Federal Judge Blocks Biden Mandate Requiring Medical Professionals To Provide Gender Reassignment Procedures

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Conservative Brief ^ | 08/11/2021 | Carmine Sabia

Joe Biden has been hit again by a federal court blocking his administration’s mandate that would require doctors to perform gender reassignment surgeries even if they do not want to.

U.S. District Court of Northern Texas, Reed O’Connor, sided with the Christian plaintiffs in issuing a permanent injunction saying they are “to be exempt from the government’s requirements to perform abortions and gender-transition procedures,” Yahoo News reported.

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a mandate on several religious organizations that would have required them to perform gender transition surgeries or abortions.

Judge Reed O’Connor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas permanently blocked the Biden administration from applying the mandate to all plaintiffs in the case. Those plaintiffs include the Franciscan Alliance, a Catholic hospital system that operates twelve hospitals in Indiana and Illinois, in addition to numerous other health facilities in those states.

The administration may not enforce the mandate on plaintiffs “in a manner that would require them to perform or provide insurance coverage for gender-transition procedures or abortions,” O’Connor wrote in his ruling.

Luke Goodrich, who is the vice president and legal counsel for the freedom advocacy group Becket, said, “No doctor should be forced to perform controversial, medically unsupported procedures that are contrary to their conscience and could be deeply harmful to their patients.”

The decision permanently enjoins Health And Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra from “interpreting or enforcing” the mandate “in a manner that would require them to perform or provide insurance coverage for gender-transition procedures or abortions, including by denying Federal financial assistance because of their failure to perform or provide insurance coverage for such procedures or by otherwise pursuing, charging, or assessing any penalties, fines, assessments, investigations, or other enforcement actions.”

“The Christian plaintiffs contend that violation of their statutory rights under RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) is an irreparable harm,” the judge said.

“The court agrees,” O’Connor said, “and concludes that enforcement of the 2021 interpretation (of Section 1557) forces Christian plaintiffs to face civil penalties or to perform gender-transition procedures and abortions contrary to their religious beliefs — a quintessential irreparable injury.”
The same judge struck down the mandate two years ago saying that the government “cannot force religious doctors and hospitals to perform gender transition procedures in violation of their conscience and professional medical judgment.”

The mandate was attached to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, by former President Obama’s administration.
It required healthcare providers to insure and perform gender transitions and it does not provide a religious exemption for providers.
Eight states, The Franciscan Alliance, and other Christian groups filed a lawsuit against the mandate and received a preliminary injunction on December 31, 2016, from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas that said the mandate “likely violates” the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
The injunction said that providers could not be mandated to provide abortions and gender transition surgeries against their religious beliefs but that other parts of the mandates stayed intact.

“Today’s ruling protects patients, aligns with current medical research, and ensures doctors aren’t forced to violate their religious beliefs and medical judgment,” Goodrich said in a series of tweets.
#BREAKING: Another federal court just blocked the Biden Admin’s controversial #TransgenderMandate, which seeks to force doctors to perform potentially harmful gender-transition procedures that violate their conscience and medical judgment: https://t.co/TgbHOmTN4M
— Luke Goodrich (@LukeWGoodrich) August 9, 2021

“The plaintiffs are a religious hospital & group of over 20,000 healthcare professionals (@CMDANational) who gladly serve ALL patients regardless of their sex or gender identity. They provide top-notch care to transgender patients for everything from cancer to the common cold,” he said.
“These religious doctors and hospitals joyfully serve ALL patients and routinely provide top-notch care to transgender patients. There is ample evidence, however, that some gender transition procedures can harm patients,” said.


What the hell? This makes no sense, this is utter insanity. If a doctor does not do that procedure then how the hell is he going to know how in the first place?
U.S. District Court of Northern Texas, Reed O’Connor, sided with the Christian plaintiffs in issuing a permanent injunction saying they are “to be exempt from the government’s requirements to perform abortions and gender-transition procedures,” Yahoo News reported.
Dr. Martin Luther in the 1500s already kindly and patiently explained that man cannot be saved by works, or operations, performed, as it were, under the law, medical or otherwise.

If the doctors are otherwise incompetent or unable or unwilling to perform the gender transition operations, then how can the patients expect good results if these works or operations are performed under the law and not according to Scripture?

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a mandate on several religious organizations that would have required them to perform gender transition surgeries or abortions.
The Biden administration is essentially ordering the enforcement of anti-trans Feminists' locker room goal of requiring abortion or infanticide in cases where the child cannot be raised the right gender or the sex of the child cannot be properly ascertained.

Given that Jewis bris circumcision and African female genital mutilation are regularly performed in infants out of pure spite, malice, bloodlust and desire to cause harm, how can anyone in his right mind trust these doctors or their fellows to perform any surgical procedures or operations in the hope of restoring or regenerating the right form and function of the human body entrusted to their care?
“The plaintiffs are a religious hospital & group of over 20,000 healthcare professionals (@CMDANational) who gladly serve ALL patients regardless of their sex or gender identity. They provide top-notch care to transgender patients for everything from cancer to the common cold,” he said.
These doctors, all of them, every last one of them, whether they call themselves Christian or not, simply need to whipped, flogged, and beaten out of any delusions that they are providing "quality" or "top notch" care for anybody at all, let alone the patients they so thoroughly despise.

This is along the same 'guidelines' as not forcing Docs to perform abortions.

What's the name of the oath that Doc's take to get their license??
Conservative Brief ^ | 08/11/2021 | Carmine Sabia

Joe Biden has been hit again by a federal court blocking his administration’s mandate that would require doctors to perform gender reassignment surgeries even if they do not want to.

U.S. District Court of Northern Texas, Reed O’Connor, sided with the Christian plaintiffs in issuing a permanent injunction saying they are “to be exempt from the government’s requirements to perform abortions and gender-transition procedures,” Yahoo News reported.

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a mandate on several religious organizations that would have required them to perform gender transition surgeries or abortions.

Judge Reed O’Connor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas permanently blocked the Biden administration from applying the mandate to all plaintiffs in the case. Those plaintiffs include the Franciscan Alliance, a Catholic hospital system that operates twelve hospitals in Indiana and Illinois, in addition to numerous other health facilities in those states.

The administration may not enforce the mandate on plaintiffs “in a manner that would require them to perform or provide insurance coverage for gender-transition procedures or abortions,” O’Connor wrote in his ruling.

Luke Goodrich, who is the vice president and legal counsel for the freedom advocacy group Becket, said, “No doctor should be forced to perform controversial, medically unsupported procedures that are contrary to their conscience and could be deeply harmful to their patients.”

The decision permanently enjoins Health And Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra from “interpreting or enforcing” the mandate “in a manner that would require them to perform or provide insurance coverage for gender-transition procedures or abortions, including by denying Federal financial assistance because of their failure to perform or provide insurance coverage for such procedures or by otherwise pursuing, charging, or assessing any penalties, fines, assessments, investigations, or other enforcement actions.”

“The Christian plaintiffs contend that violation of their statutory rights under RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) is an irreparable harm,” the judge said.

“The court agrees,” O’Connor said, “and concludes that enforcement of the 2021 interpretation (of Section 1557) forces Christian plaintiffs to face civil penalties or to perform gender-transition procedures and abortions contrary to their religious beliefs — a quintessential irreparable injury.”
The same judge struck down the mandate two years ago saying that the government “cannot force religious doctors and hospitals to perform gender transition procedures in violation of their conscience and professional medical judgment.”

The mandate was attached to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, by former President Obama’s administration.
It required healthcare providers to insure and perform gender transitions and it does not provide a religious exemption for providers.
Eight states, The Franciscan Alliance, and other Christian groups filed a lawsuit against the mandate and received a preliminary injunction on December 31, 2016, from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas that said the mandate “likely violates” the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
The injunction said that providers could not be mandated to provide abortions and gender transition surgeries against their religious beliefs but that other parts of the mandates stayed intact.

“Today’s ruling protects patients, aligns with current medical research, and ensures doctors aren’t forced to violate their religious beliefs and medical judgment,” Goodrich said in a series of tweets.

“The plaintiffs are a religious hospital & group of over 20,000 healthcare professionals (@CMDANational) who gladly serve ALL patients regardless of their sex or gender identity. They provide top-notch care to transgender patients for everything from cancer to the common cold,” he said.
“These religious doctors and hospitals joyfully serve ALL patients and routinely provide top-notch care to transgender patients. There is ample evidence, however, that some gender transition procedures can harm patients,” said.


What the hell? This makes no sense, this is utter insanity. If a doctor does not do that procedure then how the hell is he going to know how in the first place?
Link: By gutting Obamacare, Judge Reed O’Connor handed Texas a win. It wasn’t the first time.

In 2015, it was an Obama administration effort to extend family leave benefits to gay couples. In 2016, it was an Obama administration guideline allowing transgender children to use school bathrooms that align with their gender identity. And on Friday, it was the entirety of Obamacare that U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor struck down as unconstitutional after a Texas-led coalition of 20 states sued this year to kill it.

"Over the past four years, O’Connor has handed Texas major wins in several high-profile Texas v. United States lawsuits. And it doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that those cases landed in his court. The North Texas judge has emerged as something of a favorite for the Texas Attorney General’s Office, a notoriously litigious legal battalion known for challenging the federal government in cases and controversies across the country.

"Since 2015, almost half of challenges to the federal government that Texas filed in district courts here landed in O’Connor’s courtroom, attorney general’s office records show. He is one of several dozen federal judges of his rank in the state.

"Active in the conservative Federalist Society, O’Connor is a former aide to U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and a former federal prosecutor in North Texas who has been rumored to be on the short list for a promotion to a federal appeals court. O’Connor, a 2007 appointee of President George W. Bush, worked in relative obscurity until 2015, when Texas’ litigation force began to frequent his courtroom. Since then, he’s earned a reputation as a no-nonsense conservative darling."

With judges like O'Connor, there will be no justice in America.

A rare bit of common sense but it shouldn't only be the Christian facilities and professionals that are protected under this powerplay.

Any medic should be able to opt-in and object to it on the same grounds that there's overwhelming evidence that it's harmful.
christianizing-only is the pathology.
A rare bit of common sense but it shouldn't only be the Christian facilities and professionals that are protected under this powerplay.

Any medic should be able to opt-in and object to it on the same grounds that there's overwhelming evidence that it's harmful.
Trannies are mentally ill-------which opens a whole can of worms for the doctors and insurance companies. No one should be forced to do gender reassignment surgery---its wrong.
Transsexuals are NOT all mentally ill — not by a long shot. This judge’s decision seems correct to me. At least from what little I’ve read. The ruling will probably effect very few people, as such operations — on adults — are usually undertaken by specialists, for obvious reasons.

But folks here should realize that sex re-alignment surgery is ALREADY performed at virtually all religious hospitals. In some it is performed fairly frequently. How is that possible, you ask?

The real number of “intersex” births is almost always covered up by early “corrective” surgery. Estimates of “intersex” (hermaphroditic) births used to be estimated as 1 in 2,000 — but there are reasonable arguments being made that the actual number is some ten times higher. I am not talking about “full hermaphrodites” (extremely rare) but of very real partial ones, where there are obvious physical effects evident on the baby’s sex organs, internal and external. Usually the parents are informed when (and if) these anomalies are discovered, a decision is made, while the birth certificate reflects that decision only.

How can this be? The truth is many factors, including simple hormonal disruptions, can profoundly change the fetus’ sexual development. Hormonal changes also profoundly change brain circuitry in the fetus, and some transgender or gender dysphoric “feelings” almost certainly have such roots. Drugs now banned (like DES, which was once widely used to prevent miscarriages) clearly & frequently led to both dramatic physical and less obvious brain changes in the past. So “biological reality” for many is complicated. Sometimes intersex characteristics only are obvious later in life.

Just thought I would clarify this for those who believe with almost religious fervor that “there are only two biological sexes and you are born either male or female.”

The short but well known XX, XY (and XXY and XYY) chromosome configurations are themselves only very short genetic “triggers” whose effect can be suppressed or overwhelmed by outside hormonal influences on the fetus at different stages, leading to different results. Apparently early disruption tends to physical changes, later disruption effects more the evolving brain.

Parents with infants born with a tiny deformed penis and the internal organs of a woman, or vice versa, are usually expected to go along with medical advice (which usually is to make the child appear as a woman since that is often easiest surgically speaking) but children as they grow up often discover the truth, or at least a truth that their brain alone tells them. There are many hundreds of thousands of people with such conditions.

I am not arguing that there are not some people driven to “mental illness” by these various and different conditions. These conditions are typically very difficult for those born with them to deal with, given peer pressure and the expectations of society. Many of these people do not feel particularly “gay or lesbian” either, though many try living as such. Parents with infants with a tiny penis but the internal organs of a woman, or vice versa, usually are horrified and go along with medical advice, but children as they grow up often feel a mistake was made, feel cheated, or discover a truth that their brain alone tells them.

I think these cases of intersex people account for most sex altering surgery. That doesn’t mean surgery later in life is always successful, or a good idea. Or that it should be encouraged (either in infants or adults with these conditions). The high rate of suicides after adult surgery is a fact — apparently it rarely meets all hoped for expectations, and can lead to many expected and unexpected problems. But many do do well, especially if they are well aware of their options beforehand, get excellent treatment, and are upper middle class with resources and the support of loved ones. For many there is danger that regret after surgery can set in, too. Such surgery can certainly be wildly inappropriate, especially if the patient is too young, confused, or emotionally unprepared.

The faddishness of the LGBT movement in some circles is not the main problem, at least in my judgement. I think that expresses itself mostly in straight people who call themselves “bisexual” but almost never live with partners of the same sex, or else in mostly harmless “experimenting” among youth. Our society is changing, and that sometimes requires us getting used to tolerating people living their own lives in ways we find hard to accept. A great majority of Americans today support “same sex marriage” — something inconceivable just 20 years ago. Most of us learned to love “The Village People.” Hell, even Donald Trump stole their “Macho Man” and “YMCA” songs for his campaign rallies!
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Most transsexuals are mentally ill. Most of then, particularly the men are really transvestites. They like wearing women's clothing. They are men in every other respect. Intersexed individuals are exceedingly rare, as any gynecologist or delivery room nurse will tell you.
Most transsexuals are mentally ill. Most of then, particularly the men are really transvestites. They like wearing women's clothing. They are men in every other respect. Intersexed individuals are exceedingly rare, as any gynecologist or delivery room nurse will tell you.
Why can't the docs and nurses be forced to shut up, coerced into respecting patient confidentiality, and pistol-whipped into a general respect of gun rights, Second Amendment, and Constitution? Waterboarded, restrained on a rack, shot up with truth serum and forced to confess to some of their more hideous crimes?

Isn't that what most women want? Equality? To be treated just like men in every respect? Aren't there more than a few purse-snatchers and barely-of-age lesbian prostitutes at the "hospital" where you work?
Most transsexuals are mentally ill. Most of then, particularly the men are really transvestites. They like wearing women's clothing. They are men in every other respect. Intersexed individuals are exceedingly rare, as any gynecologist or delivery room nurse will tell you.
Have you special personal knowledge, as opposed to just special prejudice, regarding intersex individuals? Do you want to argue with my figures?

If you ask experts at medical centers how often a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births. But it is today almost universally acknowledged that a lot more people than that are born with subtler forms of sex anatomical or chromosomal variations, some of which won’t show up until much later in life, if ever. The brain chemistry and personality changes are still another factor. Out of 3.75 million births each year in the U.S., there are thus a lot of intersex people, many only recently “coming out,” whom you wish to deny.

By the way, “sex reassignment” surgery means many different things and can be relatively minor cosmetic surgery or very major surgery indeed. Millions of normal men take sex-enhancing hormones, and many even get penile implants, and millions more feel “inadequate” sexually as men. Women too often need hormonal supplements for various reasons.

In the past there was little to no tolerance in U.S. society for obvious intersex individuals — and even today almost all get “snip and tuck” corrective surgery at birth. In ancient times they usually grew up naturally (without infant surgery) and thus were often openly recognized (or even celebrated) as what they were. These are … “just the facts, mam.”
I have known numerous transsexuals as well as baby delivering doctors and delivery room nurses. Most of whom have never seen an intersexed child born. I had a good friend, a male to female trans who believed herself to be intersexed. It was an error in judgement calling her male. I'm sure in her case it was.

I have no idea what your background is. From your post and presentation it sounds like a whole bunch of wishful thinking.

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