FDR Admiration Society

You said he was elected in 1932. Ya, elected, but did not take office until March of '33. By rhe way, by 1941 unemployment was below 10% and by 42 and 43 below 5%. Hence, your economic whiz's are claiming below 10% is a depression, Most economist and historians have the depression ending in 1940.

Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
If it took WWII for America to get out of the depression that is evidence that FDR's New Deal did not spend nearly enough.
The depression required war-time spending. We now know from FDR and the Great Depression that the amount of money spent must be ample. We also know from the same sources that the program to end the depression cannot be stopped as soon as their are indications the depression is leaving. At least we now have some kind of answer to depressions that we didn't have when FDR took office.

So if a president today said he was going to abandon anti-trust law and allow corporate collusion do drive competition out of business and raise prices you would think it's a sound policy

How about the time FDR took over all production in this country and told business what they could produce, who they could hire and what supplies they could get ?
And you refuse to answer my question

Is abandoning anti trust law and allowing corporate collusion to eliminate competition in order to drive up prices sound economic policy?

Does it make sense to slaughter 6 million pigs so as to drive up the price of pork when people were going hungry?

This is exactly what FDR did yet you celebrate him while you would certainly excoriate any president for doing so today
Desperate times call for desperate measures
The propaganda bubble that the FDR legacy rests on is awesome. FDR was elected in 1932 and under his ineffective "leadership" the relatively mild recession turned into a freaking bodies in the ditch soup line depression for his next two terms. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court and the bigot paid him back with a judicial decision that justified incarcerating American citizens and confiscating their property without due process. The FDR administration's racist view of the Japanese led to one of the most notorious examples of negligence in American history when the Japanese killed 3,000 Americans in the Pearl Harbor attack. Thanks to the unrelenting propaganda of the fawning media the Pearl Harbor attack was viewed as some sort of victory. Democrats finally wheeled a virtual corpse around to campaign for his 4th term and true to form the media pretended that FDR was healthy while he was practically comatose due to several strokes. The DNC knew it and dumped the sitting V.P. while he was on vacation and hired a successor. FDR lasted about three months into his 4th term and his medical records disappeared. Almost everything we were taught about the FDR years was political propaganda.
You were doing fine until you characterized the Great Depression as a "mild recession"
I stopped reading after that
You made it further than I did
Hoover's plan to end the depression was to loan business money so they could continue manufacturing products. the public had no money to buy. Do Republicans have any other plan to fight depressions and recessions, except Hoover's RFC or their balance the budget plan? They certainly wouldn't use FDR's plan to have the government get involved--or would they?
Hoover's plan to end the depression was to loan business money so they could continue manufacturing products. the public had no money to buy. Do Republicans have any other plan to fight depressions and recessions, except Hoover's RFC or their balance the budget plan? They certainly wouldn't use FDR's plan to have the government get involved--or would they?
Hoover’s plan was “prosperity is just around the corner”
Just let the economy work itself out

FDR realized you just can’t let the economy work itself out. People have to eat every day, you can’t just let people suffer while you wait for trickle down
The propaganda bubble that the FDR legacy rests on is awesome. FDR was elected in 1932 and under his ineffective "leadership" the relatively mild recession turned into a freaking bodies in the ditch soup line depression for his next two terms. FDR appointed a former KKK member to the supreme court and the bigot paid him back with a judicial decision that justified incarcerating American citizens and confiscating their property without due process. The FDR administration's racist view of the Japanese led to one of the most notorious examples of negligence in American history when the Japanese killed 3,000 Americans in the Pearl Harbor attack. Thanks to the unrelenting propaganda of the fawning media the Pearl Harbor attack was viewed as some sort of victory. Democrats finally wheeled a virtual corpse around to campaign for his 4th term and true to form the media pretended that FDR was healthy while he was practically comatose due to several strokes. The DNC knew it and dumped the sitting V.P. while he was on vacation and hired a successor. FDR lasted about three months into his 4th term and his medical records disappeared. Almost everything we were taught about the FDR years was political propaganda.
You were doing fine until you characterized the Great Depression as a "mild recession"
I stopped reading after that
You made it further than I did
One of rhe most silly posts in this thread. "Mild recession" to describe a crashed stock market, 25% unemployment and banks closing and going bankrupt from coast to coast. But, the poster calls that a "mild recession".
Hoover's plan to end the depression was to loan business money so they could continue manufacturing products. the public had no money to buy. Do Republicans have any other plan to fight depressions and recessions, except Hoover's RFC or their balance the budget plan? They certainly wouldn't use FDR's plan to have the government get involved--or would they?
FDR guaranteed loans for state governments for infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, public buildings, schools utility systems, etc., using gold in the federal reserve as collateral and creating jobs for citizens. All of those loans were paid back in full. It was hailed as a brilliant solution and key element in making rhe GB survivable for millions of Americans who would be listed as unemployed, even to this day, and considered as "welfare recipients" as they constructed infrastructure, much of which is still being used today.
Yeah it took WWII to get us out of the Depression not FDR's policies that were designed to reduce competition and raise prices

Can you show me anyone who thinks government policy to allow collusion and violations of antitrust laws so as to decrease competition and raise prices is sound policy?
If it took WWII for America to get out of the depression that is evidence that FDR's New Deal did not spend nearly enough.
The depression required war-time spending. We now know from FDR and the Great Depression that the amount of money spent must be ample. We also know from the same sources that the program to end the depression cannot be stopped as soon as their are indications the depression is leaving. At least we now have some kind of answer to depressions that we didn't have when FDR took office.

So if a president today said he was going to abandon anti-trust law and allow corporate collusion do drive competition out of business and raise prices you would think it's a sound policy

How about the time FDR took over all production in this country and told business what they could produce, who they could hire and what supplies they could get ?
And you refuse to answer my question

Is abandoning anti trust law and allowing corporate collusion to eliminate competition in order to drive up prices sound economic policy?

Does it make sense to slaughter 6 million pigs so as to drive up the price of pork when people were going hungry?

This is exactly what FDR did yet you celebrate him while you would certainly excoriate any president for doing so today
Desperate times call for desperate measures

The times wouldn't have been so desperate if not for FDR's unconstitutional polices
One of the problems of the Great Depression was that selling prices dropped so low that it cost more to make the product than it could be sold for. The example of that was in the farms. It cost more to feed the pigs than the prlce the farmer could get if he sold the pigs. Pigs were destroyed with other farm products because the pigs were to costly to even market.
The NIRA was an attempt to make sure a profit could be made on products. It failed because businessmen set the profit margin too high.
And the NIRA was found to be unconstitutional
One of the problems of the Great Depression was that selling prices dropped so low that it cost more to make the product than it could be sold for. The example of that was in the farms. It cost more to feed the pigs than the prlce the farmer could get if he sold the pigs. Pigs were destroyed with other farm products because the pigs were to costly to even market.
The NIRA was an attempt to make sure a profit could be made on products. It failed because businessmen set the profit margin too high.
And the NIRA was found to be unconstitutional
One of the problems of the Great Depression was that selling prices dropped so low that it cost more to make the product than it could be sold for. The example of that was in the farms. It cost more to feed the pigs than the prlce the farmer could get if he sold the pigs. Pigs were destroyed with other farm products because the pigs were to costly to even market.
The NIRA was an attempt to make sure a profit could be made on products. It failed because businessmen set the profit margin too high.
And the NIRA was found to be unconstitutional
NIRA was set to expire in June of 1935. Declared as unconstitutional on May 27, 1935, the ruling had no effect and was met with a shrug and no challenge as the administration had already begun other programs, making NIRA obsolete.
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Hoover's plan to end the depression was to loan business money so they could continue manufacturing products. the public had no money to buy. Do Republicans have any other plan to fight depressions and recessions, except Hoover's RFC or their balance the budget plan? They certainly wouldn't use FDR's plan to have the government get involved--or would they?
Hoover’s plan was “prosperity is just around the corner”
Just let the economy work itself out

FDR realized you just can’t let the economy work itself out. People have to eat every day, you can’t just let people suffer while you wait for trickle down
The communists were licking their chops to get at us when the Depression hit. Hungry people like the sound of sharing the wealth.
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

Right man at the right time

Imagine if we had a Republican running things?
Hoover's plan to end the depression was to loan business money so they could continue manufacturing products. the public had no money to buy. Do Republicans have any other plan to fight depressions and recessions, except Hoover's RFC or their balance the budget plan? They certainly wouldn't use FDR's plan to have the government get involved--or would they?
Hoover’s plan was “prosperity is just around the corner”
Just let the economy work itself out

FDR realized you just can’t let the economy work itself out. People have to eat every day, you can’t just let people suffer while you wait for trickle down
The communists were licking their chops to get at us when the Depression hit. Hungry people like the sound of sharing the wealth.
They were looking for a fair deal
They weren’t getting it
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

Right man at the right time

Imagine if we had a Republican running things?
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

Right man at the right time

Imagine if we had a Republican running things?
Coolidge and Hoover gave Republicans 12 years of Presidential control. The result was obscene wealth for a small percentage of the richest Americans and destitution and starvation for the poor and working class along with rhe worst depression in history. And the depression went global causing fascism and authoritarian dictatorships in Europe which eventually led to WWII.
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

Right man at the right time

Imagine if we had a Republican running things?
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

Right man at the right time

Imagine if we had a Republican running things?
Coolidge and Hoover gave Republicans 12 years of Presidential control. The result was obscene wealth for a small percentage of the richest Americans and destitution and starvation for the poor and working class along with rhe worst depression in history. And the depression went global causing fascism and authoritarian dictatorships in Europe which eventually led to WWII.
You forgot Harding, one of the worst Presidents in history and the most like Trump in his personal failings
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

So was Saddam Hussein, I guess. He was re-elected by wide margins.
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

So was Saddam Hussein, I guess. He was re-elected by wide margins.
Oh, great, now we are comparing Sadam era Iraq elections to American elections of the 1930's and 40's. Because Iraq during rhe 1980's and 90's was just like America in rhe 1930's and 49's.
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

So was Saddam Hussein, I guess. He was re-elected by wide margins.
Oh, great, now we are comparing Sadam era Iraq elections to American elections of the 1930's and 40's. Because Iraq during rhe 1980's and 90's was just like America in rhe 1930's and 49's.
Hyperbole is all he has
Funny how political ideologues whine and criticize FDR 80 or 90 years after his era, but the folks who lived during that period and era kept electing him over and over. He was truly a beloved President.

So was Saddam Hussein, I guess. He was re-elected by wide margins.
Oh, great, now we are comparing Sadam era Iraq elections to American elections of the 1930's and 40's. Because Iraq during rhe 1980's and 90's was just like America in rhe 1930's and 49's.

You set the standard. I just pointed out another example. Need some more? Or are you starting to get the idea of why we had to amend the Constitution after the fucking scumbag fdr?

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