Flake & Corker - Rejected RINOs Bite the Dust


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Comedy in the US Senate. Two of President Trump's fiercest critics, Jeff Flake (AZ) and Bob Corker (TN),have been saying they've had it with Pesident Trump. They loudly condemn his immigration policy (of enforcing the law), and relentlessly lambast his personality (New York brash-direct-honesty). They say they can't work with the president, and are laughably using that as a red-herring "reason" for their retirement.

Trump repsonded to these Senators by saying the real reason they're quitting, is because they have no chance for re-election. It's a no-brainer. These 2 clowns have approval rating %s in the teens. Rather than be fired by the voters in their states, these RINOs (who support Obama/Hillary policies of illegal immigration and globalism), are quitting.

Flake recently wrote a book called Conscience of a Conservative. In it, and speaking to reporters, he referred to Globalism (AKA free trade) and pro-immigration as "conservative policies", Huh ?,while fully rejecting the protectionism that put Trump in the White House.

Wow! Is Flake really that flakey that he doesn't know these are prime policies (immigration & globalism) of the looney left, Obama and Hillary Clinton in particular ? No wonder these oddballs have been rejected by their states' voters.

Trump got elected by tapping into the massive anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments of Republicans nationwide. Corker and Flake have opposed this nationalism, very popular among Repubicans, and they're now paying the price for that. We could feel sorry for these 2 sore losers as they exit, if only they did it in a dignified way, but they don't, as they pretend there's something wrong with Trump an his policies, when actually it is THEIR rejected policies that sunk them.
Comedy in the US Senate. Two of President Trump's fiercest critics, Jeff Flake (AZ) and Bob Corker (TN),have been saying they've had it with Pesident Trump. They loudly condemn his immigration policy (of enforcing the law), and relentlessly lambast his personality (New York brash-direct-honesty). They say they can't work with the president, and are laughably using that as a red-herring "reason" for their retirement.

Trump repsonded to these Senators by saying the real reason they're quitting, is because they have no chance for re-election. It's a no-brainer. These 2 clowns have approval rating %s in the teens. Rather than be fired by the voters in their states, these RINOs (who support Obama/Hillary policies of illegal immigration and globalism), are quitting.

Flake recently wrote a book called Conscience of a Conservative. In it, and speaking to reporters, he referred to Globalism (AKA free trade) and pro-immigration as "conservative policies", Huh ?,while fully rejecting the protectionism that put Trump in the White House.

Wow! Is Flake really that flakey that he doesn't know these are prime policies (immigration & globalism) of the looney left, Obama and Hillary Clinton in particular ? No wonder these oddballs have been rejected by their states' voters.

Trump got elected by tapping into the massive anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments of Republicans nationwide. Corker and Flake have opposed this nationalism, very popular among Repubicans, and they're now paying the price for that. We could feel sorry for these 2 sore losers as they exit, if only they did it in a dignified way, but they don't, as they pretend there's something wrong with Trump an his policies, when actually it is THEIR rejected policies that sunk them.

Aye, reminds me of Jed Bush in the primaries. Guy was the poster boy for big donors and then he comes in at 1-2% in the polls. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see right then and there, people want no part of an establishment candidate. Of course, the bright people at the DNC didn't read the tea leaves and colluded to steal the primary from Bolchevik Bernie. Which ultimately, everyone in the country owes a great debt to, as it ensured that Trump would win.

In fairness, even Flake himself said in a CNN interview that "nowadays, the path to winning for Conservatives like myself is very narrow". He was in his own way acknowledging that he wasn't going to win. He put a bunch of window dressing on it of course in the lengthy speech he gave, that was forgotten as soon as he last words came out of his mouth.

What I find comical about this is that Cruz, Trumps mortal enemy in the primaries, has wisely decided to get behind the Will of the People and support Trump on his campaign promises. Cruz, of far-right, evangelical conservatism. So Flake is too slow to appreciate that it's now about HIM, it's about the struggling American citizen.

Look. Trump has said it, people need to understand, he is the Messenger. If you don't get behind his campaign promises, he is unbeatable as long as he keeps the promises.

Consider what voters see, on one hand, a successful businessman, doing what he said he would do and keeping his campaign promises, Patriotic as hell, standing up to foes and friends alike and reading them the Riot Act, on the other hand, lifetime politicians waiting for marching orders from their donors who drag decisions out and talk from two sides of their mouths. Who do you think is going to survive this in an angry elecorate on all sides who are tired of losing?

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump! I thank you and Mr. Ross in particular from the bottom of my heart.
When I saw the name of the thread I thought it was about McCain. Too bad it wasn't.. BTW, it was McCain who was deeply involved in Trump's fake dossier and I hope will have to answer some uncomfortable questions soon.

Anyway, Protectionist, thanks for a great info and for the great way you have presented it.
When I saw the name of the thread I thought it was about McCain. Too bad it wasn't..

Anyway,Protectionist, thanks for a great info and for the great way you have presented it.
You're welcome. Maybe McCain will be the next RINO to hang up his spurs. Then Grumpy Graham.
Well, as usual, calling someone a RINO is little but self-absolution for one's own debased character and integrity.

Trump got elected by tapping into the massive anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments of Republicans nationwide.

Individuals are capable of all sorts of sentiments. That they have the ones they do does not mean those sentiments have or should necessarily be given any credence.

Corker and Flake have opposed this nationalism, very popular among Repubicans

Argumentum ad populum

We could feel sorry for these 2

Nobody need or should feel sorry for either man.

if only they did it in a dignified way, but they don't

What, exactly, is your idea of a "dignified exit?" "Going quietly into that good night?" Flake's speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate was the epitome of dignified.
Truth be told though, how many of us had this opinion before the election? I was a neophyte to politics, especially U.S politics and i never knew the terms Establishment, RINO etc. So, I actually preferred Rand Paul or Rubio in the primaries and I didn't think Jeb was a bad choice. I still am a big supporter of Rand Paul, even though I disagree with him on alot of his foreign policy ideas.

At first I questioned Trumps motives, was he a Democrat plant? With all the support CNN was giving him I thought this was not good for the GOP. It took some time for him to grow on me and I had to read between his controversial and strong comments to see, "this guy is being attacked by everyone, why is that?". Clearly he was onto something, he had his finger on the pulse.

There was a guy on another Conservative forum who bravely told us all to watch out as Trump would win. Some mocked him, again I listened and tried to understand what this guy was seeing, he said the country is pissed, from PC culture to job losses and Illegal immigration and only Trump had the courage to take it on. He was like that one pollster who predicted that Trump would win and everyone laughed at him, now he looks like a genius. I made sure to give that brave man maximum credit. He was right early on. One hell of a call (if only I had listened to him, early on, some online betting sites were offering 100-1 for Trump to win the election!).

Anyways, RINOs have a massive uphill climb, on both sides of the aisle. Due to this, the ability for the Democrats to win is very low, they simply love their groupthink and refuse to embrace new ideas and anything that minimized government and expands individual liberty. You would think they would have learned after one massive upset loss and after seeing Trump mop the floor with 16 GOP candidates...
Well, as usual, calling someone a RINO is little but self-absolution for one's own debased character and integrity.

Trump got elected by tapping into the massive anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments of Republicans nationwide.

Individuals are capable of all sorts of sentiments. That they have the ones they do does not mean those sentiments have or should necessarily be given any credence.

Corker and Flake have opposed this nationalism, very popular among Repubicans

Argumentum ad populum

We could feel sorry for these 2

Nobody need or should feel sorry for either man.

if only they did it in a dignified way, but they don't

What, exactly, is your idea of a "dignified exit?" "Going quietly into that good night?" Flake's speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate was the epitome of dignified.
It was the epitome of disgrace and stupidity. He brought the animosity to him upon himself, by attaching himself to Obama/Hillary policies. Does anyone think his pious rant about Trump has a grain of credibility ? He can get a job bagging groceries (as long as he keeps his mouth shut).

As for the millions who voted for Trump, yes, their anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments should be given credence (even by those who own stock in outsourcing companies, and domestic outsourcing ones that hire illegal aliens) They my not like Trump's nationalism, but they know he's doing the proper thing for the American people.

And those who do own stock in intl or domestic outsourcing, should com clean and admit their bias.
Truth be told though, how many of us had this opinion before the election? I was a neophyte to politics, especially U.S politics and i never knew the terms Establishment, RINO etc. So, I actually preferred Rand Paul or Rubio in the primaries and I didn't think Jeb was a bad choice. I still am a big supporter of Rand Paul, even though I disagree with him on alot of his foreign policy ideas.

At first I questioned Trumps motives, was he a Democrat plant? With all the support CNN was giving him I thought this was not good for the GOP. It took some time for him to grow on me and I had to read between his controversial and strong comments to see, "this guy is being attacked by everyone, why is that?". Clearly he was onto something, he had his finger on the pulse.

There was a guy on another Conservative forum who bravely told us all to watch out as Trump would win. Some mocked him, again I listened and tried to understand what this guy was seeing, he said the country is pissed, from PC culture to job losses and Illegal immigration and only Trump had the courage to take it on. He was like that one pollster who predicted that Trump would win and everyone laughed at him, now he looks like a genius. I made sure to give that brave man maximum credit. He was right early on. One hell of a call (if only I had listened to him, early on, some online betting sites were offering 100-1 for Trump to win the election!).

Anyways, RINOs have a massive uphill climb, on both sides of the aisle. Due to this, the ability for the Democrats to win is very low, they simply love their groupthink and refuse to embrace new ideas and anything that minimized government and expands individual liberty. You would think they would have learned after one massive upset loss and after seeing Trump mop the floor with 16 GOP candidates...
Democrats and RINOs - a common thread > LOST CAUSE.
Truth be told though, how many of us had this opinion before the election? I was a neophyte to politics, especially U.S politics and i never knew the terms Establishment, RINO etc. So, I actually preferred Rand Paul or Rubio in the primaries and I didn't think Jeb was a bad choice. I still am a big supporter of Rand Paul, even though I disagree with him on alot of his foreign policy ideas.

At first I questioned Trumps motives, was he a Democrat plant? With all the support CNN was giving him I thought this was not good for the GOP. It took some time for him to grow on me and I had to read between his controversial and strong comments to see, "this guy is being attacked by everyone, why is that?". Clearly he was onto something, he had his finger on the pulse.

There was a guy on another Conservative forum who bravely told us all to watch out as Trump would win. Some mocked him, again I listened and tried to understand what this guy was seeing, he said the country is pissed, from PC culture to job losses and Illegal immigration and only Trump had the courage to take it on. He was like that one pollster who predicted that Trump would win and everyone laughed at him, now he looks like a genius. I made sure to give that brave man maximum credit. He was right early on. One hell of a call (if only I had listened to him, early on, some online betting sites were offering 100-1 for Trump to win the election!).

Anyways, RINOs have a massive uphill climb, on both sides of the aisle. Due to this, the ability for the Democrats to win is very low, they simply love their groupthink and refuse to embrace new ideas and anything that minimized government and expands individual liberty. You would think they would have learned after one massive upset loss and after seeing Trump mop the floor with 16 GOP candidates...
Not many of us, foreigners, knew much about Trump. But we knew enough about Soros (in fact due to Soros and his Globalist buddies my country of Ukraine is now ruled by their Nazi puppets and is in deep trouble). When I watched how all Soros Media and his American puppets (both Dems and RINOs) were standing all together against Trump, I though: that man may help the whole world suffering from Soros&Co.

We have a saying: the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And all our enemies have been doing their best fighting against Trump.
Comedy in the US Senate. Two of President Trump's fiercest critics, Jeff Flake (AZ) and Bob Corker (TN),have been saying they've had it with Pesident Trump. They loudly condemn his immigration policy (of enforcing the law), and relentlessly lambast his personality (New York brash-direct-honesty). They say they can't work with the president, and are laughably using that as a red-herring "reason" for their retirement.

Trump repsonded to these Senators by saying the real reason they're quitting, is because they have no chance for re-election. It's a no-brainer. These 2 clowns have approval rating %s in the teens. Rather than be fired by the voters in their states, these RINOs (who support Obama/Hillary policies of illegal immigration and globalism), are quitting.

Flake recently wrote a book called Conscience of a Conservative. In it, and speaking to reporters, he referred to Globalism (AKA free trade) and pro-immigration as "conservative policies", Huh ?,while fully rejecting the protectionism that put Trump in the White House.

Wow! Is Flake really that flakey that he doesn't know these are prime policies (immigration & globalism) of the looney left, Obama and Hillary Clinton in particular ? No wonder these oddballs have been rejected by their states' voters.

Trump got elected by tapping into the massive anti-immigration and anti-globalist sentiments of Republicans nationwide. Corker and Flake have opposed this nationalism, very popular among Repubicans, and they're now paying the price for that. We could feel sorry for these 2 sore losers as they exit, if only they did it in a dignified way, but they don't, as they pretend there's something wrong with Trump an his policies, when actually it is THEIR rejected policies that sunk them.

That was a good piece of bad fiction. There was no evidence that Corker was in any trouble.

There is no such thing as globalism. It is a invention if far right looney tunes who want to scare people. Free trade is good for America. Mark Levin went over it on his show earlier this week. In nearly every state, a significant portion of a state's GDP comes from trade. Flake is also more in tune with voters than you are on immigration. The last Fox poll showed that 80% of voters support DACA and a path to citizenship for illegals. This shows

Trump got elected because he was not Clinton. Your nationalism is a metaphor for hate. The same type of hate that Hitler used in his rise to power. In Hitler's case it was Jews. In this case it is anyone other than white males. Their policies have not been rejected by Democrats and independents. If Republicans think they can win by appealing to 30% of voters then you are in for a big shock.
When I saw the name of the thread I thought it was about McCain. Too bad it wasn't..

Anyway,Protectionist, thanks for a great info and for the great way you have presented it.
You're welcome. Maybe McCain will be the next RINO to hang up his spurs. Then Grumpy Graham.

McConnell should be removed from being the Majority leader.

As with Obama, his ambition is to make Trump a one term president.
Truth be told though, how many of us had this opinion before the election? I was a neophyte to politics, especially U.S politics and i never knew the terms Establishment, RINO etc. So, I actually preferred Rand Paul or Rubio in the primaries and I didn't think Jeb was a bad choice. I still am a big supporter of Rand Paul, even though I disagree with him on alot of his foreign policy ideas.

At first I questioned Trumps motives, was he a Democrat plant? With all the support CNN was giving him I thought this was not good for the GOP. It took some time for him to grow on me and I had to read between his controversial and strong comments to see, "this guy is being attacked by everyone, why is that?". Clearly he was onto something, he had his finger on the pulse.

There was a guy on another Conservative forum who bravely told us all to watch out as Trump would win. Some mocked him, again I listened and tried to understand what this guy was seeing, he said the country is pissed, from PC culture to job losses and Illegal immigration and only Trump had the courage to take it on. He was like that one pollster who predicted that Trump would win and everyone laughed at him, now he looks like a genius. I made sure to give that brave man maximum credit. He was right early on. One hell of a call (if only I had listened to him, early on, some online betting sites were offering 100-1 for Trump to win the election!).

Anyways, RINOs have a massive uphill climb, on both sides of the aisle. Due to this, the ability for the Democrats to win is very low, they simply love their groupthink and refuse to embrace new ideas and anything that minimized government and expands individual liberty. You would think they would have learned after one massive upset loss and after seeing Trump mop the floor with 16 GOP candidates...

Trump showed he is the ultimate con man. The fact is that the economy is changing. Carrier is the textbook case. They agreed to keep some of their operations in the US however those jobs are now going due to automation. A majority believe in a pathway to citizenship. We now see the Republicans establishing a PC culture of their own. Trump has no courage. He takes advantage of situations and uses it for his benefit.

The fact is that Democrats could do well. They are recruiting atypical House candidates such as veterans and prosecutors. In the Arizona Senate race, they have a middle of the road Democrat. Trump does not believe in individual liberty. He has never used the word freedom.

Trump did not mop the floor with 16 Republican candidates. He won largely because he had the largest portion of a split electorate. Also early voting helped Trump. Before early voting, voters would cast their vote for the remaining candidates if their favored candidate dropped out. However with early voting, those votes became wasted votes. In SC, Trump won with 32% of the vote. That is hardly overwhelming.
When I saw the name of the thread I thought it was about McCain. Too bad it wasn't..

Anyway,Protectionist, thanks for a great info and for the great way you have presented it.
You're welcome. Maybe McCain will be the next RINO to hang up his spurs. Then Grumpy Graham.

McConnell should be removed from being the Majority leader.

As with Obama, his ambition is to make Trump a one term president.

he should... because he's a major fail in governing the country. but he certainly shouldn't be replaced with a trumpian imbecile

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