Files seized at Mar-a-Lago include material on foreign nation’s nuclear capabilities

Trump's private papers were stolen on a distinct purpose by Deep State Maggots who had endless revenge against President Trump due to jealousy that the majority of American people love the man for his pluck, his truthfulness, his business excellence, and his love for all the American people whose welfare and prosperity he put above his own like many of the other Presbyterians that I know and regard with the deepest respect.

All of his papers and records belonged to President Trump, and should be returned forthwith, including the declassified papers, not to mention his tax records. I would like each of the FBI agents who tore up President Trump's home as though they were the fascists Biden called every one of us who like and vote for President Donald J. Trump.

God bless and keep our beloved President Donald Trump and his lovely extended family. May God bless, encourage and keep all the Trumps safe from political predators. And God bless America, correct any errors we may have made, Good night, every one. Go with God.
Drink much kool-aid?
This is the most sickeningly fawning case of Trump Worship Syndrome I have ever seen!

I'll bet you'd eat the peanuts out of the guy's sh-t if he told you to!
So they would just dismantle a free saferoom in their house? I don't think so. :nono:

PS: Dime to a dollar it's based on a Chinese shipping container. Is that 8x 40'?

Another bet is that 99.9% of the documents were kept in there.

The SCIF at Mara Lago is the size of a phone booth.
As we all know, the Reich Wing went ape shit over HRC and her emails, even though no federal laws were broken. Yet, when the Traitor illegally removes classified material from the WH they are fine with it.

The Reich Wing did not bat an eyelash when the Traitor shared highly classified HUMIT (Human Intelligence) with both the Russian Ambassador and the Russian Foreign Minister.

The Reich Wing was silent when the Traitor told then President Duterte of the Philippines about two U.S. Submarines patroling in North Korean Waters.

The Traitor has a long history betraying this country.

His supporters do not care. They are as much Traitors as the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Putin Ass Killing Orange Faced Coward.
Well actually the leak leaves no doubt that they DO have a case.
An airtight one.
For espionage.
Yeah, such a good case they need to try him in the papers so Trump can’t defend himself.

You’re a fking moron to keep believing the MSM.

Trump collusion!
Nuclear codes!
Did you even bother to read the title of the OP's link? It wasn't our nuclear secrets and capabilities, it was the secrets and capabilities of a foreign nation that is (was) our ally.
How do you know it was an ally? What country was it? Now that they know about this breach in their security what are they going to do?
Selling Israeli nuke secrets to Saudi Arabia?

Nope. The Saudis paid for Pakistan's nukes after Israel financed India's nukes. The Saudis have opposed nuclear proliferation in the Middle East for 60 years. I expect them to get nuclear DeSales plants, but they can easily buy them from France or Germany.
Nope. The Saudis paid for Pakistan's nukes after Israel financed India's nukes. The Saudis have opposed nuclear proliferation in the Middle East for 60 years. I expect them to get nuclear DeSales plants, but they can easily buy them from France or Germany.
Which would mean the Saudis would be VERY interested in knowing Israel's nuclear capabilities.

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