Federal abuses on Obama's watch represent a growing blight on his legacy


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
The leftist media aiding and abetting the dnc is not news. the depth at which they go is still shocking and should be pointed out again and again.

so many people think the media isn't telling them EXACTLY what they want them to hear...
I regard Monica Crowley's opinion as very bias, she is a Fox news contribution and a right wing fanatic. The Hill has become right wing bias. She joined Trump team then dropped out due to allegations of plagiarizing.
Yes, a corrupt businessman conspiring with a foreign power to influence our election is nothing our government should be worried about.

Who are you speaking of Joe?

The HRC Campaign that hired an agency to spy on a political candidate running
against her by using a foreign agent, who used Russian agents to gather undocumented dirt.

Adam Shit who talked with Russians about acquiring dirt of the POTUS in an
attempt to overthrow him.

Mark Warner, who talked to a Russian, who was a close friend of Putin
trying to locate Christopher Steele, to get dirt on the POTUS in an attempt
to overthrow him.

Two American spies paying two Russian spies for info on the POTUS to
use in overthrowing him and to also get stolen cyber material from the NSA.
They paid 100,000 taxpayer dollars and got nothing.

You know...Considering Putin was a Colonel in the KGB, every time
one of these libs colludes with the Russians Putin knows he is disrupting
the American Government. The Russians take it all back to Putin.

Your remarks are a hoped for pipe dream...my comments have all been
proven. As long as the worthless, shit libs are colluding with the Russians
the Russians are gonna keep on feeding them nonsense.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.
Other than being the first non-white POTUS, Obama's legacy has dwindled close to oblivion. He is the least consequential president since Gerald Ford, and that includes Carter.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.
This is the Transformation of America Obama spoke of.
Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.

Yup, them black people, complaining about cops shooting them in the back! FUcking Obama complaining about that. Clearly, they'd be happy with the cops shooting them in the back if Obama hadn't complained about it.
Who are you speaking of Joe?

The HRC Campaign...

guy, turn off the Hate Radio and Faux News...

Your boy Trump was in with the Russians. Deal with it.

I have the facts Joe...you don't.

I've heard the Shit conversation. I've seen the transcript of the Warner
conversation. We've all seen that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign
financed the foreign agents. We heard about the spies last week.

Deal with it my man. Or (s)he, or whatever you believe you are today.
I have the facts Joe...you don't.

I've heard the Shit conversation. I've seen the transcript of the Warner
conversation. We've all seen that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign
financed the foreign agents. We heard about the spies last week.

Deal with it my man. Or (s)he, or whatever you believe you are today.

Okay, buddy, here's the thing. No matter how much shit you fling against the wall, the fact it, it's Trump's buddies who are copping pleas and being indicted.

I'm sure they have tons of proof.

but it's only been a year...

Four indictments so far, um, yeah, they have plenty of proof.
I have the facts Joe...you don't.

I've heard the Shit conversation. I've seen the transcript of the Warner
conversation. We've all seen that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign
financed the foreign agents. We heard about the spies last week.

Deal with it my man. Or (s)he, or whatever you believe you are today.

Okay, buddy, here's the thing. No matter how much shit you fling against the wall, the fact it, it's Trump's buddies who are copping pleas and being indicted.

I'm sure they have tons of proof.

but it's only been a year...

Four indictments so far, um, yeah, they have plenty of proof.
any convictions?


after a year, you hopeful sheep are still hoping. as you've been told
Yup, Monica Crowley has done a fine job of spinning the story the right wing has been creating and building and sprouting, and regurgitating with the help of complicit Congress critters, for months and months in her OPINION piece that she plopped in to The Hill.

There is an awful lot of innuendo, but quite shy on facts and depth and proof... all talk.

I'm not saying our FBI or NSA or any intelligence agency is perfect..they are humans running it, so of course they are not perfect...but trying to make Obama THE MONSTER for it all is really all that's left for the right wing to do to rile their troops, against 'the black president'...

It would have been a complete dereliction of duty for our intelligence agencies to NOT follow thru with the Russian interference in our election process and possible coordination with Team Trump.

No one in those departments did anything to hurt the election process and Trump's run....and win.... if that was the alleged goal... While the FBI/Comey seems to have done everything to sabotage Hillary's run....just doesn't fit in to Monica's story I suppose.....?

No one in the FBI did anything to hurt Trump or prevent him from winning during the election cycle, they held back in telling us that Trump team was under FBI investigation...

Why would they do that, if their goal was to keep Trump from winning?

They ushered him in, for goodness sake.
"In all of the discussions about the political weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI, alleged corruption at the highest echelons of those agencies and serial abuse of the secret FISA process surrounding the 2016 election, one name has been conspicuously absent: President Barack Obama.

High-ranking officials and other major players in those agencies — which Obama oversaw — are increasingly embroiled in the growing scandal: James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Andrew Weissmann, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr.

Given the tight control Obama exercised over every part of his administration and agenda, the idea that any of these appointees and loyalists freelanced their activities without at least his tacit approval or that of his White House strains credulity." - source
People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones
Do I think trump is trying to force the FBI into doing his bidding? Yes. Do I think Obama did the exact same thing? Yes. Both parties do it. Somehow, the corporately owned MSM seems to give Obama a pass on this instead, giving people the impression that only trump has/is doing it. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have no love for trump, nor Obama. Both parties are corrupt.

While not an in-depth article, it does outline the general characteristics of what Obama was up to. His fan base as as equally filled with zealots as trumps. He was hardly a saint the MSM pictures him to be.

Only legacy Obama left was being the first black to ever be elected POTUS and he screwed the pooch

Dropped the ball

Screwed it up

Obama's fail manifested the Trump revival of Red, White and Blue America

Obama left behind a legacy of children murdering children. Of people who have no right to be in this country openly protesting this country INSIDE of this country. A legacy of hatred and division in the NFL. A legacy of setting back race relations in this country 50 years. Now there is racism where there was none.

Yup, them black people, complaining about cops shooting them in the back! FUcking Obama complaining about that. Clearly, they'd be happy with the cops shooting them in the back if Obama hadn't complained about it.
WEird.....many of the shootings you're talking about were black cops.

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