Ferguson lay siege to Church, arresting over 40 people.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
New Low? Ferguson Cops Raid Church | The Free Thought Project

Protests in Ferguson, Missouri continued throughout Tuesday night, marking the 11th continuous day of demonstrations for justice for Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was shot to death by Officer Darren Wilson on August 9th.

According to reports on Twitter, police on Wednesday afternoon raided the local St. Marks Church, which had become a refuge and medical aid station for protesters who had been injured by tear gas.

Read more at New Low? Ferguson Cops Raid Church | The Free Thought Project
these low-lifes were providing cover for the looter and rioters.

Fuck them

There was no indication that was happening....

Other than all the looting and rioting that none of the protest leaders bothered to report to the cops?

Other than that there is no evidence of them providing cover for the perps?

There were different factions of protesters, but I know, you want to pigeon hole every one...
these low-lifes were providing cover for the looter and rioters.

Fuck them

Fuck Free Speech! --- Free Speech Zones!
Fuck the Freedom of Press --- Shoot them with Rubber Bullets!
Fuck Freedom of Assembly --- Gas the peaceful protestors!
Fuck Freedom of Religion --- arrest all those who provide aid to others!
Fuck their Grievances --- FUCK THOSE *******!

Fuck the Third Amendment! Martial Law everywhere! Put a cop in the home of every ******!
these low-lifes were providing cover for the looter and rioters.

Fuck them

Fuck Free Speech! --- Free Speech Zones!

Rioting and looting is not free speech, nor is it free speech to knowingly allow criminals to exploit your activities to engage in rioting and looting.

Fuck the Freedom of Press --- Shoot them with Rubber Bullets!

If reporters engage in taunting and disorderly conduct, bust their asses just like anyone else.

Fuck Freedom of Assembly --- Gas the peaceful protestors!

Peaceful? Maybe by day, but not by night, which implies the day time 'peacefulness' is a sham..

Fuck Freedom of Religion --- arrest all those who provide aid to others!

Yes, if idiot 'Christians' provide aid to people breaking the law, whether it is an illegal alien or a looter, that 'Christian' should go to jail.

Fuck their Grievances --- FUCK THOSE *******!

Yes, because rumors about a cop shooting a black man who was delivering to the cop a beat down is total justification for rioting, looting, assaulting other people.

Fuck the Third Amendment! Martial Law everywhere! Put a cop in the home of every ******!

No one is advocating martial law everywhere, only in the places that are having rioting and looting in large part thanks to these ass holes who think they are Christians.
these low-lifes were providing cover for the looter and rioters.

Fuck them

There was no indication that was happening....
Why do you suppose they did it then? Be careful, because your response will determine your credibility.

Who is they, the cops raided the place because of a zoning issue..The folks were there giving first aid in the church..

Bullshit. The cops often use regulatory laws to shut down what they know to be illegal operations of one kind or another but don't have enough hard evidence to prove in court, or at least not enough for the DA. One of the tweets described the church as "protester refuge & organizing center', so there is no way they didn't spot looters and rioters in the group. They just consider the criminal activities all justified in some perverse way.

Just because zoning issues may have been used, doesn't mean there was no other problem involved at all.
Folks, these looter are not operating unknown to the organizers at this church. The looters are quite plain about their intents and purpose, so the organizers are complicit with them.

Here is one example of some looters who were held back by an honest black man who can see the stupidity of looting local businesses because of what the cops are alleged to have done. These 'Christian' leaders know who is behind all this crap and they give them aid. That makes them equally guilty, IMO.
Amid Ferguson’s Turmoil One Man Stands Up To Looters And Shows Us What America Really Looks Like

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