Fighting Terrorism: Spiritual Dividend (Folklore)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism-rhetoric and the anti-terrorism crusades it engenders in new age soldiers create beneficial stories in society?

This psychiatry-oriented 'patriotism-vignette' was inspired by The Thin Red Line.

Signing off,



"After your successful mission, Snake-Eyes, it is my pleasure to tell you that you and your unit of 'G.I. Joes' (America's secret team of paramilitary-crusaders assigned to rid the world of terrorism), led by commander Duke (secretly a Hollywood movie-star by day), have been afforded special psychiatric treatment rights at Arkham..."

"Wow, well, thanks doc. I can speak for the G.I. Joes in saying that a little therapy is just what might lift our spirits. We've seen hell. The hell of a 'modern world' gone mad with anti-capitalism sentiment-driven terrorism (e.g., 9/11). We were assigned to deal with the Black Friday massacre of 300 Sufi Muslims in an Egyptian mosque by ISIS, and we all suspected the terrorist-attack was a statement about the usual 'vanity' of American consumerism (and the shopping-holiday of Black Friday!). This 'ordeal' gave us the message that this crusade against terrorism tries every bit of human patience and requires us to deal with the fact that modern warfare is simply wretched. So, thanks for this therapy-offer. I'll inform our commander Duke."


"Great. I'm your psychiatrist (Dr. Thomas). Now, Snake-Eyes, what can you tell me about coordinating the G.I. Joes against the terrorist-factions/sentiments? How did it make you feel to mobilize strong forces in this symbolic crusade? Were you inspired or worried? Tell me..."

"Thanks (Dr. Thomas). Once again, I can speak for the G.I. Joes (and I'm happy they're all getting treatment for this war-experience just like me!) when I say that mobilizing valour and might in a truly awful condition (i.e., terrorism) makes you feel like some kind of cartoon character. I mean, they don't tell you in training, 'Oh, relax, soldier! This is all for the betterment of the political passion of your nation.' They just tell you to keep your head down and follow orders and teamwork will create victory. I suppose what I wish they told you was that war itself (especially in the modern era) is something like a cauldron --- you have to stir around a hellmouth of maddening flames just to appreciate the pure anarchy you're trying to 'undo' (so I suppose we all feel a tad heart-burned!)."


"That was a healthy response, Snake-Eyes, and it's the one I was hoping to receive and address. I want you to tell me (you have my confidentiality-trust) if the anti-terrorism campaign dehumanized your senses and if so in what way. Can you do that?"

"I think all of us G.I. Joes would honestly like to be able to do just that --- just to talk about it and clear out ghosts/skeletons. When your enemy looks like some kind of badger or pestering serpent, all you think is that war-bravado is its own justified end. However, as you're 'carrying out your 'bold orders' it dawns on you that the raw efficiency of war reminds you of human loneliness, deprivation, angst, and also spiritual confusion..."


"I think I understand, Snake-Eyes (and thank you for your straightforward response). War is hell. It opens up a 'proverbial hellmouth' of desperation and rage and even mindless power-hunting. The nature of war is to bring out the savage in you, and your memories of this anti-terrorism war/crusade seem to be haunting you (in terms of what you saw and what you wanted to see!)."

"That's correct. We all expected a patriotic march, but instead we got masses of men (soldiers, the enemy) scrambling for sanity with guns, tanks, grenades, tear-gas, uniforms, masks, and political propaganda. No one thinks of world leaders when they're fighting for their lives. They think of getting through the battle and resting and eating afterwards. We wanted to see the glory of God, but instead we saw the hellfire of human fury. That's the truth..."


"After some consideration, we decided to appoint a lady-nurse (specially-trained to offer the G.I. Joes spiritual consolations!) who will costume herself as a female terrorist and even wear an underwater-breathing apparatus/helmet and walk you through a mock-mission while you tell her and me what is scarring you or haunting you regarding the anti-terrorism war-campaign (otherwise condoned by the Trump Administration)."

"Cool. Yes, let's start. Alright, well, I see that this gifted lady-nurse (Mara, right? That's her name?). She's very representative of some of the terrorism-pageantry we saw while on missions. Yes, Mara in her nifty helmet and terrorist-outfit certainly reminds me (and I'm sure all the G.I. Joes would agree) of the visceral shock of compromising personal ideals when dealing with the 'realism' of terrorism/warfare. Mara might as well be Mary Magdalene..."


"That's excellent, Snake-Eyes. You and the G.I. Joes all did very well on the Mara-test as well as on the other psychiatric examinations. It seems you're all working through the harsh realities now of confronting modern warfare for what it really is --- a response to evil."

"I agree, doc. We all did satisfactorily on these psych-evaluations, and I was a big fan of the whole Mara-session you worked out for us. There's nothing like 're-living' the experience which is otherwise quite uncomfortable to address (viscerally). I feel strong enough to unwind to a patriotism/therapeutic relevant American movie such as Platoon, Spy Game, or Three Kings! I agree that war is a response to evil in modern times, and perhaps thinking all of this through might bring us to some resolution and conclusion regarding the 'nature' of undesirable anarchy. Thanks for everything."


GOD: It seems that therapy is good for war-worn soldiers.
SATAN: Soldiers tackling terrorism have much to ponder.
GOD: Perhaps psychiatry will redeem science...
SATAN: Modern warfare opens up all kinds of hellmouths.
GOD: That's what Dr. Thomas suggested to Snake-Eyes.
SATAN: Snake-Eyes understood the symbolic value of the Mara-therapy.
GOD: Yes, reliving the courage required to deal with the 'oddity' of terrorism helps.
SATAN: Do you think capitalism is worth all this sweat?
GOD: There's a reason Americans celebrate films like Three Kings and The Peacemaker.
SATAN: I suppose that Planet Hollywood culture is symbolic of human imagination.
GOD: Capitalism must be defended by those interested in the 'virtue' of governance.
SATAN: There's no governance without attention to those in need...
GOD: Sometimes, even soldiers (tackling terrorism) need help (e.g., psychiatry).
SATAN: Perhaps there can be negotiations between soldiers and medicine-men.
GOD: That's the 'theory' of a civil state anyway...
SATAN: Perhaps capitalism-practice can facilitate more pro-human negotiations(!).
GOD: Let's watch Paths of Glory on Netflix.
SATAN: That's an 'American spirit' plan...




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