First Lady Vendors: Dupont/Eco-Star($)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will President Trump (only the second celebrity-president!) be considered more demonstrative (in terms of populism-contemplation) than Ronald Reagan?

What do you think?


"The First Lady gave an address about her new media-PR initiative to forge valuable political ties between the White House and the companies Dupont and Eco-Star in the development of biomass fuels and solar-powered homes in retirement communities in Miami (Florida). While critics of the Trump Administration claimed this was underhanded political 'back-rubbing,' admirers of the First Lady complimented Melania on her special address about eco-consciousness. Melania gave a special nod to the celebrity-managed eco-activism group the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation."


"The new solar homes in Miami would feature advanced/sophisticated interiors with awesome working gadgets/gizmos and colorful lit up entertainment consoles/platforms, all functioning through solar power (solar cells). Spokesperson Leo DiCaprio himself said it was exciting to see the First Lady get involved in eco-policies representative of the President's administration. The solar homes, fully functional, would feature all the amenities/securities of normal electric homes."


"The First Lady herself then traveled to Miami to have photos of herself taken by some of the new solar home community landscapes which also featured excellent gardening/plant arrays and presentations/decorations for eco-imagination(!). Dupont and Eco-Star stood to benefit greatly from this 'TrumpUSA media/lifestyle/energy initiative.' President Trump himself tweeted that the First Lady was taking an active role in energy consciousness and imagineering that many critics wrongly claimed that Republicans were simply incapable."


"Meanwhile, a leftist group of eco-activists joined together to denounce this new initiative, suggesting that the Republicans were merely trying to 'curry votes' among eco-activists ahead of the 2020 election(!). Included in this leftist group were, ironically, a handful of Hollywood celebrities who claimed that their eco-activist friend/peer (Leo DiCaprio) was naively going along with this 'TrumpUSA PR-stunt.' How would this emerging eco-political drama turn out, and would the President benefit for the 2020 election?"


"Melania Trump claimed that these solar communities in Miami would offer imaginatively designed playgrounds (for kids!) that would be specially constructed by a contractor who intended to use Strawberry Shortcake (kids' 'fruitopia' fantasy cartoon series/avatar) themes and characters in the decorating of these playgrounds. These Strawberry Shortcake playgrounds would remind the residents of Miami that grandchildren of retirees living in the solar communities would feel energized about programs catering to eco-vibrant living in TrumpUSA. How would kids around America respond to Melania's newfound creative crusade?"


TRUMP: I think the First Lady has really shined, Carter!
CARTER: I agree, Mr. President...
TRUMP: This will help us in 2020.
CARTER: We'll get more votes now.
TRUMP: I hope critics don't claim we're merely greasing the rails.
CARTER: Mrs. Trump has won over many people in Florida.
TRUMP: The Strawberry Shortcake playgrounds have become hyped!
CARTER: That's great; we want all age groups to feel good about TrumpUSA.
TRUMP: Maybe 'Trumponomics' will be considered more positive than Reaganomics.
CARTER: Dupont and Eco-Star profited/benefited greatly from Mrs. Trump's initiative!
TRUMP: Hail to delightful journalism...



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