FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

And you are a dumb ass. Anyone who thinks this is a witch hunt after 36/37 indictments, can't be anything else.

Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
Except there is no proven abuse of the courts power in the case of the Russia investigation. Conjecture is an excuse used by cowards, who haven't proven abuse.

There's plenty of proof that Mueller is abusing his powers. That's why hes' getting sued for $350 million, you fucking douchebag moron. Mueller has a long history of prosecutorial abuse.
Jerome Corsi said he is prepared to go to jail for lying. Enough said.

NOPE! just a Gimmick of a lawsuit that will go no where!
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.
Wrong Dead Wrong

The deep state feared trump would charge the proven high treason crimes by the media rigging the debate by giving the questions to the one they wanted and needed to win... So that she would cover up all the crimes they have been doing

Next the democrat party itself rigged the election by rigging the primary against sanders for the very same person

So the Russia which hunt was fake and used to blackmail trump into not going after the deep states real crimes

In the next 2 months this blackmail. By mueller will be seen as true by the people who will see the deep state truly are the crooks

In 2 months a lot higher wages coming with lower gas prices and black and Hispanic employment will be at the highest level ever

Which will prove the democrats and Rino republicans are indeed corrupt to the core

Folks are pleading guilty and Mueller is blackmailing people. Got it. Do you have any idea how unbelievably stupid your statements are?
Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?

1. Neither one of us have any idea what past Presidents may or may not have done.

2. What past President had to worry about a politically hostile FBI? This is on you libs, and your call for "resistance".

3. The FBI, does not have the credibility to make such a call anymore.

4. Only a mad fool, would consider for a second, such a mad and foolish idea.
No one has stolen translator talking points and any one with a functioning brain knows that with this corrupt individual, he wouldn't think twice to do it. There is not one thing thatis normal about those actions. couple that with Manafort giving private polling data away to Russians, only a straight up idiot wouldn't know Trump isn't in the pocket of Putin.
That's all pure horseshit. That's all you post.
If it's "horseshit" how come you didn't prove it? Show me another time when a president stole the translators copies of a conversation.
Your witch hunt might gin up a nice witch burning. You prepared to deal with the blow back?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?
Why would Trump even respond to such pure idiocy? How can Trump "steal" anything that his administration is paying for? Snowflake douchebags have a special talent for making perfectly normal legal activities sound like crimes.
Taking away the translator's notes is not "normal activity", and you can't cite such an example.
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?
Why would Trump even respond to such pure idiocy? How can Trump "steal" anything that his administration is paying for? Snowflake douchebags have a special talent for making perfectly normal legal activities sound like crimes.
Taking away the translator's notes is not "normal activity", and you can't cite such an example.
No President has been as deceptive in dealing with other countries leaders ,,,much less our enemy Putin Something imo is very wrong here and Trump is up to his neck in shit
Obstruction is the conspiracy. It's all about the money and Trump's enrichment. I'm not sure why we make this more complicated than it is? It's a heist. That's what all this is ultimately about. You don't go and follow the translator around to steal his notes for no reason. There are no secrets with Putin and Trump right? Trump needs to hand over the notes. It's that simple.
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Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
Except there is no proven abuse of the courts power in the case of the Russia investigation. Conjecture is an excuse used by cowards, who haven't proven abuse.

There's plenty of proof that Mueller is abusing his powers. That's why hes' getting sued for $350 million, you fucking douchebag moron. Mueller has a long history of prosecutorial abuse.
Oh? What proof is there?
The fact that he told Corsi to commit perjury, for one thing.
You don’t know that he did. All you have is Jerome Corsi’s word and Jerome Corsi is a proven liar.
When was Corsi proven to be a liar?
So, because the rule of law is working in the wrong direction for you, others need to feel the pressure from threats? Is that it?

Witch hunts are a corruption and a weakening of the Rule of Law.

I asked a simple question. You lefties have a nice witch hunt going. Are you prepared to deal with the blow back?
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?
Why would Trump even respond to such pure idiocy? How can Trump "steal" anything that his administration is paying for? Snowflake douchebags have a special talent for making perfectly normal legal activities sound like crimes.
Taking away the translator's notes is not "normal activity", and you can't cite such an example.
Prove it.
when your witch is caught give it your best shot but we all know you'll support that pos forever
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?

1. Neither one of us have any idea what past Presidents may or may not have done.

2. What past President had to worry about a politically hostile FBI? This is on you libs, and your call for "resistance".

3. The FBI, does not have the credibility to make such a call anymore.

4. Only a mad fool, would consider for a second, such a mad and foolish idea.
No one has stolen translator talking points and any one with a functioning brain knows that with this corrupt individual, he wouldn't think twice to do it. There is not one thing thatis normal about those actions. couple that with Manafort giving private polling data away to Russians, only a straight up idiot wouldn't know Trump isn't in the pocket of Putin.
That's all pure horseshit. That's all you post.
If it's "horseshit" how come you didn't prove it? Show me another time when a president stole the translators copies of a conversation.
You blow a lot of hot air, but zero proof. How can Trump "steal" the translator's notes? They belong to him. He determines what happens to them, moron, just like every other document the administration produces. Why would the translators notes in a classified meeting become public information? I've never heard of that. It seems to be a theory invented by the fake news media.
Yes, you did, after I pointed out you’re a mindless cultist for thinking it’s s witch hunt.

As far as blow back, that can mean anything from stomping feet to armed rebellion to anything in between. You’re asking posters to answer to that when you can’t even say what you mean by blow back.

1. Your denial of the obvious witch hunt, has already been dismissed, and ridiculed.

2. You are an asshole.

3. Correct, it could mean a wide range of possible responses. I asked if you considered it, and you obviously did not, because you are a moron and a fool.
And you are a dumb ass. Anyone who thinks this is a witch hunt after 36/37 indictments, can't be anything else.

Only someone completely ignorant of history would think that saying that a witch hunt, caught someone, is proof that witch hunt is not a witch hunt.

When you abuse the power of a court's office and corrupt the process and make the goal not finding the truth, but finding witches to burn,

that makes it easier to get convictions, not less, you moron. That is the whole POINT of a witch hunt.
You gotta understand, these morons believe there are actual witches. They actually believe Trump "colluded" with Putin. I've never seen such stupidity or gullibility in my entire life.
Lol! And the Manfort witch is in jail.
One more BIG witch to catch ,,, to be burned at the stake
Except there is no proven abuse of the courts power in the case of the Russia investigation. Conjecture is an excuse used by cowards, who haven't proven abuse.

There's plenty of proof that Mueller is abusing his powers. That's why hes' getting sued for $350 million, you fucking douchebag moron. Mueller has a long history of prosecutorial abuse.
Oh? What proof is there?
The fact that he told Corsi to commit perjury, for one thing.
You don’t know that he did. All you have is Jerome Corsi’s word and Jerome Corsi is a proven liar.
When was Corsi proven to be a liar?
Errors abound in anti-Obama book
Think about this for a minute. You have Trump running around stealing the notes from the translator when Trump had his private meeting with Putin. No president in our history has ever done such a crazy thing. And criticizing the FBI for looking into that, is absolutely insane.

And have you noticed that the Trump administration has yet to give an answer that Trump isn't working for Russia?

1. Neither one of us have any idea what past Presidents may or may not have done.

2. What past President had to worry about a politically hostile FBI? This is on you libs, and your call for "resistance".

3. The FBI, does not have the credibility to make such a call anymore.

4. Only a mad fool, would consider for a second, such a mad and foolish idea.
No one has stolen translator talking points and any one with a functioning brain knows that with this corrupt individual, he wouldn't think twice to do it. There is not one thing thatis normal about those actions. couple that with Manafort giving private polling data away to Russians, only a straight up idiot wouldn't know Trump isn't in the pocket of Putin.
That's all pure horseshit. That's all you post.
If it's "horseshit" how come you didn't prove it? Show me another time when a president stole the translators copies of a conversation.
You blow a lot of hot air, but zero proof. How can Trump "steal" the translator's notes? They belong to him. He determines what happens to them, moron, just like every other document the administration produces. Why would the translators notes in a classified meeting become public information? I've never heard of that. It seems to be a theory invented by the fake news media.

Why would Trump take the translator's notes.

Yes Trump has the power to take them. But why did he do it?

Let me know why you think Trump meets alone (outside a translator) with Putin without any advisors or other members of his administration.

What is he doing that he doesn't want anyone to know???

I understand how a Trump butt resident like you won't care but real Americans do.
Didn't you forget to factor in White privilege in this country?
o--I forgot --yes
.....I get any/every job I apply for--if the pay is too low, I just go and ask for 200,000 a year--and I automatically get it because I am white
...my father didn't have to work at all--his WHOLE life--because he is white
...when I go to restaurants, I get seated immediately
...I never have to wait in line/etc

...I've been over this before on many threads--blacks are GIVEN way more than whites
...blacks are doing well considering they graduate high school at lower levels = less to college where they graduate less = less qualified for good jobs......yet they are over represented in great jobs like the postal service
.....and those poor NBA/NFL players making MILLIONS$$$..... ooOOhh---you have to almost cry for them
....and people like Oprah-Obamas [ making TENS of MILLIONS$/etc
You are such a fucking dick. You are so stupid & ignorant not to know how difficult it is for non whites in this country.

You are disgusting. No wonder you love Trump.
It's not difficult at all for anyone willing to work.

So you think if your are black & have a job, you don't face any racism?
please try to not be stupid---the subject is white privilege !!!!!!!!
your buddy said white privilege
and by the why--NO--not as much racism as you people SCREAM about

You said it. Why are you running away from it?
You have t love the Trumpettes. Either Trump was working for the Russians or his decisions were so stupid that they helped the Russians more than Americans.

I have news, either option is bad.
You have t love the Trumpettes. Either Trump was working for the Russians or his decisions were so stupid that they helped the Russians more than Americans.

I have news, either option is bad.
He is Putins useful fool,,,,,,and our useless president
Whoa! Clear evidence of how pathetically biased the FBI is now.
More like clear evidence you are biased.
Thats all the repub party has ,,,bash obama hillary and then bash a great institution like the FBI BUT never a foul word for the slimebag in our WH
I some times wonder how I woke up in this world.
"Imagine if you woke up and everything was real"

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