Few Years Ago the Left Declared War on Confederate Statues; Now we have MORE Confederate Statues


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
ROFLMAO, the left has had the unintended consequence of raising interest in the Civil War and now we have more memorials, more statues and more awareness of the Southern point of view regarding the War of Northern Aggression.

The left just cant help themselves; 'cause they are Eternal Losers.

Confederate memorials turn up faster than they can be removed a year after Charlottesville

That explains, for example, why the organization’s tally of Confederate monuments (a subset of memorials) has increased from 718 in 2016 to 772, even though over the same period 49 monuments were removed. They include Memphis’ statues of Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general accused of presiding over the slaughter of black Union troops. After the war he became the first "grand wizard" of the Ku Klux Klan.

It was the city of Charlottesville's plan to remove statues of Lee and Jackson from two parks that sparked demonstrations last August by far-right groups. A riot erupted when the protesters clashed with counterprotesters; one counterprotester was killed when she was rammed by a car driven into a crowd by a man linked to white supremacist groups.

The conflict became a national political debate after President Trump appeared to equate the white supremacists and their opponents, referring at one point to "very fine people on both sides."

A year later, the statues that prompted it all remain in place; state law prohibits local governments from "disturbing or interfering with" memorials to war veterans.

Old memorials, newly recorded
Most of the law center survey’s newly recorded memorials are not themselves new. Many date from 1890 to 1914, when the South reversed the effects of Reconstruction, systematically denied blacks the right to vote and redefined the primary Confederate war aim as the protection of states’ rights, not slavery. This theory, regarded as specious by most academic historians, is called “The Lost Cause.’’

But the increase in public Confederate memorials is not entirely a matter of record-keeping. At least 44 new ones have been established since the turn of the century.​

You have statues but what you don`t have is slaves and they`re not coming back no matter how much homage you give to your statues of treasonous losers. :)
The population of the entire country is growing so naturally the population of racist confederate Republicans will grow.
You have statues but what you don`t have is slaves and they`re not coming back no matter how much homage you give to your statues of treasonous losers. :)
Where did the OP say he wanted slaves?
And anyway, it’s the democraps who love exploiting people for slave labour.
Why does the OP worship statues of those who fought to enslave others? Apparently he thinks slavery was cool. I shouldn`t have to explain this like I was talking to a 12 year old but I guess I do.
Celebrating the pro-slavery losers of a war lost over 150 years ago is the epitome of bizarre.
Wow, what did they expect? The more that they trash certain things, the more that them things are going to be in their faces. If they are going to spew whatever they want, so will the rest of us.

God bless you always!!!

You have statues but what you don`t have is slaves and they`re not coming back no matter how much homage you give to your statues of treasonous losers. :)

And you're not gonna erase the Civil War or it's players. I live between 3 Civil War battlefields. They attract over 1 Million visitors per year. That history needs to REMAIN to sanctify the carnage on this land.

Who's home is the land for Arlington National Cemetary? Want to erase THAT fact? What about Washington and Lee University -- wanna put the Taliban purge and destruction to THAT?
You have statues but what you don`t have is slaves and they`re not coming back no matter how much homage you give to your statues of treasonous losers. :)
You guys are slaves to the collective
You have statues but what you don`t have is slaves and they`re not coming back no matter how much homage you give to your statues of treasonous losers. :)
Where did the OP say he wanted slaves?
And anyway, it’s the democraps who love exploiting people for slave labour.
Why does the OP worship statues of those who fought to enslave others? Apparently he thinks slavery was cool. I shouldn`t have to explain this like I was talking to a 12 year old but I guess I do.
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