremely harmful things,

You are a madman. You are dangerous. Your idea are as harmful to the American people as anything I've ever heard in this forum. You ought to be in mental institution. I'm less worried about nutjobs like you now though, since the American people have tossed the globalists out, Trump has taken over , and the globalist immigrationists (ex. Flake, Corker, Jeb Bush, etc) are dropping like flies. I know the country is now finally on the right track, after 24 years of derailment. Lots of repair work to do, with the loons having been in power for so long.

I suspect, like various other globalist goons, you are attached to globalism and immigration with stock ownership in outsourcing (intl and/or domestic) companies, and are worried about your stock income. I hope you lose every penny, you filthy traitor. There was a time when creeps like you would have been tarred and feathered.

Our ancestors provided us with immigration law to protect us from foreigners swamping us with their numbers, and creating a list of harms to the American people.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($133 Billion year).>> Economy loss.

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists.

I am a conservative and you are not. Ronald Reagan supported free trade because he saw what protectionism did with the Great Depression. Sure I showed my support for Clinton by voting independent. The free flow of capital is not traitorous. Immigration is not harmful as we are all immigrants. The country is better because of immigration. You have no clue what a nation is. I interpret the Constitution the way I see it not the way you want it to read. You are the one who is harmful to this nation. Your white supremacist views are rejected by this country.

You can do nothing but call people names. The fact is that general election voters are not going to rubber stamp right wing extremists. Flake's seat will go to a Democrat and Corker's seat could go to a former Democrat centrist Governor.

More jobs have been lost to automation than outsourcing. That is what has happened to Carrier workers. Maybe you want to outlaw technology. Ultimately consumers decide and I am content to let them decide. You don't have a clue about what I do and you threaten violence.

By they way, they aren't the cause of dandruff?
FALSE! I AM A CONSERVATIVE. And YOU are the farthest thing from it. You're an ultra-liberal supporter of Hillary's Globalism (supports NAFTA, WTO, TPP, and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, both arch outsourcing globalist organizations. Obama deep into globalism too, of which immigration is part of it. Immigration is domestic outsourcing, as I already said.

No, you don't get to redefine conservatism, and call yourself that, especially when you're in perfect tune with Obama, Hillary, Flake, and other globalist enemies of the American worker, American business owner, and the American people.

As for what a NATION is, you are obviously the one who has no clue. You can look up 5 years of my posts in this forum and you will find the definition of NATION posted many times. I have a bachelors degree in Geography, and I taught and Economics in college for a few years. One does not need to be a college teacher however, to know the definition of a NATION. Just a glance in th dictionary will do. For your edification >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, and a distinctive language and culture in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition)

You talk like a nut case, saying I threaten violence. Yeah ? Where was that, Mr Fabrication ? As for automation, it's a constant ongoing thing, that has been around for hundreds of years (like horses replaced by cars). Ho hum. Has little to do with globalism, immigration and other things that ultra-liberals like Obama, Hillary, and you support.
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You are aware of the fact that Trump uses H1B visas tor his resorts. People who disagree with you are not traitorous. They support a path to citizenship for illegals. That has nothing to do with what you are complaining about. The laws should be followed and it should be applied evenly. Are Trump's resorts under investigation as well?

NumbersUSA shows that you can manipulate the numbers by manipulating the question. You can put in things that are not true to get the reaction you want.
HA HA. You really thought you had something there, didn't you ? Sure I'm "aware of the fact that Trump uses H1B visas tor his resorts" I'm not only aware of it, I posted about it more than a year ago. Now here's what YOU seem to NOT be aware of >>

Trump is absolutely right. I live in Florida. I've been here 28 years. Florida has a seasonal employment situation. The state is inundated with northerners and Canadians who live in Florida just during the winter months, and not many Americans want to work just for 6 months, if that long. Many apply out of desperation, but never follow through. This is common all over the state in winter.

You also have a lot of people who apply to Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, et al, who aren't qualified, have no experience or training and/or have criminal records (which is why they're unemployed to begin with). The foreign workers come from a group of trade school graduates, and hve clean records.

Finding clean record, qualified workers, who want just temporary work for a few months in Florida during the winter, is not a simple task. But this isn't the scenario for most of the employers who hire with H1B visas. Microsoft et al in the high tech industry especially, hire to boost their profits, from the low wages foreign workers are wiling to accept. Then the traitors force the longtime, loyal American workers to train the foreign replacements. This is treason, unequivocally.

And yes, indeed, NumbersUSA shows that you can manipulate the numbers by manipulating the question. And it is the liberal media that is exactly who is doing that, as NumbersUSA has shown.
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You appear to have selective memory loss. I seem to recall that notorious Ronald RINO Reagan taking a different approach:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[1]
  • legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
  • legalized select illegal immigrants in the United States before January 1, 1982
You may also have forgotten that Bush’s action in 1990 was designed to ease family disruptions caused by the landmark 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which allowed nearly 3 million illegal immigrants to gain legal permanent residency.

Under typical immigrant patterns, families do not all arrive together. Thus some family members qualified for residence but others still faced deportation. President Ronald Reagan at first eased the rules for minor children, and then Bush in early 1990 extended it to cover children and spouses, including authorization to work. However, the new rule did not make them legal residents, and they were required to renew their ”voluntary departure” status annually; they also had no legal basis to return to the United States if they left the country.
No memory loss at all. I remember well.
Thanks for posting almost the identical post that I posted here in USMB about 5 years ago. You have a point you're trying to make ? If so, fill us in. :biggrin:
You appear to have selective memory loss. I seem to recall that notorious Ronald RINO Reagan taking a different approach:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[1]
  • legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
  • legalized select illegal immigrants in the United States before January 1, 1982
You may also have forgotten that Bush’s action in 1990 was designed to ease family disruptions caused by the landmark 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, which allowed nearly 3 million illegal immigrants to gain legal permanent residency.

Under typical immigrant patterns, families do not all arrive together. Thus some family members qualified for residence but others still faced deportation. President Ronald Reagan at first eased the rules for minor children, and then Bush in early 1990 extended it to cover children and spouses, including authorization to work. However, the new rule did not make them legal residents, and they were required to renew their ”voluntary departure” status annually; they also had no legal basis to return to the United States if they left the country.
No memory loss at all. I remember well.
Thanks for posting almost the identical post that I posted here in USMB about 5 years ago. You have a point you're trying to make ? If so, fill us in. :biggrin:
I don't really care if the GOP tears itself apart or gets captured by extremists but it is a symptom of the divisiveness of our politics today. Nothing gets done in a democracy without compromise and that has become a dirty word in the GOP. If the GOP can't compromise with its various factions then it will never be able to compromise with the Dems. Ideological purity will be the end of the republic.
I don't really care if the GOP tears itself apart or gets captured by extremists but it is a symptom of the divisiveness of our politics today. Nothing gets done in a democracy without compromise and that has become a dirty word in the GOP. If the GOP can't compromise with its various factions then it will never be able to compromise with the Dems. Ideological purity will be the end of the republic.
If the Dems weren't so anti-America globalist, they could be compromised with. Problem with them is, they take jobs to serve constituents in states of the USA, and then proceed to serve the world. Obama said it himself with his infamous "I am a citizen of the world" quote.
Comedy in the US Senate. Two of President Trump's fiercest critics, Jeff Flake (AZ) and Bob Corker (TN),have been saying they've had it with Pesident Trump. They loudly condemn his immigration policy (of enforcing the law), and relentlessly lambast his personality (New York brash-direct-honesty). They say they can't work with the president, and are laughably using that as a red-herring "reason" for their retirement.

Trump repsonded to these Senators by saying the real reason they're quitting, is because they have no chance for re-election. It's a no-brainer. These 2 clowns have approval rating %s in the teens. Rather than be fired by the voters in their states, these RINOs (who support Obama/Hillary policies of illegal immigration and globalism), are quitting.

Flake recently wrote a book called Conscience of a Conservative. In it, and speaking to reporters, he referred to Globalism (AKA free trade) and pro-immigration as "conservative policies", Huh ?,while fully rejecting the protectionism that put Trump in the White House.

Wow! Is Flake really that flakey that he doesn't know these are prime policies (immigration & globalism) of the looney left, Obama and Hillary Clinton in particular ? No wonder these oddballs have been rejected by their states' voters.

Trump got elected by tapping into the massive anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments of Republicans nationwide. Corker and Flake have opposed this nationalism, very popular among Repubicans, and they're now paying the price for that. We could feel sorry for these 2 sore losers as they exit, if only they did it in a dignified way, but they don't, as they pretend there's something wrong with Trump an his policies, when actually it is THEIR rejected policies that sunk them.

Both will be in office for the next 15 months.

Both spoke the truth about Captain Bone Spur.

Only fucking dumbasses think protectionism will work. Only fuckling idiots think that it makes sense to alienate billions of customers to try to get 320 million.

The fact remains that Trump is a liar.

No great revelation here. US presidents (GOP) traditionally have favored free trade. So why then has the political climate on free trade flip-flopped ? Easy question. Because the economic SITUATION has changed dramatically over the past 25 years.
Countries like Mexico, China, India, and the Phillipines have taken advantage of free trade agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, etc), and American politicians enrolled in free trade orgs like Trialteral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations (notably Hillary Clinton), to rip the US to shreds economically. They have taken our manufacturing companies, our jobs, our disposable income (and sales$$ resulting from), etc.

So with regard to the word "traditionally., therin lies the problem with the Democrats and RINOs. We need to enact policies that address our CURRENT conditions, not those the past.

This has only come about over the past 2 decades under the free trade presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama. Before that, this massive unbalance just wasn't the case In politics (and economics) like anything else, form follows function. In the 1993-2017 era, free trade, including domestic outsourcing (immigration/visas) is one of America's worst enemies, tripping us of our manufacturing and economic power.

Trump, the savvy economic/business professional that he is, has noted this, as have ordinary, average intelligence Americans, while dummy politicians (Romney, Hllary, Obama, etc) are still stuck in the past, and espousing policies that fit the 1980s and earlier.
Both will be in office for the next 15 months.

Both spoke the truth about Captain Bone Spur.

Only fucking dumbasses think protectionism will work. Only fuckling idiots think that it makes sense to alienate billions of customers to try to get 320 million.

The fact remains that Trump is a liar.
Alienate billions of customers ? What the hell does that mean ?

You're on record as being glued to the past, while oblivious to the conditions of the present.

Your post might have been cool in 1985.

No great revelation here. US presidents (GOP) traditionally have favored free trade. So why then has the political climate on free trade flip-flopped ? Easy question. Because the economic SITUATION has changed dramatically over the past 25 years.
Countries like Mexico, China, India, and the Phillipines have taken advantage of free trade agreements (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, etc), and American politicians enrolled in free trade orgs like Trialteral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations (notably Hillary Clinton), to rip the US to shreds economically. They have taken our manufacturing companies, our jobs, our disposable income (and sales$$ resulting from), etc.

So with regard to the word "traditionally., therin lies the problem with the Democrats and RINOs. We need to enact policies that address our CURRENT conditions, not those the past.

This has only come about over the past 2 decades under the free trade presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama. Before that, this massive unbalance just wasn't the case In politics (and economics) like anything else, form follows function. In the 1993-2017 era, free trade, including domestic outsourcing (immigration/visas) is one of America's worst enemies, tripping us of our manufacturing and economic power.

Trump, the savvy economic/business professional that he is, has noted this, as have ordinary, average intelligence Americans, while dummy politicians (Romney, Hllary, Obama, etc) are still stuck in the past, and espousing policies that fit the 1980s and earlier.
You talk of living in the past but that is just what you want to do. You think we can go back to a time where we had huge steel mills and millions of blue collar jobs? That was yesterday my friend. We can't compete with low-wages in Mexico or the far east unless we are efficient. Steel is coming back but it is in automated factories with few jobs. Closing our borders means we won't be able to export from these new facilities. What we need is free trade and protections for our workers.
You talk of living in the past but that is just what you want to do. You think we can go back to a time where we had huge steel mills and millions of blue collar jobs? That was yesterday my friend. We can't compete with low-wages in Mexico or the far east unless we are efficient. Steel is coming back but it is in automated factories with few jobs. Closing our borders means we won't be able to export from these new facilities. What we need is free trade and protections for our workers.
You are just (needlessly) capitulating to the Mexicos, Chinas, and other economic enemies of the US. Of course we can go back to being the industrial power we always have been. There was never any reason why not.

What we're talking about here, is trade war. Not one that we're starting. It is one that the other countries have been waging upon us, all along, while we've sat back and allowed it, for no reason whatsoever.

Oh those countries won't take our exports, won't they ? LOL.. As Pat Buchanan has wisely said, "If they want a trade war, bring it on. We'll eat their lunch. " He's right. No doubt about it. Reason being we are the largest market in the world. We have, by far, more money-paying consumers than anybody, anywhere. That's why they need us more than we need them.

Want to verify that ? Take a stroll through your local WalMart and pick up 100 items, and look to see how many are >> "Made in China" :biggrin:
Take a stroll through your local WalMart and pick up 100 items, and look to see how many are >> "Made in China" :biggrin:
True enough but the reason they're Made in China is because they make them cheaper than we do here. We'd have to pay more for that item if it was made here. We'd be taxing ourselves to subsidize that US worker and our standard of living would decline. Some of us still think capitalism is the bringer of wealth and protectionism is the opposite of capitalism.
True enough but the reason they're Made in China is because they make them cheaper than we do here. We'd have to pay more for that item if it was made here. We'd be taxing ourselves to subsidize that US worker and our standard of living would decline. Some of us still think capitalism is the bringer of wealth and protectionism is the opposite of capitalism.
FALSE! The firm cannot raise its price above the market price (the current price).. To do so reduces SALES$$ such that profits are reduced. No can do. I taught this for years in my Microeconomics class at CCNY. Now you get the benefit

What do you think the price is ? Or where it comes from ? Somebody's lucky number ?

If an item could have a price increase, without reducing sales/income/profit, the item would have ALREADY been priced at that level. This is the bell-shaped curve of prices vs business income..

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